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Import data from cloud and relational data services.


Set up

  1. Access the UI

  2. Select a data service. Free tiers users can use the examples found in insights-demo to get started.

  3. Complete the workflow, then Open Pipeline.

  4. Changes can be made in the pipeline; for example, for Kafka import it is necessary to include a Map function. Save the pipeline when complete.

  5. Associate the pipeline with a Data assembly; use the assembly wizard to create a database if one does not already exist. Free tier users can assign pipelines to their insights-demo assembly once deployed. Save the assembly once the pipeline has been associated with it.


  6. Deploy the data assembly along with its associated import pipeline(s). A data assembly ready to query will show a green circle.

  7. Open an Explore tab to query the data. It may be necessary to refresh the browser for the assembly dropdown to populate. Opening the SQL tab is the quickest way to get data:

    SELECT * FROM tablename

Advanced Settings

Each pipeline created by the Import wizard will have an option for Advanced pipeline settings. It should be noted, no additional code is required for the standard import options described below. The Advanced settings include Global Code which is executed before a pipeline is started; this code may be necessary for Stream Processor hooks, globals and named functions.

Schema Column Parsing

Parsing of input data should be done for all time, timestamp, and string fields unless your input is IPC or RT


Data Service

In the following examples, broker or server fields should include the appropriate Kubernetes namespace substring as required. Further information can be found here. Free tier users have a number of sample data sets available as part of insights-demo; follow the Free Tier examples to get started.


Connect to an Apache Kafka distributed event streaming platform.

  1. Define the Reader node with the Kafka broker details, port information and topic name.

    Sample Kafka Reader Node

    • Broker: kafka:9092
    • Topic: trades
    • Offset: Start
  2. Event data on Kafka is of JSON type, so use a JSON decoder node to tansform the data to a kdb+ friendly format. Data will be converted to a kdb+ dictionary.

    JSON decode

    • Decode Each: false
  3. Apply a Schema with the Transform node; this ensures data is of the correct datatype in the destination database. Check Parse Strings for any time, timestamp and string data columns unless your input is IPC or RT.

    Sample Kafka transform for trades

    • Date Format: Any
    column name column type parse strings
    datetime Timestamp Checked
    ticker Symbol Unchecked
    price Float Unchecked
    size Integer Unchecked
  4. Write the data to a table.

    Select an database from the dropdown to assign the data, or create a database by clicking Database Wizard before returning to the pipeline to add this newly created database.
    Select a table from the selected database to write the data too; this is typically the schema table from the previous step. If not already completed, create a table with a schema matching that of the previous step and assign it here. During the database wizard creation process is a step for creating a table (and schema); tables can be added to its schema.
    Deduplicate Stream
    Can remain checked.


  5. Open the Pipeline view

  6. Include a Map function to convert the data from a kdb+ dictionary to a kdb+ table. This Map function should be inserted between the JSON Decoder of Step 2 and the Transform Schema of Step 3 in the pipeline view; see image below:


    Map function

        enlist data
  7. Save the Pipeline

  8. Add the pipeline to a database; use the wizard to build a database assembly, although one should be created as part of the schema or writer step of the data ingestion. Save the assembly with the pipeline.

  9. Deploy the Data assembly with associated Kafka pipeline.

  10. Explore the data. Use the trades topic as the Output variable. This will be the name of the table to query when getting data; for example, SQL query:

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM trades
  11. Get Data

The Broker field can be the Kafka broker pod name when the Kafka broker is installed in the same Kubernetes namespace as the KX Insights Platform. If the Kafka cluster has been installed into a different Kubernetes namespace, then the field expects the full service name of the Kafka broker - i.e. kafka.default.svc.cluster.local:9092, where default is the namespace that the Kafka cluster is in. The full-service name is set in the KX_KAFKA_BROKERS environment variable property in the Kafka Producer Kubernetes installation instructions.

Free Tier

Free tier users of insights-demo can use the subway data set as a Kafka import.

  1. Define the Reader node

    Subway data

    • Broker:
    • Topic: subway
    • Offset: End
  2. Kafka event data uses a JSON decoder to tansform the data to a kdb+ friendly format.

    Subway decoder

    • Decode Each: false
  3. Apply a schema to ensures data is of the correct datatype in the destination database; this can be loaded from insights-demo. Check the required Parse Strings for the timestamp and string columns.

