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How to Deploy the FSI Accelerator

See the following for steps on how to deploy an FSI accelerator package.

Push the Packages

Push the fsi-lib and accelerator package to your kdb Insights Enterprise install using the kxi package push command.

 > ls /tmp/artifacts
fsi-data-assembly-1.0.0.kxi  fsi-lib-1.0.0.kxi
 > kxi package push --force fsi-lib/1.0.0
    "fsi-lib": [
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "_status": "InstallationStatus.SUCCESS"
 > kxi package push --force fsi-data-assembly/1.0.0
    "fsi-data-assembly": [
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "_status": "InstallationStatus.SUCCESS"
 > kxi package remote-list
    "fsi-data-assembly": [
            "fields": {},
            "version": "1.0.0"
    "fsi-lib": [
            "fields": {},
            "version": "1.0.0"

Bounce the aggregators and resource coordinators

Bounce the insights aggregators and resource coordinators to ensure the fsi-lib aggregation functions are picked up.

 > kubectl delete pod insights-aggregator-0
pod "insights-aggregator-0" deleted
 > kubectl delete pod insights-qe-aggregator-0
pod "insights-qe-aggregator-0" deleted
 > kubectl delete pod insights-resource-coordinator-0
pod "insights-resource-coordinator-0" deleted
 > kubectl delete pod insights-qe-resource-coordinator-0
pod "insights-qe-resource-coordinator-0" deleted

Note that if the pre-requisite has not been done that lists the package in the aggregator and resource co-ordinator, then the APIs will error reporting no such join function fsiJoin.

If the environment variables for the package were not set up pre-install in the values.yaml, they can be added by editing the stateful set.

 > kubectl edit sts insights-aggregator


        - name: KXI_PACKAGES
          value: fsi-lib:1.0.0

at spec.template.spec.contains.env next to

        - name: KX_PACKAGE_PATH
          value: /opt/kx/shared/packaging/packages

Deploy fsi-data-assembly

Deploy the fsi-data-assembly package with kxi package deploy.

