The purpose of the getBars
API is to quickly and efficiently retrieve aggregate values from large tick databases. It provides high performance for large window aggregation queries.
The getBars
API is used to retrieve data for pre-aggregated bars. The API operates against pre-aggregated and persisted time-bar analytics, which allows for faster and less intensive queries on certain granularity units.
As such, the getBars
API works only on historical, aggregated data that has already been generated. How to customize the aggregated data generated is outlined here customizing Data for use with getBars.
Gateway URL
The gw
variable below is defined as an IPC connection to the Service Gateway. For example `:insights-qe-gateway:5050 would connect to the query environment gateway within an insights namespace.
// API arguments dictionary.
args: (!) . flip (
(`table; `Trade);
(`startTS; (.z.d-1)+09:00:00.000);
(`endTS; (.z.d-1)+23:00:00.000);
(`idList; `AMD);
(`analytics; `minFirstPrice`sumLastPrice`maxAvgPrice`sumMedPrice);
(`granularity; 1);
(`granularityUnit; `hour)
last gw(`getBars;args;`callback;opts);
eventTimestamp instrumentID minFirstPrice sumLastPrice maxAvgPrice sumMedPrice
2023.04.24D09:00:00.000000000 AMD 74.13 745.29 75.05 745.26
2023.04.24D10:00:00.000000000 AMD 73.3 523.86 75.58 523.875
2023.04.24D11:00:00.000000000 AMD 73.3 526.35 75.73 526.335
2023.04.24D12:00:00.000000000 AMD 75.65 378.8 75.92 378.79
2023.04.24D13:00:00.000000000 AMD 75.8 834.7 75.99 834.705
2023.04.24D14:00:00.000000000 AMD 73.15 678.62 75.735 678.655
Gateway URL
variables should point at your kdb Insights install.
INSIGHTS_TOKEN=`curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET" \
"${INSIGHTS_URL}/auth/realms/insights/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -cr ".access_token"`
DATA=`curl -s -X POST "${INSIGHTS_URL}/servicegateway/fsi/getBars" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_TOKEN" \
-d "$(jq -n \
table : "Trade",
startTS : "2023.04.24D09:00:00.000000000",
endTS : "2023.04.24D23:00:00.000000000",
idList : "AMD",
analytics : ["minFirstPrice","sumLastPrice","maxAvgPrice","sumMedPrice"],
granularity : "1",
granularityUnit : "hour"
}' | jq -cr .)"`
echo $DATA | jq -cr '.payload'
When issuing an IPC request, synchronous requests return a tuple where the first element is the response payload and the second is the response data. See the asynchronous requests section for how to use the callback parameter to get an asynchronous response. See the extended options section for how to use the options like timeouts for your IPC call.
inherits arguments from getTicks
and getStats
with some exceptions;
name | required | type | default | example | description |
table | yes | symbol | N/A | `Trade | Name of table to retrieve aggregations for. |
startTS | yes | timestamp | -0Wp | .z.p-1D | Inclusive start time of period of interest. It is recommended that this field is always used to limit scope of data in the response and to maximize query efficiency. |
endTS | yes | timestamp | 0Wp | .z.p | Exclusive end time of period of interest. It is recommended that this field is always used to limit scope of data in the response and to maximize query efficiency. |
inputTZ | no | symbol | UTC | `America/New_York | Timezone of startTS and endTS, UTC if not provided. |
outputTZ | no | symbol | UTC | `America/New_York | Timezone of output timestamp columns, UTC if not provided. |
groupBy | no | symbol[] | identifier column | `exch | List of columns to group aggregation result by. |
fill | no | symbol | () | `forward | Will fill the outbound result after aggregation. Using any fill will "rack" the data, giving rows for windows that did not happen. Options are `null`zero`forward`linear`linearStep |
temporality | no | symbol | `snapshot | `slice | Sets the range of data in view for each day within the query. Support two types of temporality: `snapshot (default) which takes a continuous range of the data, and `slice which returns data within the startTS and endTS dates that is between the times defined in the slice argument. |
slice | no | symbol | () | (0D12:00:00;0D13:00:00) | Sets the time range to grab between each date in the startTS and endTS range when using a temporality of slice. |
sortCols | no | symbol[] | () | (`desc;`instrumentID) | Columns to sort (ascending) result data on. |
granularity | no | integer | 1 | 30 | Size of the time bucket for the aggregation. Used in conjunction with granularityUnit |
granularityUnit | no | symbol | N/A | `minute | Unit of the time bucket for the aggregation. Used in conjunction with granularity. Options are `minute`hour`day`week`month |
analytics | no | symbol[] | () | `maxAvgPrice | A list of symbols for analytics to apply. See Analytics section for more detail. |
idList | no | symbol[] | ` | `A`B`C | List of identifiers to select. |
See the getStats and getTicks documentation for detailed examples of use.