    Subway schema

    • Schema: insights-demo
    • Table: subway
    column name column type parse strings
    trip_id Symbol Unchecked
    arrival_time Timestamp Checked
    stop_id Symbol Unchecked
    stop_sequence Short Unchecked
    stop_name Symbol Unchecked
    stop_lon Float Unchecked
    stop_lat Float Unchecked
    route_id Short Unchecked
    trip_headsign Symbol Unchecked
    direction_id Symbol Unchecked
    route_short_name Symbol Unchecked
    route_long_name Symbol Unchecked
    route_desc String Checked
    route_type Short Unchecked
    route_url Symbol Unchecked
    route_color Symbol Unchecked
  4. Define where to write the data too; load the insights-demo database and select the subway data set.

    Subway writer

    • Database: insights-demo
    • Table: subway
  5. Open pipeline

  6. There is one manual step to include before continuing. A Map function is required to convert the kdb+ dictionary to a kdb+ table; insert the Map function between the JSON Decoder node and Transform node.


    Subway map function

        enlist data
  7. Save the pipeline

  8. Add the Pipeline to the insights-demo assembly.

  9. Deploy the Data assembly with associated Kafka pipeline.

  10. Explore the data. Select the insights-demo assembly from the dropdown (it may be necessary to refresh the browser to populate the dropdown) and open the SQL tab. Define the Output variable as "subway".

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM subway
  11. Get Data

Kdb Expression

The video below gives an example of a kdb expression import.

  1. The Kdb Expression Reader starts with a code editor; add the following kdb+ data generator in the node editor:

    kdb+ query

    ([] date:n?(reverse .z.d-1+til 10); 
  2. Configure the Schema to use. This can be done manually by adding the columns, or loaded from a database.

    Data Format
    Use the defined schema for the kdb expression import, created manually or imported from an existing schema.
    column name column type parse strings
    date Timestamp Checked
    instance Symbol Unchecked
    symbol Symbol Unchecked
    cnt Integer Unchecked

    A schema can also be loaded from a database by clicking Schema create. Parsing of the data is defined as part of schema creation or in an assembly creation. Free Tier users can add this schema to their existing insights-demo schema.

    Expression Import

    Create a Schema

  3. Configure the Writer.

    Select an database from the dropdown to assign the data, or create a database by clicking Database Wizard before returning to the pipeline to add this newly created database. Free tier users can use their insights-demo database.
    Select a table from the selected database to write the data too; this is typically the schema table from the previous step. If not already completed, create a table with a schema matching that of the previous step and assign it here. During the database wizard creation process is a step for creating a table (and schema); tables can be added to its schema.
    Deduplicate Stream
    Can remain checked.


  4. Open the Pipeline

  5. Save the Pipeline

    Save Pipe

  6. Add the Pipeline to the assembly created during the configuration of the Writer node. Free Tier users can add the pipeline to their insights-demo assembly. Save the assembly with the pipeline.

  7. Deploy the Data assembly with the associated Expression pipeline.

  8. Explore the data. Select the data assembly associated with the Expression pipeline (it may be necessary to refresh the browser to populate the assembly drop down). Repeat the schema table name as the Output variable. This will be the name of the table to query when getting data; for example, a SQL query in the SQL tab:

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM tablename
  9. Get Data

SQL Databases

Applicable to all supported SQL databases, including PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server.

  1. Define the Reader node, including any required authentication alongside server and port details.

    Sample Postgres Reader Node

    • Server: postgresql
    • Port: 5432
    • Database: testdb
    • Username: testdbuser
    • Password: testdbuserpassword
    • query: select * from cars

    Where Server is postgresql.default.svc, the default is the namespace, e.g. db will be postgresql.db.svc

    case sensitive

    Node properties and queries are case sensitive and should be lower case.

  2. Define the Schema.

    Sample Postgres Configure Schema

    • Data Format: Any
    column name column type parse string
    Year Date Check
    Name Symbol Unchecked
    Miles_per_Gallon Float Unchecked
    Cylinders Float Unchecked
    Displacement Float Unchecked
    Horsepower Float Unchecked
    Acceleration Float Unchecked
    Origin Symbol Unchecked

    Kafka Schema

  3. Configure the Writer

    Select an database from the dropdown to assign the data, or create a database by clicking Database Wizard
    Select a table from the selected database to write the data too; this is typically the schema table. In the Schema used by the database, create a table with a column layout matching the schema used in the previous step. It can be named "cars".
    Deduplicate Stream
    Can remain checked.


