Dashboards release notes
Document Graph
- Display components: Search & Filter
- Auto-clean: remove unused entities
Data Source Dialog
- SQL editor (requires s.k)
- Auto-execute option
Canvas Charts
- Multi-format x-axis
- Offset (time and linear) axis
- Label rotation and optional display
- Show major labels for time series x-axis
Data Grid
- Summary row: sum, avg, count and wavg
- Composite sparklines
- "Instant Edit"; single click checkbox submit
Trading Panel
- VWAP and TWAP display
Form Builder
- Password option
- Tooltip functionality
Dynamic forms for developers
- Render any q schema
- React to changes for adaptive forms; e.g. Market / Limit Orders
- Validation, required fields and server side checks
- Fills, areas & fades
- Crosshairs and global tooltips, even on HF streams
- Candlestick layer type
Trade Panel Component
- High Frequncy Updates
- Low-Zero CPU background
Query Builder
- Aggregate buckets with round / xbar
Graph View
- Live elastic physical layout, edge selection
Usability focus
- Floatable Layout now enabled by default
- Shortcut Key properties
- Update query parameters
Usability focus
- Click to populate in Editor
- Editor performance
- Global tooltip
- Zoom animation
- Pan drag axis
- Bars
- Multiple axes support
- Extended highlight rules
- Hover states and tooltip groups
Published and Draft dashboards
Financial Chart
- Annotations
Shortcut Key component
Searchable Treemenu
- Field to field comparison
Easy to use Template Editor
- No code, click to add from data
- Bind view states
- Formatting, validation and helper toolbar
Property Panel
- Copy and paste
Query Builder
- HDB support
- Direct Streaming
- Legend, Crosshairs and Gridlines
- Crosshairs and custom tooltips
Flex Accordion
Canvas Charts
- Violin charts
- OHLC charts
New components
- Treeview
- Sunburst
- Contour
Visual Decision Tree
ChartGL Beta
Integrated Query Builder
- Build query graphs and link view states
Document Graph
- Identify active data sources and their subscribers
- Defined default component size
Updated 3D Chart
Wildcard support for dropdown search
Data Grid
- Gradient Highlight Rule
- Expanded Regex Support
- Auto-sum calculation on select
- List capture on select
- Short-hand numeric notation support