KX Insights Manual Installation
The section details how you would manually generate secrets for deploying the KX Insights Platform in a pre-configured Kubernetes Cluster and install the KX Insights Platform.
If this is your first time installing the KX Insights Platform you should follow the CLI installation instead of this guide.
These steps should only be used if you need more control over the installation than what the CLI provides.
Manual secret creation
Self-managed ingress certs
Once you have the certificate (ca.crt
) and private key (ca.key
), you can create a secret containing them.
kubectl create secret tls kxi-ingress-cert --cert=ca.crt --key=ca.key
The values file should then reference this secret as below.
certmanager: false
tlsSecret: kxi-ingress-cert
License file
A valid license is required to run the KX Insights Platform. For instructions on how to obtain a license, please see here. The path to license file needs to be supplied as a secret to Kubernetes and referenced by the Helm charts.
Use the command below to create a license secret, where kx.lic
is the path to
your license file.
kubectl create secret generic kxi-license --from-file=license=kx.lic
The secret created is called kxi-license
so the Helm value should reference this name
in the global.license.secretName
field here.
Image pull secrets
An image pull secret is required in order to pull images from a private Docker registry. Using your credentials for the Insights Nexus registry, you can create a secret for pulling these images.
kubectl create secret docker-registry kxi-nexus-pull-secret \
--docker-username=<username> \
--docker-password=<password> \
This creates a kxi-nexus-pull-secret
secret, which should be referenced by the global.imagePullSecrets.name
value here.
Client certificate issuer
The KX Insights Platform uses mutual TLS for clients publishing data into the system via RT. This requires the system to be configured with a certificate issuer to generate unique keys and certs for each client.
The command below generates a private key and signing certificate for the issuer resource.
Exit Container
You should not run these commands as root it will prevent them being accessed by non-root users. Instead exit
the container and run on the source host.
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -subj "/CN=insights.kx.com" -days 3650 -reqexts v3_req -extensions v3_ca -out ca.crt
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -subj "/CN=insights.kx.com" -days 3650 -reqexts v3_req -extensions v3_ca -out ca.crt -config /usr/local/etc/openssl@1.1/openssl.cnf
Now that the ca.crt
and ca.key
files have been created, you should re-access the the container by running the manage-cluster.sh
script and apply the secret as follows from the container
kubectl create secret tls kxi-certificate --cert=ca.crt --key=ca.key
The secret is called kxi-certificate
which should be referenced by the global.caIssuer.secretName
value in the values file.
Keycloak passwords
Keycloak is used as the identity and access management platform for the KX Insights Platform.
The KX Insights Platform uses the Bitnami Helm chart to deploy Keycloak which by default creates random alphanumeric passwords if none are specified.
This can cause issues during upgrades, as described here, so we recommend that you preconfigure your Keycloak passwords to avoid this.
There are four passwords that are required
Password | Description |
admin-password |
This is the password for the Keycloak Admin UI |
management-password |
This is the password for the WildFly management user |
postgresql-postgres-password |
This is the password for the database superuser |
postgresql-password |
This is the password for the database user that Keycloak uses |
These can be created using kubectl
kubectl create secret generic kxi-keycloak \
--from-literal=admin-password=<PASSWORD> \
kubectl create secret generic kxi-postgresql \
--from-literal=postgresql-postgres-password=<PASSWORD> \
This creates two secrets called kxi-keycloak
and kxi-postgresql
These should be set in the following values keycloak.auth.existingSecret
and keycloak.postgresql.existingSecret
Values file
Before installing the KX Insights Platform it is necessary to provide a custom values file to configure the system appropriately.
These include the secrets and resources created as part of the prerequisites here.
The command below creates a simple global configuration file called insights.yaml
Ingress host
The below tee
command assumes the INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME
environment variable has been set to the application's DNS record e.g. insights.example.com
. If not you will need to update the file manually when this command is run.
tee insights.yaml << EOF
secretName: kxi-license
repository: registry.dl.kx.com
- name: kxi-nexus-pull-secret
name: kxi-certificate
secretName: kxi-certificate
existingSecret: kxi-keycloak
existingSecret: kxi-postgresql
More advanced configuration is detailed here.
Manual Helm install
The base system is hosted as a helm chart on the Insights Nexus. This can be added as a repo using the command below.
helm repo add --username <username> --password <password> kx-insights https://nexus.dl.kx.com/repository/kx-insights-charts
allows the user to view available versions of a chart with the command
helm search repo kx-insights/insights --versions
The chart can then be installed with the command below and using the insights.yaml
created above.
helm install insights kx-insights/insights --version=<version> -f insights.yaml