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Canvas Chart

A custom chart builder using HTML Canvas.

Set up

  1. Add a layer, select the chart type from the dropdown.

  2. Assign the data source to use.

  3. Define the X-Axis ID and Y-Axis ID to plot from your data source

  4. Add x axis and y axis labels, and set the Format for each axis.

  5. Un-check OffsetGridLines to position a line at the zero value of the y-axis.

  6. Use highlight rules to create a color differential in your displayed values; e.g. between positive and negative values.

  7. Map view states to Min and Max Viewstate to track the viewable range of the chart.



A View State Parameter to store the X-axis value at the selected position; e.g time or date
A View State Parameter which stores the X-axis value contingent on where the hover bar is on the chart; e.g. time or date

Check to switch data from Y- to X-axis and X- to Y-axis.

Horizontal Bar Chart

To create a Horizontal Bar Chart, create a standard Bar Chart but check the Transpose box.


Note, there is no Zoom support for Horizontal Bar Chart.



Create a Line, Bar, Bubble, Violin, Box Plot or Candlestick chart



Data Source
Data sources
Name used as the chart legend label
Toggles display of the data layer on the chart. Can be tied to a View State Parameter.
Legend Enabled
Toggles display of data legend.
Background Color
Background Opacity
Border Color
Border Opacity
Border Width
Color, opacity and width for Line, Bar or Bubble charts; opacity has a value between 0 (transparent) and 100 (full opacity). Border Width is in pixels.

Line charts do not require Background Color or Background Opacity.

Change layer order

Use a click-and-drag to rearrange the orders of the layer on the chart. The last layer will be the top layer.




X-Axis ID
Select from defined Axes.
X-Axis Data
Select from Data source defined in Basics
Y-Axis ID
Select from defined Axes.
Y-Axis Data
Select from Data Source defined in Basics
Radius Data
Radius Scaling
Select from Data Source the variable to define which attribute to use for bubble scaling, then adjust the scaling variable to define bubble size.



Radius Data and Radius Scaling are only used by Bubble charts. Values less than zero will not display on the chart.


Used for Box Plot. Set column variables in order from lowest Min to highest Max



Used only by Candlestick charts; select data columns which correspond to each.


Relevant to Line layers only



Select from dropdown

type effect
Linear Screenshot
Cubic Screenshot Also requires changes to Line Tension
Monotone Screenshot
Stepped Screenshot
Line Tension
Inbuilt algorithm used to smooth curve from discrete data points for Cubic line charts; integer value
Switch between Stepped chart types; before and after



Show Line
Check to display / hide line chart
Where there is missing data, check to connect isolated points
Fade to Transparent
Where a fill color is employed, a transparency gradient will be applied to the layer


fill description
nofill No color fill
Layer n For color fill between charted line and selected layer. Uses BackgroundColor
origin For color fill between chart line and X-axis
+n For color fill between current layer and n layers below
Dash Width
Dash Gap
Convert from a solid to a dashed line.


Relevant to Line layers only


Hit Radius
Background Color
Border Color
Border Opacity
Border Width
Background Opacity
Define visual styling of line point; a PivotRadius of zero will hide the point.
Choose between cross, circle, crossRot, dash, line, rect, rectRounded, rectRot, star, triangle, downTriangle.
Hover Background Color
Hover Background Opacity
Hover Border Color
Hover Border Opacity
Hover Border Width
Hover Radius
Define visual style of line point rollover.



Bar Width Type
Dropdown select between percentage, manual bar thickness
Category Percentage
Defines width of bars, and intra-bar space when percentage is selected.
Bar Thickness
Max Bar Thickness
Defines width of bar, and maximum width of bars (in pixels) when manual bar thickness is selected.
Hover Background Color
Hover Background Opacity
Hover Border Color
Hover Border Opacity
Hover Border Width
Define visual style of bar rollover



Hover Background Color
Hover Backgroun Opacity
Hover Border Color
Hover Border Opacity
Hover Border Width
Hover Radius
Define visual style of bubble rollover
Icon Override
Define point style from a list of icons
Choose between cross, circle, crossRot, dash, line, rect, rectRounded, rectRot, star, triangle.

