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Get table details from BigQuery Note: This doesn't return the data within the table


Name Type Description
args dict Arguments required for the tables.get method (see .com_kx_bq.disc.getParameters`tables.get)


Type Description
dict Response from BigQuery

Example: Request for details of 'nested_table'

 q).com_kx_bq.tables.get `projectId`datasetId`tableId!("cloudpak"; "kx_bma_bigquery_ds"; "nested_table")
 kind            | "bigquery#table"
 etag            | "3PBOd4/GmKp8mi/GRfjCRg=="
 id              | "cloudpak:kx_bma_bigquery_ds.nested_table"
 selfLink        | "
 tableReference  | `projectId`datasetId`tableId!("cloudpak";"kx_bma_bigquery_d..
 schema          | (,`fields)!,(`name`type`mode!("id";"STRING";"NULLABLE");`na..
 numBytes        | "244"
 numLongTermBytes| ,"0"
 numRows         | ,"2"
 creationTime    | "1611058431773"
 lastModifiedTime| "1611066081149"
 type            | "TABLE"
 location        | "US"


Create a table in BigQuery

Note: This does not upload the data that is in the table, it only creates a table with the same schema in BigQuery

In order to upload data once the schema is created use .com_kx_bq.tabledata.insertAll

To create a schema that has nested columns you must provide a table with at least one row that contains an example of the nested structure


Name Type Description
args dict Arguments required for the tables.insert method (see .com_kx_bq.disc.getParameters`tables.insert)
table table Table indicating schema to upload


Type Description
dict Response from BigQuery

Example: Inserting a simple table

 q)simple_table:([] longCol:`long$(); dateCol:`date$())
 q).com_kx_bq.tables.insert[`projectId`datasetId`tableId!("cloudpak"; "kx_bma_bigquery_ds";"simple_table"); simple_table]
 kind            | "bigquery#table"
 etag            | "ruJu2EDyJ2AihJhTwbX3kA=="
 id              | "cloudpak:kx_bma_bigquery_ds.simple_table"
 selfLink        | "
 tableReference  | `projectId`datasetId`tableId!("cloudpak";"kx_bma_bigquery_d..
 schema          | (,`fields)!,+`name`type`mode!(("longCol";"dateCol");("INTEG..
 numBytes        | ,"0"
 numLongTermBytes| ,"0"
 numRows         | ,"0"
 creationTime    | "1611229907510"
 lastModifiedTime| "1611229907560"
 type            | "TABLE"
 location        | "US"

Example: Inserting a nested table

 q)hobbies:([] firstName:`John`Jane; lastName:`Doe`Doe; hobbies:(`skiing`running`cycling; `running`swimming))
 firstName lastName hobbies
 John      Doe      `skiing`running`cycling
 Jane      Doe      `running`swimming
 q).com_kx_bq.tables.insert[`projectId`datasetId`tableId!("cloudpak"; "kx_bma_bigquery_ds";"hobbies"); hobbies]
 kind            | "bigquery#table"
 etag            | "m0abliNQBx3fKfFk77MUKA=="
 id              | "cloudpak:kx_bma_bigquery_ds.hobbies"
 selfLink        | "
 tableReference  | `projectId`datasetId`tableId!("cloudpak";"kx_bma_bigquery_d..
 schema          | (,`fields)!,+`name`type`mode!(("firstName";"lastName";"hobb..
 numBytes        | ,"0"
 numLongTermBytes| ,"0"
 numRows         | ,"0"
 creationTime    | "1611230179319"
 lastModifiedTime| "1611230179364"
 type            | "TABLE"
 location        | "US"


List tables available in BigQuery


Name Type Description
args dict Arguments required for the tables.list method (see .com_kx_bq.disc.getParameters`tables.list)


Type Description
dict Response from BigQuery

Example: Listing tables in the project 'cloudpak' and dataset 'kx_bma_bigquery_ds'

 q).com_kx_bq.tables.list `projectId`datasetId!("cloudpak"; "kx_bma_bigquery_ds")
 kind      | "bigquery#tableList"
 etag      | "XO0VOCRg48KNOqPXpRbrFw=="
 tables    | +`kind`id`tableReference`type`creationTime!(("bigquery#table";"bi..
 totalItems| 2f