Get workers
Return all workers registered with this Controller, and their associated metadata. The metadata includes information about which partitions have been assigned to each worker, and the container host:port of each worker that can be used if attached to the same network as the worker container.
curl controller:6000/workers | jq
"id": null,
"name": "spworker-9428137c94ae",
"address": "9428137c94ae:5000",
"partitions": [
"startTime": "2021-06-28T16:19:54.913Z"
"id": null,
"name": "spworker-edd10351a609",
"address": "edd10351a609:5000",
"partitions": [
"startTime": "2021-06-28T16:19:56.353Z"
This can also be called over q IPC using:
`:controller:6000 (`.spctl.api.getWorkers; ::)
Get metrics
Each worker periodically reports health and performance metrics to its Controller. This API returns select metrics along with an aggregation of metrics representing total latency (in milliseconds) and throughput (in bytes and number of events) for the pipeline as a whole.
The number of events reported reflects the sum of count
applied to each received batch, normalized to 'events per second'. In cases where the data payload does not directly reflect a batch of events (such as a kdb+ tick tuple of table name and table data), the 'events' metric would be inaccurate. In the kdb+ tick tuple example, each message would be seen as containing two events (the table name, and the table data).
Future versions of the Stream Processor will allow configuration around what in the stream constitutes an ‘event’ for this metric to accommodate for cases such as this.
curl controller:6000/metrics | jq
"name": "spworker-9428137c94ae",
"ts": "2021-06-28T16:20:45.672Z",
"eventRate": 98003.095,
"bytesRate": 127402.123,
"latency": 3.255
"name": "spworker-5bb998dee952",
"ts": "2021-06-28T16:20:41.678Z",
"eventRate": 7313.19965,
"bytesRate": 74493.9964,
"latency": 16.4393
"name": "_total",
"ts": "2021-06-28T16:21:23.637Z",
"eventRate": 119400.708,
"bytesRate": 311912.823,
"latency": 18.0915
This can also be called over q IPC using:
`:controller:6000 (`.spctl.api.getMetrics; ::)
Get pipeline description
A textual representation of the running pipeline can be obtained with the following:
curl controller:6000/description
`:controller:6000 (`.spctl.api.getDescription; ::)
# digraph pipeline {
# node [fontname = "menlo", margin=.1, fontsize=8, style="rounded,filled,setlinewidth(0)"];
# "callback-publish-dd6a24c1" [shape=box, fillcolor="#cce0ff"];
# "expr-270d7db3" [shape=box, fillcolor="#cce0ff"];
# "ipc-d2a49aa1" [shape=box, fillcolor="#cce0ff"];
# "ipc-d2a49aa1-1" [shape=box, fillcolor="#cce0ff"];
# "callback-publish-dd6a24c1" -> "tumblingWindow-04826017";
# "expr-270d7db3" -> "map-36be3506";
# "tumblingWindow-04826017" -> "merge-5f92ebe7";
# "map-36be3506" -> "merge-5f92ebe7";
# "merge-5f92ebe7" -> "map-c8547844";
# "map-c8547844" -> "map-27f549af";
# "map-27f549af" -> "ipc-d2a49aa1";
# "merge-5f92ebe7" -> "map-fa2492d9";
# "merge-5f92ebe7" -> "map-29eb2d7d";
# "map-fa2492d9" -> "union-068a9526";
# "map-29eb2d7d" -> "union-068a9526";
# "union-068a9526" -> "map-0bdd6c9e";
# "map-0bdd6c9e" -> "ipc-d2a49aa1-1";
# }
Get status
Return the status of this pipeline.
curl controller:6000/status
`:controller:6000 (`.spctl.api.getStatus; ::)
Get pipeline specification
Return the pipeline specification.
curl controller:6000/spec
`:controller:6000 (`.spctl.api.getSpec; ::)