Arithmetic operators
The following arithmetic operators are supported:
operator | description |
+ | Add |
- | Subtract |
* | Multiply |
/ | Divide |
= | Equals to |
> | Greater than |
< | Less than |
>= | Greater than or equal to |
<= | Less than or equal to |
<> | Not equal to |
Addition: Adding two columns together and creating a new column:
.s.e"SELECT fare,tip,fare+tip as new_total FROM trips"
Subtraction: Subtracting one column from another and creating a new column:
.s.e"SELECT month,month-1 as prev_month FROM trips"
Multiplying: Multiplying one column from another and creating a new column:
// multiply * .s.e"SELECT distance,5280*distance as distance_feet FROM trips"
Dividing: Dividing a column by a fixed value and creating a new column:
// divide / .s.e"SELECT fare, fare/100 as fare_cents FROM trips"
Equals: Returning only records that have a specific value in a column:
// equal to = .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips where passengers=2"
Inequalities: Applying filters:
// equal to = .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips where passengers=2" // greater than >= .s.e"SELECT fare,tip,fare+tip as total FROM trips WHERE tip>0" // less than <= .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE fare<5" // greater than or equal to >= .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE distance>=12" // less than or equal to <= .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE fare<=5"
Not equal: Do not return any records that meet a certain set of criteria:
// not equal to <> .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE passengers<>1" // not equal to != .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE passengers!=1"
Logical operators
The following logical operators supported are:
operator | description |
AND | TRUE if all the conditions separated by AND are TRUE |
OR | TRUE if any of the conditions separated by OR is TRUE |
NOT | Displays a record if the condition(s) is NOT TRUE |
BETWEEN | TRUE if the operand is within the range of comparisons |
IN | TRUE if the operand is equal to one of a list of expressions |
LIKE | TRUE if the operand matches a pattern |
IS NULL | TRUE if the value is NULL |
AND: only returning records that meet ALL criteria:
// AND .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE passengers=3 AND vendor='DDS'"
OR: returning records that meet ONE or MORE of the criteria:
// OR .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE tip>20 OR fare>100"
IN: specifying multiple values in a WHERE clause, which is a shorthand for multiple OR clauses:
.s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE payment_type IN ('CASH', 'CREDIT');"
NOT: returning records that DO NOT meet the criteria:
// NOT .s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE NOT passengers=1"
This a option is equivalent to
Using between
selects values within a given range. The values can be numbers, text, dates or datetimes.
Records that fall between two numbers:
.s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE fare BETWEEN 10 AND 12;"
Records that fall alphabetically between two text values:
.s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE payment_type BETWEEN 'CASH' AND 'DISPUTE';"
Records that fall between two datetimes:
.s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE pickup_time BETWEEN '2009-01-01 00:30:00' AND '2009-01-01 00:35:00';"
Records for a single day:
.s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE date BETWEEN '2009-01-01' AND '2009-01-02;"
Using like
is used in a WHERE clause to search for a specified pattern in a column. As in standard SQL syntax the following two wildcards are supported:
- The percent sign
represents zero, one, or multiple characters. - The underscore sign
represents one, single character.
to return all records where a field begins with a letter:.s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE payment_type LIKE 'C%';"
to search just leaving out one single character:.s.e"SELECT * FROM trips WHERE payment_type LIKE 'C_EDIT';"
Conditional operators
The following conditional operators are supported:
case [a] when b then x ... else y
Both the general and 'simple' comparison forms of case
are supported.