Box Plot

Hover Background Color
Hover Backgroun Opacity
Hover Border Color
Hover Border Opacity
Hover Border Width
Define visual style of Box plot rollover
Bar Width Type
Dropdown select between percentage, manual bar thickness
Category Percentage
Defines width of bars, and intra-bar space when percentage is selected.
Bar Thickness
Max Bar Thickness
Defines width of bar, and maximum width of bars (in pixels) when manual bar thickness is selected.


Hover Background Color
Hover Backgroun Opacity
Hover Border Color
Hover Border Opacity
Hover Border Width
Define visual style of Violin rollover
Bar Width Type
Dropdown select between percentage, manual bar thickness
Category Percentage
Defines width of bars, and intra-bar space when percentage is selected.
Bar Thickness
Max Bar Thickness
Defines width of bar, and maximum width of bars (in pixels) when manual bar thickness is selected.



Sets OHLC bar or candlestick


Bear Color
Set color for down day candles
Bull Color
Set color for up day candles
Neutral Color
Set color for flat days
Border Color
Set color of candlestick sides


Bar Width Type
Dropdown select between percentage, manual bar thickness
Category Percentage
Defines width of bars, and intra-bar space when percentage is selected.
Bar Thickness
Max Bar Thickness
Defines width of bar, and maximum width of bars (in pixels) when manual bar thickness is selected.

Regex for Data

Regular Expressions can also be used to define Axes instead of a data source column. For example, a Y-axis plot to show all column data except the Date column:


Highlight rules

Highlight Rules

Line Chart

To display a Highlight Rule for a Canvas Line Chart, first set Radius above zero, then adjust Border Width. Highlights will only occur at points.






Data labels can be added to any layers and will place labels next to datapoints/bars as desired. The options for this are as follows.

Turns on or off data labels, can be tied to viewstate.
Label Color
Color of Label Text
Label Frequency
Label will be applied to every nth data point where n is the label frequency.

The align option defines the position of the label relative to the anchor point position and orientation. Its value can be expressed either by a number representing the clockwise angle (in degree) or by one of the following string presets:

position description
center The label is centered on the anchor point (default).
start The label is positioned before the anchor point, following the same direction
end The label is positioned after the anchor point, following the same direction
right The label is positioned to the right of the anchor point (0°)
bottom The label is positioned to the bottom of the anchor point (90°)
left The label is positioned to the left of the anchor point (180°)
top The label is positioned to the top of the anchor point (270°)

The offset represents the distance (in pixels) to pull the label away from the anchor point. This option is not applicable when align is 'center'. Also note that if align is 'start', the label is moved in the opposite direction. The default value is 4.

An anchor point is defined by an orientation vector and a position on the data element. The orientation depends on the scale type (vertical, horizontal or radial). The position is calculated based on the anchor option and the orientation vector.

Supported values for anchor:

anchor description
center Element center (default)
start Lowest element boundary
end Highest element boundary
The offset represents the distance (in pixels) to pull the label away from the anchor point. This can be specified as a single number (e.g. 4) or an x,y coordinate (e.g. 4,10).
Label Rotation
This option controls the clockwise rotation angle (in degrees) of the label, the rotation center point being the label center. The default value is 0 (no rotation)
Label Show Overlap
The display option can be used to prevent overlapping labels.
Label Template
Define data to display

Must return a string, HTML not supported.

Select data to display with the Template Editor - Basic or Advanced mode. Existing data and view states can be displayed. Handlebar helpers can be used for formats.


Font -> Bold
Makes Label bold
Font -> Size
Adjust font size in px.

X axes

Click Screenshot to add additional X-axis labels


XAxis n

Dropdown menu to select axes type between category, linear, logarithmic and time. Available properties contingent on selected axis type.

