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Code Examples and Templates


Having access to code examples and templates can accelerate the development process and ensure that your UDAs adhere to best practices. This section provides a collection of examples and templates to help you get started.

Code Examples

// Custom UDA code.

.kxi.packages.file.load"common.q" / Example loading other file dependancies

\d .customUDA
// Example 1 - Custom count by UDA.

// Define query function.
// @desc Define a new API. Counts number of entries by specified columns.
// @param table     {symbol}            Table name.
// @param byCols    {symbol|symbol[]}   Column(s) to count by.
// @param startTS   {timestamp}         Start time (inclusive).
// @param endTS     {timestamp}         End time (exclusive).
// @return          {table}             Count by specified columns.

    bc:$[`date in byCols;
        [byCols:(byCols except`date),`realTime;



// Define aggregation function.
// @desc Agg function that does a plus join on a list of tables.
// @param tbls  {table[]}   List plus-joinable tables.
// @return      {table}     Plus join.
    .kxi.response.ok(pj/)0^((union/)key each tbls)#/:tbls

\d .

// Define metadata.
metadata:.kxi.metaDescription["Custom UDA - does a count by."],
    .kxi.metaMisc[enlist[`safe]!enlist 1b],
    .kxi.metaParam[`name`type`isReq`description!(`table;-11h;1b;"Table name.")],
    .kxi.metaParam[`name`type`isReq`description!(`byCols;11 -11h;1b;"Column(s) to count by.")],
    .kxi.metaParam[`name`type`isReq`description!(`startTS;-12h;1b;"Start time (inclusive).")],
    .kxi.metaParam[`name`type`isReq`description!(`endTS;-12h;1b;"End time (exclusive).")],
    .kxi.metaReturn`type`description!(98h;"Count by specified columns.");

// Registration.
.kxi.registerUDA `name`query`aggregation`metadata!(`.customUDA.countBy;`.customUDA.countByQuery;`.customUDA.countByAgg;metadata);

// Example qIPC requests.
// GATEWAY variable below is defined as an IPC connection to the Service Gateway.
// args:`table`startTS`endTS`byCols!(`trade;"p"$.z.D-3;"p".z.D-2;`date`sym)
// show each GATEWAY(`.customUDA.countBy;args;`;()!())

\d .customUDA

// Example 2 - Join Trade and Quote tables

// Define query function.
// @desc Define a new API. Get trade data for specified date range.
// @param startTS   {timestamp}         Start time (inclusive).
// @param endTS     {timestamp}         End time (exclusive).
// @param s         {symbol|symbol[]}   Market data symbols to query for.
// @return          {table}             Count by specified columns.
        :.kxi.response.error[;"Must enter a non null symbol(s) to query";()]];
    symFilt:(in;`sym;enlist syms);
    .kxi.response.ok t

// Define aggregation function.
// @desc Get symbol and timerange for quote data, then defer the final result until we retrieve the quote data.
// @param trade {table}     Trade data from the query result.
    trade:raze trade; / Raze as data coming from multiple DAPs
    .kxi.context.set[`trade;trade]; / Save trade data in context
    symFilt:exec distinct sym from trade;
        (`quote;"p"$"d"$min trade`realTime;1+max trade`realTime;
        `sym`realTime`ask`askSize`bid`bidSize;`sym`realTime); / Args for quote getData

// Aggregation defer resume.
// @desc    Resume deferred request and join together trade and quote data.
// @param   quote   {table}     Quote data.
// @return  Joined trade and quote data for specified syms with numeric values rounded to 2 decimal places.
    trade:.kxi.context.get`trade; / Recover trade data from context
    res:aj[`sym`realTime;trade;quote]; / Join
    round:{("j"$100*x)%100}; / Round to two decimals
    .kxi.response.ok update round price,round bid,round ask from res

\d .

// Define metadata.
metadata:.kxi.metaDescription["Custom UDA - join trade and quote data."],
    .kxi.metaMisc[enlist[`safe]!enlist 1b],
    .kxi.metaParam[`name`type`isReq`description!(`startTS;-12h;1b;"Start time (inclusive).")],
    .kxi.metaParam[`name`type`isReq`description!(`endTS;-12h;1b;"End time (exclusive).")],
    .kxi.metaParam[`name`type`isReq`description!(`syms;11 -11h;1b;"Sym values to query on. Must be a non-null value.")],
    .kxi.metaReturn`type`description!(98h;"Joined trade and quote data.");

// Registration.
.kxi.registerUDA `name`query`aggregation`metadata!(`.customUDA.getMktData;`.customUDA.queryMktData;`.customUDA.aggMktData;metadata);

// Example qIPC requests.
// GATEWAY variable below is defined as an IPC connection to the Service Gateway.
// args:`startTS`endTS`syms!("p"$.z.D-3;"p".z.D-2;`DNDF.CAN)
// show each GATEWAY(`.customUDA.getMktData;args;`;()!())