Upgrading KX Insights
This section details the steps to upgrade the KX Insights Platform from a current install.
Having the following information to hand will help smooth the process
variable | example | further details |
RELEASE_NAME | insights | Install name |
INSIGHTS_NAMESPACE | kxi | Namespace KX Insights deployed to |
INSIGHTS_VERSION | 1.1.1 | Version of insights to install |
OPERATOR_VERSION | 1.1.0 | Version of insights operator to install |
INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE | values.yaml | Install configuration created on initial install |
CUSTOM_ASSEMBLY | sdk_sample_assembly.yaml | Any assembly yamls deployed |
Currently the upgrade process will require downtime to ensure data integrity can be guaranteed. This means that before any upgrade is scheduled, a number of pre-flight checks are necessary
Stop ingestion feeds
Stop all feeds into Insights to avoid data loss with inflight data.
Ensure latest version of kxi-cli is installed
Upgrading Insights
The steps to upgrade KX Insights involves removing the current deployment and reinstalling the new version. This process does not remove the persisted data backing KX Insights configuration or databases. These remain as Persisted Volumes within the Kubernetes cluster.
Remove Assemblies
Assemblies are the dynamic data workflows within KX Insights. These are a Custom Resource (CR) deployed to the Kubernetes cluster. When upgrading KX Insights it is necessary to shutdown these data workflows.
kubectl get asm -o name -n $INSIGHTS_NAMESPACE | xargs kubectl delete
Give time for resources to terminate and ensure all assemblies have been removed.
kubectl get asm -n $INSIGHTS_NAMESPACE
Remove KX Insights
The base KX Insights charts can be removed.
Give time for resources to terminate and ensure no resources are running.
kubectl get pods -n $INSIGHTS_NAMESPACE
Remove KXI Operator
The KXI Operator is used to deploy the assemblies/data workflows.
Remove KXI Operator.
helm uninstall $RELEASE_NAME -n kxi-operator
Give time for resources to terminate and ensure no resources are running.
kubectl get pods -n kxi-operator
Remove KX Insights Assembly CRDs
A number of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) power KX Insights data workflows. These need to be upgraded along with KX Insights.
kubectl delete crd assemblies.insights.kx.com
kubectl delete crd assemblyresources.insights.kx.com
Assert there are no KX Insights CRDs present
kubectl get crds | grep insights.kx.com
Installing KX Insights
Now we have completed the removal of the KX Insights deploy, we can install it with the existing installation configuration.
Before installing KX Insights, check the Upgrade Migrations for actions to perform before upgrading KX Insights.
Install Insights and KXI Operator
kxi install run --filepath $INSTALL_CONFIG_FILE --version $INSIGHTS_VERSION --operator-version $OPERATOR_VERSION
Check the system is running correctly.
KXI Operator installed
helm ls -n kxi-operator
NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION insights kxi-operator 1 2022-04-11 15:39:44.955236379 +0000 UTC deployed kxi-operator-1.1.0 1.1.0
KXI base charts installed
NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION insights kxi 1 2022-04-11 16:57:00.144126754 +0000 UTC deployed insights-1.1.0 1.1.0
KXI Operator in running state
kubectl get pods -n kxi-operator
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE insights-kxi-operator-6df4bcfddc-gnnjj 1/1 Running 0 85m insights-kxi-operator-6df4bcfddc-lqmrl 1/1 Running 0 85m insights-kxi-operator-6df4bcfddc-z45wq 1/1 Running 0 85m
KX Insights in running state
kubectl get pods -n $INSIGHTS_NAMESPACE
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE insights-aggregator-9959bdc87-4pg7z 2/2 Running 0 9m47s ... ... insights-sg-gateway-596b486d9f-pmhf4 1/1 Running 0 9m47s insights-sg-gateway-596b486d9f-qvzbr 1/1 Running 0 9m47s
KXI Assembly CRDs redeployed
kubectl get crds | grep insights.kx.com
assemblies.insights.kx.com 2022-04-11T15:23:53Z assemblyresources.insights.kx.com 2022-04-11T15:23:54Z
Redeploy Assemblies
Assembly data workflows deployed from yaml
configurations can then be deployed. For each $CUSTOM_ASSEMBLY
, apply it to Kubernetes.
kubectl apply -f $CUSTOM_ASSEMBLY
Ensure assembly is up and running successfully
kubectl get asm
sdk-assembly-data SDK data assembly True 2m2s