Database administration
This section describes how to create, configure, save, deploy and export a database using the kdb Insights Enterprise UI.
The kdb Insights Database is a distributed time-series database built upon kdb+. kdb Insights databases enable you to manage and retrieve data through a tiered approach. It leverages faster access mechanisms for real-time, recent data, while employing slower, cost-effective methods for historical data
Database setup and configuration involves the following:
Create a new database
To create a new database:
- click
next to the database name in the left-hand menu, or - select Database from the menu displayed when you click + on the ribbon menu, or
click Build a Database on the Overview page.
Configure a database
The following database configuration options are available:
- Add and configure database schema
- Configure database settings
- Configure stream settings
- Configure database resources
Save a database
The database name can be set in the Name field above the tab selection. Enter a unique name for the new database and click Save.
Deploy a database
Every database includes a stream and set of schema tables, and must be deployed to be activated.
An active database is used to store data and is a requirement for working with data outside of testing. An active database shows a green circle with a tick next to its name in the left-hand entity tree list under Databases.
Export a database
Export converts databases created in the UI to the underlying YAML configuration. Click Export Configuration on the Other Actions menu.
An exported database can be deployed using the kdb Insights CLI.