  4. Open Pipeline

  5. Save the Pipeline

  6. Add the Pipeline to the assembly created during the configuration of the Writer node. Save the assembly with the pipeline.

  7. Deploy the Data assembly with the associated Postgres pipeline.

  8. Explore the data. Select the data assembly associated with the PostgresSQL pipeline (it may be necessary to refresh the browser to populate the assembly drop down). Set "cars" as the Output variable name. This will be the name of the table to query when getting data; for example, SQL query in the SQL tab:

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM cars
  9. Get Data

Free Tier

With a PostgreSQL client installed, query the dataset from PostgreSQL using the following method:

$ psql "sslmode=disable dbname=postgres user=postgres hostaddr="
Password for user postgres: dxrHvgtjHHvsOH7B
psql (14.1, server 13.4)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=> \connect health
psql (14.1, server 13.4)
You are now connected to database "health" as user "postgres".
health=> \dt
                List of relations
 Schema |        Name         | Type  |  Owner   
 public | health               | table | postgres
(5 rows)
  1. Define the PostgreSQL reader node

    Health PostgreSQL Reader

    • Server:
    • Port: 5432
    • Database: health
    • Username: postgres
    • Password: dxrHvgtjHHvsOH7B
    • Query: select * from health
  2. Configure the Schema; this can be loaded from insights-demo. Check the required Parse Strings for the timestamp and string columns.

    Health PostgresSQL Schema

    • Data Format: Any
    column name column type parse string
    name String Checked
    lat Float Unchecked
    long Float Unchecked
    neighborhood String Checked
    airquality Float Unchecked
    trafficcongestion Float Unchecked
    bikeacccnt Integer Unchecked
    caracccnt Integer Unchecked
    timestamp Timestamp Checked
  3. Write the table to a table called health in the insights-demo database.

  4. Open the Pipeline

  5. Save the Pipeline

  6. Add the Pipeline to the assembly created during the configuration of the Writer node. Save the assembly with the pipeline.

  7. Deploy the Data assembly with associated PostgresSQL pipeline.

  8. Explore the data. Select the insights-demo assembly from the dropdown (it may be necessary to refresh the browser to populate the dropdown) and open the SQL tab. Define the Output variable as "health".

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM health
  9. Get Data

Cloud Storage Services

Organizations require data services which balance performance, control, security and compliance - while reducing the cost of storing and managing such vast amounts of data. Limitless scale is the reason object storage is the primary storage of cloud service providers, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Kx Insights allows users take advantage of object storage natively and a sample demo weather data hosted on Google Cloud Storage is available for Free Tier users to explore for themselves.

  1. Define the Reader node with the S3 path details for how the file will be read and optionally, the Kubernetes secret for authentication. Default values can be used for all but Path and Region.

    Sample Amazon 3 Reader Node

    • Path: s3://bucket/pricedata.csv
    • Region: us-east-1
  2. Define a CSV decoder node. Your imported data source requires a timestamp column to parse the data.

    A sample CSV for a time column, category column and two value columns; float and integer

    • Delimiter: ","
    • Header: First Row
    • Schema = ZSFI
  3. Define the Transform Schema application

    A sample Schema for a time column, category column and two value columns

    • Data Format: Any
    • Schema: Load a schema from a database by clicking Screenshot; create a database and schema with the wizard if needed, or manually add the columns and column type for each of the source data columns in the Transform Node. When doing the latter, check Parse Strings for the Timestamp column.
    column name column type parse strings
    time Timestamp Checked
    sym Symbol Unchecked
    price Float Unchecked
    volume Integer Unchecked
  4. Define the table name to upsert the data too. Select the database and table to write the data too from the dropdown menu; this will be the same database and table from the schema creation step - create a database and table using the wizard at this stage if not already done.

    Writer Node

    • Database: databasename
    • Table: pricedata
  5. Open the Pipeline

  6. Save the Pipeline

  7. Add the Pipeline to the assembly created by the wizard when defining the schema or writer from before.

  8. Deploy the Data assembly with associated Amazon S3 pipeline.

  9. Explore the data. Select the assembly from the dropdown (it may be necessary to refresh the browser to view) and open the SQL tab. Define the Output variable as "pricedata".

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM pricedata
  10. Get Data

Note that a Kubernetes secret is required if authenticating with Amazon S3. See the section on Amazon S3 Authentication for more details.

  1. Define the Reader node with GCS details. Default values can be used for all but Path and Project ID. Project ID may not always have a customizable name, so its name will be contingent on what's assigned when creating your GCS account.