Check to display X-axis labels

When using a bar chart, bars will be stacked.


Defines axes position; select between top and bottom of chart area for X axes.
For linear selection, center axis at defined value.



Check to shift charted category data from centre alignment to left-alignment
Define visual style of chart gridlines; opacity has a value between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque).



Check to display X-axis description label
Descriptive level for X axis
Font Opacity
Set font styling parameters for X-axis label. Opacity has a value between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque).



Configure X-axis tick labels

Check to display X-axis labels
Begin at Zero
X-axis includes zero when enabled; otherwise chart will fit available data. Available for non-time axis selections.
Reverses order of chart axis. Available for linear and logarithmic axis selections.
For linear and time selection, adds buffer to start and end of chart to display in full, the first and last data point.
Hide Trailing Zeroes
Do not display zeroes at the end of numeric data. Available for linear and logarithmic axis selections.
Format of Y axis: General, Number, Smart Number, or Datetime. Available for non-time axis selections.
Decimal Places
Precision of numeric data for Number and Smart Number. Available for non-time axis selections.
Date/Time Format
Where Datetime is selected, define time format to use: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MMM-DD, YYYY-MMMM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYY-MMM, YYYY-MMMM, MMM-DD, MMM Do, YYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DD kk:mm:ss, hh:mm:ss, kk:mm:ss, hh:mm:ss:SS, mm:ss or mm:ss:SS. Available for non-time axis selections.
Min Rotation
Max Rotation
Adjust alignment of tick labels
Fixed Axis Width
Defines distance between Canvas Chart component edge and axis. Useful when aligning neighboring charts.
Step Size
Sets the grid-line distance between tick labels (numeric).
Character text added before or after label; e.g. a $ prefix or a % suffix. Available for non-time axis selections.
Font Family
Font Size
Font Style
Font Color
Font Opacity
Select font for use in axis labels. Choice of font style between normal, italic, oblique, initial and inherit. Opacity is a value between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque).
Filter Unique
Removes duplicate labels when present in the data for category data.

Time Formats

Time Formats for when X-Axis set to time

Match the required time format for time-based X-axis data.


Smart, Linear or Series definition. Smart distribution collapses time to remove null time intervals; e.g. between marked trading hours
Force Time Unit

Select from year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, as defined in the following parameters.

parameter default
Quarter [Q]Q - YYYY
Week II
Hour hA
Minute h:mm a
Second h:mm:ss a
Millisecond h:mm:ss SSS a
Tooltip Format
currently not in use (replaced by aforementioned options)
Use ISO weekday format for X-axis time display
Round time to the nearest Force Time Unit scale.
Show Major units
If true, major ticks are generated. Each major tick represents a new parent time period (based on the child minor ticks). Minor ticks are shown by default.


Available for linear and logarithmic axis types.


Use data boundaries to define X-axis range

Use Min/Max
Defines axis range by minimum and maximum values in plotted data
Reset on Change
When Min/Max is set as a boolean control and Soft Range is enabled, will re-scale axis when Min/Max is true.
Use Soft Range
Best fit within a suggested Min and Max value; e.g. for dynamic range charts
Use Data Range
Use existing data to define Min/Max range. Uncheck to manually set.
Suggested Min
Suggested Max
Will best fit chart by Suggested Min/Max values.

Define minimum and maximum values to chart.

Hard range

Charted data outside of the set Min and Max range will not be displayed. If all data falls outside the set range, the chart will be blank.

Use Soft Range
Best fit within a suggested Min and Max value; e.g. for dynamic range charts

Y axes

Add multiple Y-axes by clicking Screenshot


YAxis n

Dropdown menu to select axes type between category, linear, logarithmic and time. Available properties contingent on selected axis type.