Parameter Differences Compared to getTicks
and getStats
There are subtle differences in the valid inputs for analytics and granularity/granularityUnit, see corresponding sections below for details.
The getBars
API queries pre-aggregated bars so specific filters differing from the default are not supported.
This could be used but the pre-aggregated data has already been grouped by the identifier column.
Specifying aggregations in the getBars
API is not supported. Any custom aggregations required can be generated if configured custom aggregations
The buckets that the getBars
API is querying have already been generated, as such applying a modifier at query time is not supported.
Currently only supported by the getStats
The buckets that the getBars
API is querying have already been generated using the default partition time column, as such using a different time column at query time is not supported.
The pre-aggregated data has already been generated using the identifier column, as such using a different id column at query time is not supported.
The purpose of the getBars
API is to quickly and efficiently retrieve aggregate values for fields from configured tables.
The API queries pre-calculated stats for the configured tables. These stats are updated at the end of every day.
The pre-calculated values available to getBars
are generated using analytics that are common to the getStats
analytics, for example, sumPrice, sumVolume, firstPrice, lastPrice, and so on, although there are some exceptions.
These analytics are built dynamically. Generic operations (`first;`last)
are applied to all columns, and numerical operations (`min;`max;`avg;`sum;`med)
are applied where applicable based on the table schema. The naming convention is the aggregate keyword and the column to which it is applied. For example, avgPrice is equivalent to (avg;`price)
. getStats
The getBars
API then calculates aggregations from these pre-calculated aggregations, for example, firstSumPrice.
The aggregate values are pre-calculated at 1-minute and 1-day granularity, allowing getBars
to support user specified granularity units Granularity.
Due to this user-defined granularity level, getBars
often returns aggregations of aggregations, so this should be considered when values are returned from getBars
The full list of aggregations available to the getBars
API can be seen using the
variable. For the Trade
table this would be:
tradeCount firstMinExchTime firstMedVolume lastLastTradedExchange lastSumVolume
firstFirstEventTimestamp firstMinPrice firstMedSequenceNumber lastLastSequenceNumber lastSumSequenceNumber
firstFirstInstrumentID firstMinVolume firstMedAccVol lastLastAccVol lastSumAccVol
firstFirstExchTime firstMinSequenceNumber firstMedTickCount lastLastTickCount lastSumTickCount
firstFirstPrice firstMinAccVol firstVWAP lastLastExecutionID lastMedEventTimestamp
firstFirstVolume firstMinTickCount firstTurnover lastLastSrcSys lastMedExchTime
firstFirstConditions firstMaxEventTimestamp firstTWAP lastMinEventTimestamp lastMedPrice
firstFirstNormalisedCondition firstMaxExchTime firstTradeCount lastMinExchTime lastMedVolume
firstFirstTickDirection firstMaxPrice lastFirstEventTimestamp lastMinPrice lastMedSequenceNumber
firstFirstTradedExchange firstMaxVolume lastFirstInstrumentID lastMinVolume lastMedAccVol
firstFirstSequenceNumber firstMaxSequenceNumber lastFirstExchTime lastMinSequenceNumber lastMedTickCount
firstFirstAccVol firstMaxAccVol lastFirstPrice lastMinAccVol lastVWAP
firstFirstTickCount firstMaxTickCount lastFirstVolume lastMinTickCount lastTurnover
firstFirstExecutionID firstAvgEventTimestamp lastFirstConditions lastMaxEventTimestamp lastTWAP
firstFirstSrcSys firstAvgExchTime lastFirstNormalisedCondition lastMaxExchTime lastTradeCount
firstLastEventTimestamp firstAvgPrice lastFirstTickDirection lastMaxPrice minFirstEventTimestamp