    Sample GCS Reader Node

    • Path: gs://mybucket/pricedata.csv
    • Project ID: ascendant-epoch-999999
  2. Define a CSV decoder node. Your imported data source requires a timestamp column to parse the data.

    A sample CSV for a time column, category column and two value columns; float and integer

    • Delimiter: ","
    • Header: First Row
    • Schema = ZSFI
  3. Define the Transform Schema application

    A sample Schema for a time column, category column and two value columns

    • Data Format: Any
    • Schema: Load a schema from a database by clicking Screenshot; create a database and schema with the wizard if needed, or manually add the columns and column type for each of the source data columns in the Transform Node. When doing the latter, check Parse Strings for the Timestamp column.
    column name column type parse strings
    time Timestamp Checked
    sym Symbol Unchecked
    price Float Unchecked
    volume Integer Unchecked
  4. Define the table name to upsert the data too. Select the database and table to write the data too from the dropdown menu; this will typically be the same database and table from the schema creation step - create a database and table using the wizard at this stage if not already done.

    Writer Node

    • Database: databasename
    • Table: pricedata
  5. Open the Pipeline

  6. Save the Pipeline

  7. Add the Pipeline to the assembly created by the wizard when defining the schema transformation or writer destination from before.

  8. Deploy the Data assembly with associated GCP pipeline.

  9. Explore the data. Select the assembly from the dropdown (it may be necessary to refresh the browser to view) and open the SQL tab. Define the Output variable as "pricedata".

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM pricedata
  10. Get Data

Google Cloud Storage Authentication

  1. Define the ACP Reader node with ACS details. Default values can be used for all but Path and Project ID. A customizable account name is supported for ACS.

    Sample ACP Reader Node

    • Path: ms://mybucket/pricedata.csv
    • Account: myaccountname
  2. Define a CSV decoder node. Your imported data source requires a timestamp column to parse the data.

    A sample CSV for a time column, category column and two value columns; float and integer

    • Delimiter: ","
    • Header: First Row
    • Schema = ZSFI
  3. Define the Transform Schema application

    A sample Schema for a time column, category column and two value columns

    • Data Format: Any
    • Schema: Load a schema from a database by clicking Screenshot; create a database and schema with the wizard if needed, or manually add the columns and column type for each of the source data columns in the Transform Node. When doing the latter, check Parse Strings for the Timestamp column.
    column name column type parse strings
    time Timestamp Checked
    sym Symbol Unchecked
    price Float Unchecked
    volume Integer Unchecked
  4. Define the table name to upsert the data too. Select the database and table to write the data too from the dropdown menu; this will be the same database and table from the schema creation step - create a database and table using the wizard at this stage if not already done.

    Writer Node

    • Database: databasename
    • Table: pricedata
  5. Open the Pipeline

  6. Save the Pipeline

  7. Add the Pipeline to the assembly created by the wizard when defining the schema or writer from before.

  8. Deploy the Data assembly with associated ACS pipeline.

  9. Explore the data. Select the assembly from the dropdown (it may be necessary to refresh the browser to view) and open the SQL tab. Define the Output variable as "pricedata".

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM pricedata
  10. Get Data

Microsoft Azure Authentication

Free Tier

Free Tier users can use the weather data set hosted on Google Cloud Storage (GCS). A video outlining this setup is available here:

  1. Define the Google Cloud Storage reader node

    Weather Google Cloud Storage Reader

    • Path: gs://kxevg/weather/temp.csv
    • Project ID: kx-evangelism
    • File Mode: Binary/Text
    • Offset: 0
    • Chunking: Auto
    • Chunk Size: 1048576

    No need to use authentication.

  2. This will use a CSV Decoder.

    Weather CSV Decoder

    • Delimiter: ,
    • Header: First Row
    • Schema: PSFSSFFS
    • Type: String
  3. There is no requirement for a Schema transformation, so Apply a Schema can be unchecked before going to Next

    No schema

  4. Write the table to a table called weather in the insights-demo database.

  5. Open the Pipeline

  6. Save the Pipeline

  7. Add the Pipeline to the insights-demo Data assembly.

  8. Deploy the Data assembly with associated Google Cloud Storage pipeline.

  9. Explore the data. Select the insights-demo database from the dropdown and open the SQL tab. Define the Output variable as "weather".

    SQL query

    SELECT * FROM weather
  10. Get Data