Release Notes - KX Insights Platform 0.9.0
Beta 1 Release for KX Insights Platform.
Release Date
[NEW] Run Python and q Machine Learning Models.
Users can add a q or Python based model to the ML registry.
Users can use q to retrieve either a q or a Python based model from the ML registry.
Users can deploy a Stream Processor pipeline that includes ML models from the ML Registry.
[NEW] Run Python functions on streaming data. Users can add Python functions into a Stream Processor pipeline to apply transformations (for example: windowing and filtering) to the streaming data.
[NEW] Support for the Kafka Schema Registry (dynamic schema updates are not yet supported).
[NEW] Users have access a single OpenAPI document. This provides documentation for the following endpoints:
Service Gateway
Client Controller
Information Service
Stream Processor
All available operations and authentication methods are documented.
[NEW] The User interface supports using ANSI SQL queries on a single database. These queries are made available via a sandbox to ensure the live database is not modified by the queries.
[NEW] Command line interface for:
Installation setup.
Enrolling and removing clients.
Creating and deleting assemblies.
Querying data.
[NEW] Login screens include KX themes
type | location |
infrastructure | |
installation | |
cli | |
Known Issues
Creating a pipeline in the UI that contains an Expression node must be done through the Pipeline editor, the Import screen does not allow correct configuration of an Expression node.
If one of the nodes in an RT sequencer is killed or restarts, data may no longer flow through that RT. If the issue occurs on north and south sequencer, it may be sufficient to restart the assembly. Otherwise, the cluster needs to be restarted.
RT nodes can under certain conditions consume excessive CPU causing the cluster CPU go up to >95%. If the issue occurs open a shell to the affected node(s) and kill all the pull_server processes. They will be automatically restarted and the CPU usage will drop.
RT occasionally reports an inotify error. This is a resource exhaustion issue. If the issue occurs on north and south sequencer, it may be sufficient to restart the assembly. Otherwise, the cluster needs to be restarted.
Both SQL and q queries work with assemblies. However, when running a query against a html5evalcongroup process in the UI, SQL is not supported and q must be used instead.
Programmatic OpenAPI Insights client generation currently fails due to an issue with the Stream Processor.
Backward Compatibility
- If you're upgrading from a previous version or the CRD is already installed, helm will not update the definition automatically. See Operator Overview Helm Warning for details on how to rectify this.