firstLastInstrumentID firstAvgVolume lastFirstTradedExchange lastMaxVolume minFirstExchTime
firstLastExchTime firstAvgSequenceNumber lastFirstSequenceNumber lastMaxSequenceNumber minFirstPrice
firstLastPrice firstAvgAccVol lastFirstAccVol lastMaxAccVol minFirstVolume
firstLastVolume firstAvgTickCount lastFirstTickCount lastMaxTickCount minFirstSequenceNumber
firstLastConditions firstSumEventTimestamp lastFirstExecutionID lastAvgEventTimestamp minFirstAccVol
firstLastNormalisedCondition firstSumExchTime lastFirstSrcSys lastAvgExchTime minFirstTickCount
firstLastTickDirection firstSumPrice lastLastEventTimestamp lastAvgPrice minLastEventTimestamp
firstLastTradedExchange firstSumVolume lastLastInstrumentID lastAvgVolume minLastExchTime
firstLastSequenceNumber firstSumSequenceNumber lastLastExchTime lastAvgSequenceNumber minLastPrice
firstLastAccVol firstSumAccVol lastLastPrice lastAvgAccVol minLastVolume
firstLastTickCount firstSumTickCount lastLastVolume lastAvgTickCount minLastSequenceNumber
firstLastExecutionID firstMedEventTimestamp lastLastConditions lastSumEventTimestamp minLastAccVol
firstLastSrcSys firstMedExchTime lastLastNormalisedCondition lastSumExchTime minLastTickCount
firstMinEventTimestamp firstMedPrice lastLastTickDirection lastSumPrice minMinEventTimestamp
Complex and Custom Analytics
Aggregations of complex named analytics or any custom named aggregations can also be queried using getBars
, for example, firstVWAP in the above list. For more details on complex named analytics and custom named aggregations see getStats
Custom aggregations can be generated to be available for getBars
to query custom aggregations
Granularity and granularity unit
The granularity is the size of the time bucket for the aggregation and is used in conjunction with granularityUnit. The granularityUnit is the unit of the time bucket for the aggregation. As getBars
uses pre-aggregated time bars, the supported granularity units are restricted; however, performance is improved as a result. The supported granularity units are:
- minute
- hour
- day
- week
- month
Specify the size of bars by setting granularity and the granularity units, for example, a granularity of three and a granularity unit of day will give 3-day buckets within the time window. Similarly, for supported granularity units minute/hour/day/week/month within the specified time window.
args: (!) . flip (
(`table; `Trade);
(`startTS; (.z.d-1)+09:00:00.000);
(`endTS; (.z.d-1)+23:00:00.000);
(`idList; `AMD);
(`analytics; `maxFirstPrice`minLastPrice`sumAvgPrice`lastMedPrice);
(`granularity; 5);
(`granularityUnit; `minute)
last gw(`getBars;args;`callback;opts);
eventTimestamp instrumentID maxFirstPrice minLastPrice sumAvgPrice lastMedPrice
2023.04.24D09:00:00.000000000 AMD 74.13 74.13 148.2725 74.13
2023.04.24D09:30:00.000000000 AMD 74.29 74.29 74.29 74.29
2023.04.24D09:35:00.000000000 AMD 74.61 74.51 149.12 74.51
2023.04.24D09:40:00.000000000 AMD 74.62 74.62 74.62 74.62
2023.04.24D09:45:00.000000000 AMD 74.63 74.52 149.15 74.63
2023.04.24D09:50:00.000000000 AMD 74.75 74.77 74.76 74.76
2023.04.24D09:55:00.000000000 AMD 75.05 75.05 75.05 75.05
2023.04.24D10:00:00.000000000 AMD 75.59 75.44 226.579 75.54
INSIGHTS_TOKEN=`curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET" \
"${INSIGHTS_URL}/auth/realms/insights/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -cr ".access_token"`
DATA=`curl -s -X POST "${INSIGHTS_URL}/servicegateway/fsi/getBars" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_TOKEN" \
-d "$(jq -n \
table : "Trade",
startTS : "2023.04.24D09:00:00.000000000",
endTS : "2023.04.24D23:00:00.000000000",
idList : "AMD",
analytics : ["maxFirstPrice","minLastPrice","sumAvgPrice","lastMedPrice"],
granularity : "5",
granularityUnit : "minute"
}' | jq -cr .)"`
echo $DATA | jq -cr '.payload'