Check control to display Y-axis labels

Check control to parse bars in a Y-axis stack Screenshot

Stacked Y-axis with Line Fill

Stacking stacks lines in numeric order. Line 1 will be the first (highest) line down to the last and lowest line, closest to origin X-axis. Line fill will change accordingly. For example, a line fill with or without Y-axes stacking enabled:


Position Y-axis label to the left or right of chart area.
Set center value for linear Y-axis.



Shift charted category data from center alignment to left-alignment
Visual style of gridlines



Check to display X-axis description label
Label description
Font Family
Font Size
Font Style
Font Color
Font Opacity
Select font for use in axis labels. Choice of font style between normal, italic, oblique, initial and inherit. Opacity has a value between 0 (transparent) and 100 (opaque).



Display Y-axis labels
Begin at Zero
Axis data starts at zero. Available for non-time axis selections.

Reverse order of labels from bottom-up to top-down. Available for linear and logarithmic axis selections.


For linear and time selection, adds buffer to start and end of chart to display in full, the first and last data point.
Hide Trailing Zeroes
Do not display zeroes at the end of numeric data.
Format of Y axis: General, Number, Smart Number, or Datetime. Available for non-time axis selections.
Date/Time Format
Where Datetime is selected, define time format to use: YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MMM-DD, YYYY-MMMM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYY-MMM, YYYY-MMMM, MMM-DD, MMM Do, YYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, YYYY-MM-DD kk:mm:ss, hh:mm:ss, kk:mm:ss, hh:mm:ss:SS, mm:ss or mm:ss:SS. Available for non-time axis selections.
Decimal Places
Precision of numeric data for Number and Smart Number. Available for non-time axis selections.
Min Rotation
Max Rotation
Rotation of y-axis labels.
Fixed Axis Width
Distance between Y axis and the edge of the component (used when making room for Y-axis labels).
Step Size
Sets the grid-line distance between tick labels (numeric).
Character text added before or after label; e.g. a $ prefix or a % suffix. Available for non-time axis selections.
Font Family
Font Size
Font Style
Font Color
Font Opacity
Font qualities; style, size, color and opacity for the axis label.


Available for linear and logarithmic axis types.


Use data boundaries to define the X-axis range

Use Min/Max
Defines axis range by minimum and maximum values in plotted data
Reset on Change
When Min/Max is set as a boolean control and Soft Range is enabled, will re-scale axis when Min/Max is true.
Use Soft Range
Best fit within a suggested Min and Max value; e.g. for dynamic range charts.
Use Data Range
Use existing data to define Min/Max range. Un-check to manually set.
Suggested Min
Suggested Max
Will best-fit chart by Suggested Min/Max values.

Define minimum and maximum values to chart.

Hard range

Charted data outside of the set Min and Max range will not be displayed. If all data falls outside the set range, the chart will be blank.


Transition animations when switching data in chart

Check to enable animations
Hover Events
By default the chart highlights all bubbles, points and bars that lie along the same x-axis. You can toggle this setting to disable highlighting on the chart. Crosshairs and Tooltips will still function the same. This option should also be checked in charts with large amounts of data, as it will decrease the number of times the chart will have to update while hovering.
Interaction Mode
Hovering Mode gives you the option of changing the way the chart highlights points. By default (x), points with the same x value will also be highlighted. You can change with to (y) where points with the same y value will get highlighted, dataset where the entire dataset will be highlighted, or point where only points you are hovering over will be highlighted.


Defines use of tooltips and their positioning


Show Crosshairs
Show Tooltip
Check to show crosshair and tooltip on chart.
Tooltips Intersect
When intersect is selected, only bubbles, points or bars that are hovered over are shown in a potential tooltip. Lines do not count as points and will not trigger a tooltip, therefore line points must have a radius in order to be hoverable.

