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Comparison helpers


Render the block if both of two values are truthy

Block helper: renders the block if a and b are both truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey. Works as a block helper, inline helper or subexpression.


  • a {any}
  • b {any}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}


<!-- {great: true, magnificent: true} -->
{{#and great magnificent}}A{{else}}B{{/and}}
<!-- results in: 'A' -->


Render a block when two arguments match

Block helper: renders a block when a comparison of the first and third arguments returns true. The second parameter is the arithemetic operator to use. You may also optionally specify an inverse block to render when falsey.


  • a {}
  • operator {}: The operator to use. Operators must be enclosed in quotes: ">", "=", "<=", and so on.
  • b {}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or if specified the inverse block is rendered if falsey.


Render the block if collection matches a value

Block helper: renders the block if collection has the given value (using strict equality === for comparison) otherwise the inverse block is rendered (if specified). If startIndex is specified and is negative, it is used as the offset from the end of the collection._


  • collection {Array|Object|String}: The collection to iterate over
  • value {any}: The value to check for
  • [startIndex=0] {Number}: Optionally define the starting index
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object


<!-- array = ['a', 'b', 'c'] -->
{{#contains array "d"}}
  This will not be rendered.
  This will be rendered.


Render a block if two values match exactly

Block helper: renders a block if a is equal to b. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey. You may optionally use the compare="" hash parameter for the second value.


  • a {String}
  • b {String}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.

is for less exact comparison


Render a block if a is greater than b

Block helper: renders a block if a is greater than b. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey. You may optionally use the `compare=""`` hash parameter for the second value.


  • a {String}
  • b {String}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


Render a block if a is at least b

Block helper: renders a block if a is greater than or equal to b. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey. You may optionally use the compare="" hash parameter for the second value.


  • a {String}
  • b {String}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


Renders a block if value has pattern

Block helper: renders a block if value has pattern. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey.


  • val {any}: The value to check
  • pattern {any}: The pattern to check for
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}


Return true if a number is even

Block helper: renders a block if number is even.


  • number {Number}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


{{#ifEven value}}
  render A
  render B


Render a block if a is a multiple of b

Block helper: renders a block if the remainder is zero when a is divided by b. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when the remainder is not zero.


  • a: {Number}
  • b: {Number}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


Renders a block if a number is odd

Block helper: renders a block if value is an odd number. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey.


  • value {Object}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


{{#ifOdd value}}
  render A
  render B


Render a block if two values match

Block helper: renders a block if a is equal to b. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey. Similar to eq but does not use strict equality.


  • a {any}
  • b {any}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}


Render a block if two values vary

Block helper: renders a block if a is not equal to b. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey. Similar to unlessEq but does not use strict equality for comparisons.


  • a {String}
  • b {String}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}


Render a block if a is less than b

Block helper: renders a block if a is less than b. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey. You may optionally use the `compare=""`` hash parameter for the second value.


  • context {Object}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


Render a block if a is no more than b

Block helper: renders a block if a is less than or equal to b. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey. You may optionally use the `compare=""`` hash parameter for the second value.


  • a {Sring}
  • b {Sring}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


Render a block if neither of two values is truthy

Block helper: renders a block if neither of the given values are truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey.


  • a {any}
  • b {any}
  • options {}: Handlebars options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


Render a block if any of several values is truthy

Block helper: renders a block if any of the given values is truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsey.


  • arguments {…any}: Variable number of arguments
  • options {Object}: Handlebars options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


{{#or a b c}}
  If any value is true this will be rendered.


Render the inverse block unless two values match

Block helper: renders the inverse block unless a is equal to b.


  • a {String}
  • b {String}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Inverse block by default, or block if falsey.


Render the inverse block unless a exceeds b

Block helper: renders the inverse block unless a is greater than b.


  • a {Object}: The default value
  • b {Object}: The value to compare
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Inverse block by default, or block if falsey.


Render the inverse block unless a is at least b

Block helper: renders the inverse block unless a is greater than or equal to b.


  • a {any}
  • b {any}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


Render the inverse block unless a is less than b.

Block helper: renders the inverse block unless a is less than b.


  • a {Object}: The default value
  • b {Object}: The value to compare
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.


Render the inverse block unless a is no more than b

Block helper: renders the inverse block unless a is less than or equal to b.


  • a {any}
  • b {any}
  • options {Object}: Handlebars-provided options object

Returns {String}: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.