A Map with a 3D Overlay
Displays a geographical map that can contain a 3D overlay.
Set up
Define a data source with Latitude, Longitude, Marker Type, Title, Sub Title, Color, and Icon data.
Set JSON overlay for map polygon image.
Set the API access token in Map Box Key.
Create optional view state parameters for map elements.
- Map Box Key
- Access token for the API.
- Zoom
- The map’s current zoom level.
- Latitude
- The latitude for the map’s geographical centre point.
- Longitude
- The longitude for the map’s geographical centre point.
- Pitch
- The map’s current tilt level.
- Bearing
- The map’s current rotation level.
- Selected
- Selected values.
- Selected Column
- The column used for the selected attribute.
Plots distinct data points on the map.
- Latitude / Longitude
Data Source columns for latitude and longitude.
Latitude and longitude columns in the Data Source - Marker Type
- Data Source columns for a standard point or a simplified point.
- Title / Sub Title
- Data Source columns for point title and sub title.
- Color / Icon
- Data Source columns for point color and icon.
- Tooltip
Tooltip on a Mapbox
Mapbox overlay
- GeoJSON Overlay Data
- Define JSON Source for polygon overlays; example:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [ {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"stroke": "#555555",
"stroke-width": 2,
"stroke-opacity": 1,
"fill": "#555555",
"fill-opacity": 0.5,
"color": "#99ff99",
"height": 1
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [ [
[ -99.59863364696503, 19.298921787061122 ],
[ -99.59863901138306, 19.297061132726533 ],
[ -99.59517359733582, 19.297078853343795 ],
[ -99.59518432617188, 19.297807928504646 ],
[ -99.59477663040161, 19.297802865493896 ],
[ -99.5947927236557, 19.29815727586803 ],
[ -99.59525138139725, 19.29815727586803 ],
[ -99.5952969789505, 19.298455992587193 ],
[ -99.59714233875275, 19.298471181558355 ],
[ -99.59716647863388, 19.298921787061122 ],
[ -99.59863364696503, 19.298921787061122 ]
- GeoJSON Line Data
- JSON Line Overlay; example:
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
[-122.48369693756104, 37.83381888486939],
[-122.48348236083984, 37.83317489144141],
[-122.48339653015138, 37.83270036637107],
[-122.48356819152832, 37.832056363179625],
[-122.48404026031496, 37.83114119107971],
[-122.48404026031496, 37.83049717427869],
[-122.48348236083984, 37.829920943955045],
[-122.48356819152832, 37.82954808664175],
[-122.48507022857666, 37.82944639795659],
[-122.48610019683838, 37.82880236636284],
[-122.48695850372314, 37.82931081282506],
[-122.48700141906738, 37.83080223556934],
[-122.48751640319824, 37.83168351665737],
[-122.48803138732912, 37.832158048267786],
[-122.48888969421387, 37.83297152392784],
[-122.48987674713133, 37.83263257682617],
[-122.49043464660643, 37.832937629287755],
[-122.49125003814696, 37.832429207817725],
[-122.49163627624512, 37.832564787218985],
[-122.49223709106445, 37.83337825839438],
[-122.49378204345702, 37.83368330777276]
- GeoJSON Full
- Combination of GeoJSON sources – displays all; example:
"id": "points",
"type": "symbol",
"source": {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-77.03238901390978, 38.913188059745586]
"properties": {
"title": "Mapbox DC",
"icon": "monument"
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-122.414, 37.776]
"properties": {
"title": "Mapbox SF",
"icon": "harbor"
"layout": {
"icon-image": "{icon}-15",
"text-field": "{title}",
"text-font": ["Open Sans Semibold", "Arial Unicode MS Bold"],
"text-offset": [0, 0.6],
"text-anchor": "top"
Style, Margins, Format
Style for common style settings