Due to limitation of the chart engine, highlight always appears based on the x-axis location

Tooltips Prefer Intersect
When tooltip prefer intersect is selected, the tooltip will try populate itself with things that are being hovered on. If nothing is being hovered on, the tooltip will populate with items in the closest x-value.
Set visual criteria for tooltip; intersect places tooltip at crosshair.
Crosshairs Color
Define color for crosshair line.
Tooltip Background Opacity
Opacity of Tooltip Background.
Tooltip Font Size
Fontsize in px of Tooltip Text.
Align Tooltip with Edge
Enable to position tooltip along left chart axis.
Use Custom Tooltip
Custom Tooltip


    <tr style="padding-right: 10px;">
      <th> {{xLabel}} </th>
  {{#each points}}
        <svg height="12" width="12">
          <rect height="12" width="12"
            style="fill: {{colors.backgroundColor}}; 
              stroke-width: 3; stroke: {{colors.borderColor}};" />
      <td style="padding-right: 10px; text-align: left;">

To group together layers with the same name, modify the template as follows:

    <tr style="padding-right: 10px;">
      <th>{{ xLabel }}</th>
    {{#each layers }}
          <svg height="12" width="12">
            <rect height="12" width="12" 
              style="fill: {{colors.backgroundColor}}; 
              stroke-width:3; stroke: {{colors.borderColor}};"> />
          {{ layerName }}: 
        {{#each layerPoints}}
        <td style="text-align: left;"> 

To display selected layers, set the names attribute in #filterLayers to a comma-separated list of layers to display; for example, to show Layer 1 and Layer 3 use:

    <tr style="padding-right: 10px;">
      <th> {{xLabel}} </th>
  {{#filterLayers names="Layer 1,Layer 3"}}
    {{#each points}}
          <svg height="12" width="12">
            <rect height="12" width="12" 
              style="fill: {{colors.backgroundColor}}; 
                stroke-width: 3; stroke: {{colors.borderColor}};" />
        <td style="padding-right: 10px; text-align: left;">
Crosshairs Color
Define hex color code reference for crosshair color.


Zoom & Pan


Scroll Zoom
Drag Zoom

Check to enable respective behaviors. Pan and Drag Zoom are both triggered by mouse movement, therefore icons in the top right corner of the chart appear allowing you to toggle between the two. Scroll zoom is activates with mouse wheel movement.

Zoom and pan

A pan is typically done after a zoom when there is data ‘off screen’ to see. To pan, click on the hand icon in the top-right of the chart.


Reset Viewstates Only
Check to reset only Min/Max Viewstates this prevents the values of the viewstates being passed into the chart. This can be used for server side zooming, where additional aggregation occurs on the server to return the correct resolution of data.
Fill color
Fill Opacity
Color and opacity of highlight zoom region
Min Viewstate
Max Viewstate
View State Parameters for range values made on adjustment in the chart
Default Min Viewstate
Default Max Viewstate
Default View State Parameters min and max range for when a chart loads.
Viewstate Update Delay
Length of time (in seconds) between when an adjustment in chart viewable area is then passed to Min/Max Viewstates. This only occurs for panning and scroll zooming, drag zoom's values are passed to the viewstates instantaneously .
Snap to Data
Selection will move to nearest valid data point
Rounding for Y-axis
Select none, nice or min/max. Best fits y-axis scale according to data range of zoomed data.



Defines the data legend labels

Toggle to display chart labels.
Define where Legends are set: bottom,top,left, right or top-inline.
Icon Width
Icon Padding
Set parameters of the area used to display Legends; width controls point size.
Label color
Label Font Size
Define Style of Legend text.
Set position of Legends, choose between start, center or end.
Legend Display Type
Select between default, scroll, layer group or layer new line; layer groups and lines will aggregate legends where wild card is used in the layer.
New Layer Threshold
Define the number of items to display per layer new line of Legend Display Type.
Reverse Order
Reverses order of labels from left-to-right to right-to-left.
Use Point Style
Enable use of chart points or use block color.

Legends toggle display

Users can click on legends to toggle display of the corresponding chart data. Hidden data is marked with strikethrough on its legend/s.

File export


Format, Margins
