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When integrating with the monitoring sidecar, the following metrics will be available.

component type name description
SM gauge kxi_sm_clients Currently connected clients
SM gauge kxi_sm_stream_records Number of records read from RT stream
SM gauge kxi_sm_msgs Number of messages read from RT stream
SM gauge kxi_sm_eoi_requests_pending EOI requests awaiting completion
SM gauge kxi_sm_eod_requests_pending EOD requests awaiting completion
SM counter kxi_sm_eoi_count Number of completed End of Interval runs
SM counter kxi_sm_eod_count Number of completed End of Day runs
SM gauge kxi_sm_eoi_duration_seconds Duration of the most recent End of Interval
SM gauge kxi_sm_eod_duration_seconds Duration of the most recent End of Day
SM gauge kxi_sm_eoi_stream_pos Current RT stream position
SM gauge kxi_sm_eoi_records Number of records written during EOI
SM gauge kxi_sm_hdb_date_records Number of total records in latest EOD partition
SM gauge kxi_sm_hdb_size Size of HDB (in MB)
SM gauge kxi_sm_hdb_partitions Number of partitions in HDB