 > kubectl get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS          AGE
insights-aggregator-0                           2/2     Running   221 (4h52m ago)   13h
insights-api-gateway-867d9776d5-r2g6d           1/1     Running   0                 14h
insights-client-controller-86b88cf88d-hcmtx     2/2     Running   0                 2d8h
insights-discovery-proxy-d478c5d7-scp6b         2/2     Running   237 (4h53m ago)   14h
insights-gui-848cf5b5d9-jfw2m                   1/1     Running   0                 22h
insights-gui-data-69b4f86899-gn6m8              1/1     Running   0                 2d8h
insights-gui-gateway-0                          1/1     Running   119 (4h55m ago)   14h
insights-information-service-65ffb69cfd-jgfqc   2/2     Running   0                 2d8h
insights-keycloak-0                             1/1     Running   1 (4d17h ago)     4d17h
insights-kxi-acc-svc-0                          1/1     Running   1 (4h48m ago)     4d8h
insights-kxi-controller-0                       2/2     Running   0                 4d17h
insights-kxi-discovery-service-0                1/1     Running   0                 4d17h
insights-kxi-package-manager-77d669db59-hkgv2   1/1     Running   0                 2d1h
insights-kxi-scratchpad-788985f968-tqjqp        1/1     Running   0                 4d17h
insights-kxi-service-broker-5c5978fb46-djt2z    1/1     Running   0                 14h
insights-kxi-sp-5f758b8c68-96wcp                2/2     Running   254 (4h52m ago)   15h
insights-postgresql-0                           1/1     Running   0                 15h
insights-qe-aggregator-0                        2/2     Running   253 (4h53m ago)   15h
insights-qe-gateway-84f58899f8-pdbt5            1/1     Running   109 (4h48m ago)   15h
insights-qe-resource-coordinator-0              2/2     Running   221 (4h52m ago)   13h
insights-resource-coordinator-0                 2/2     Running   220 (4h53m ago)   13h
insights-sg-gateway-767cc9db5d-6z7zg            1/1     Running   100 (4h55m ago)   2d22h
 > kxi package deploy fsi-data-assembly/1.0.0 --local --without-version
Deployment fsi-data-assembly-100-0f9a: Starting
Searching for potential name collisions:
Searching: Finished
Deployment fsi-data-assembly-100-0f9a: Ready
Deployment fsi-data-assembly-100-0f9a: Deployed
    "packageName": "fsi-data-assembly",
    "packageVersion": "1.0.0",
    "uuid": "d979635d-352a-4dca-8a01-2ae3e3550f9a",
    "status": "Deployed",
    "pipelines": [
    "databases": [
    "assemblies": [
    "streams": [
    "schemas": [
    "update_time": "2023-07-11T23:51:28.372986",
    "instance": "",
    "name": "fsi-data-assembly-100-0f9a",
    "deploy_name": "fsi-data-assembly",
    "error": {
        "content": ""
 > kubectl get pods
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS          AGE
fsi-data-assembly-cancordaybeforeyday-1-spwork-0       2/2     Running   0                 65s
fsi-data-assembly-cancordaybeforeyday-spctl-0          2/2     Running   0                 82s
fsi-data-assembly-cancoreachsecondtoday-1-spwork-0     2/2     Running   0                 58s
fsi-data-assembly-cancoreachsecondtoday-spctl-0        2/2     Running   0                 82s
fsi-data-assembly-cancortoday-1-spwork-0               2/2     Running   0                 62s
fsi-data-assembly-cancortoday-spctl-0                  2/2     Running   0                 81s
fsi-data-assembly-cancoryday-1-spwork-0                2/2     Running   0                 60s
fsi-data-assembly-cancoryday-spctl-0                   2/2     Running   0                 81s
fsi-data-assembly-dap-hdb-0                            2/2     Running   0                 82s
fsi-data-assembly-dap-idb-0                            2/2     Running   0                 82s
fsi-data-assembly-dap-rdb-0                            2/2     Running   0                 82s
fsi-data-assembly-qe-dap-hdb-0                         2/2     Running   0                 79s
fsi-data-assembly-qe-dap-idb-0                         2/2     Running   0                 79s
fsi-data-assembly-qe-dap-rdb-0                         2/2     Running   0                 79s
fsi-data-assembly-refcorpactions-1-spwork-0            2/2     Running   0                 60s
fsi-data-assembly-refcorpactions-spctl-0               2/2     Running   0                 82s
fsi-data-assembly-refinitivrealtime-1-spwork-0         2/2     Running   0                 60s
fsi-data-assembly-refinitivrealtime-spctl-0            2/2     Running   0                 82s
fsi-data-assembly-refinstrument-1-spwork-0             2/2     Running   0                 60s
fsi-data-assembly-refinstrument-spctl-0                2/2     Running   0                 81s
fsi-data-assembly-sm-0                                 2/2     Running   0                 82s
fsi-data-assembly-trthcancor-1-spwork-0                2/2     Running   0                 59s
fsi-data-assembly-trthcancor-spctl-0                   2/2     Running   0                 81s
fsi-data-assembly-trthquotes-1-spwork-0                2/2     Running   0                 60s
fsi-data-assembly-trthquotes-spctl-0                   2/2     Running   0                 81s
fsi-data-assembly-trthtrades-1-spwork-0                2/2     Running   0                 60s
fsi-data-assembly-trthtrades-spctl-0                   2/2     Running   0                 81s
insights-aggregator-0                           2/2     Running   221 (4h54m ago)   13h
insights-api-gateway-867d9776d5-r2g6d           1/1     Running   0                 14h
insights-client-controller-86b88cf88d-hcmtx     2/2     Running   0                 2d8h
insights-discovery-proxy-d478c5d7-scp6b         2/2     Running   237 (4h55m ago)   14h
insights-gui-848cf5b5d9-jfw2m                   1/1     Running   0                 22h
insights-gui-data-69b4f86899-gn6m8              1/1     Running   0                 2d8h
insights-gui-gateway-0                          1/1     Running   119 (4h57m ago)   14h
insights-information-service-65ffb69cfd-jgfqc   2/2     Running   0                 2d8h
insights-keycloak-0                             1/1     Running   1 (4d17h ago)     4d17h
insights-kxi-acc-svc-0                          1/1     Running   1 (4h50m ago)     4d8h
insights-kxi-controller-0                       2/2     Running   0                 4d17h
insights-kxi-discovery-service-0                1/1     Running   0                 4d17h
insights-kxi-package-manager-77d669db59-hkgv2   1/1     Running   0                 2d1h
insights-kxi-scratchpad-788985f968-tqjqp        1/1     Running   0                 4d17h
insights-kxi-service-broker-5c5978fb46-djt2z    1/1     Running   0                 14h
insights-kxi-sp-5f758b8c68-96wcp                2/2     Running   254 (4h54m ago)   15h
insights-postgresql-0                           1/1     Running   0                 15h
insights-qe-aggregator-0                        2/2     Running   253 (4h55m ago)   15h
insights-qe-gateway-84f58899f8-pdbt5            1/1     Running   109 (4h49m ago)   15h
insights-qe-resource-coordinator-0              2/2     Running   221 (4h54m ago)   13h
insights-resource-coordinator-0                 2/2     Running   220 (4h55m ago)   13h
insights-sg-gateway-767cc9db5d-6z7zg            1/1     Running   100 (4h56m ago)   2d22h
rt-fsi-data-assembly-fsi-data-0                        2/2     Running   0                 83s
rt-fsi-data-assembly-fsi-data-1                        2/2     Running   0                 67s
rt-fsi-data-assembly-fsi-data-2                        2/2     Running   0                 53s
rt-fsi-data-assembly-fsi-north-0                       2/2     Running   0                 82s
rt-fsi-data-assembly-fsi-north-1                       2/2     Running   0                 67s
rt-fsi-data-assembly-fsi-north-2                       2/2     Running   0                 53s