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Pipelines can be scaled in accordance with the partitioning capabilities of data readers used. For an example using a built-in parallel reader, we demonstrate Kafka below.

// Read JSON data from a Kafka topic[`topic; "localhost:9092"]
  // Parse the JSON messages to q data
  // Messages are expected to have an 'eventTime' timestamp field[.j.k]
  // Group messages into 5 second windows based on the 'eventTime'
  // timestamp
  .qsp.window.tumbling[00:00:05; {x`eventTime}]
  // Filter out readings over a given threshold
  .qsp.filter[{[sensors] 100 < sensors`readings}]
  // Write output results to a configured Reliable Transport endpoint

This pipeline can be deployed as a single Worker, in which case all data will flow through one process/container. The associated configuration for the pipeline should indicate that the minWorkers count is 1:

# config.yaml
name: kafka-sensors
    minWorkers: 1         # This could also be set using the env var
docker compose up

Alternatively, if the stream is partitioned within Kafka, the pipeline can be deployed with more than one worker:

# config.yaml
name: kafka-sensors-scaled
    minWorkers: 10        # This could also be set using the env var
docker compose stop
docker compose up --scale worker=10

Running the above, ten Workers will be created; they will all register with the Controller. When all Workers have registered, the pipeline will negotiate with the Kafka brokers to determine how many partitions are available in the topic. The Controller will assign partitions (either one partition or a group of partitions depending on the number of partitions and Workers) to individual Workers. Each Worker will then read from that logical subset of the stream, each checkpointing state and progress separately.

If the pipeline reader is partitioned, the partitions assigned to each Worker can be seen from the REST API.