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Bug reporting and support

Ensure Dashboards is installed correctly, and both Dashboards and kdb processes are running.

To report a bug, please provide the following information and email to

Description of the issue

  • What is the issue? Is there an error message?
  • What Dashboard component are you using?

Version information

  • From the About dialog in the User dropdown menu, include the Kx Dashboards version you are on; e.g. 1.x
  • The version of kdb+ you are on
  • Operating system and version
  • Browser type and version

Steps to replicate

  • Include the steps you took to replicate the issue; be as detailed as possible
  • Export the dashboard from the Manage Dashboards menu, or from a long-left-click on the save icon. Attach the dashboard to your email

We won't have access to your data, only the Dashboards file

We appreciate your help in reporting issues to make Kx Dashboards a better product for all.