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Backup and restore

This guide provides steps for backing up authentication data from the Keycloak components within kdb Insights Enterprise.


Certain variables are referenced throughout this document:

name description
RELEASE_NAME Name of the Insights release
ACCESS_USER User for Nexus
KEYCLOAK_STATEFULSET Name of the Keycloak statefulset
KEYCLOAK_POD Name of the Keycloak pod
POSTGRESQL_PRIMARY_POD Name of the Postgresql primary pod
POSTGRESQL_SECRET Name of the secret containing Postgresql passwords
POSTGRESQL_USER User name for connecting to Postgresql
POSTGRESQL_DB Name of the Postgresql database
POSTGRESQL_PORT_NUMBER Port of the Postgresql database

The variables that must be set explicitly are:

export RELEASE_NAME=<release name> # consult 'helm list' if you are unsure of the release name

All other variables can be inferred as follows:

export KEYCLOAK_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l$RELEASE_NAME, -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

export KEYCLOAK_STATEFULSET=$(kubectl get statefulset -l$RELEASE_NAME, -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

export POSTGRESQL_PRIMARY_POD=$(kubectl get pods -l$RELEASE_NAME,, -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")

export POSTGRESQL_USER=$(kubectl get pods -l$RELEASE_NAME,, -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.containers[0].env[?('POSTGRES_USER')].value}")

export POSTGRESQL_SECRET=$(kubectl get pod -l -o jsonpath='{.items[*].spec.containers[0].env[?("POSTGRES_PASSWORD")]}')

export POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret $POSTGRESQL_SECRET -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode)

export POSTGRESQL_DB=$(kubectl get pods -l$RELEASE_NAME,, -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.containers[0].env[?('POSTGRES_DB')].value}")

export POSTGRESQL_PORT_NUMBER=$(kubectl get pods -l$RELEASE_NAME,, -o jsonpath="{.items[0].spec.containers[0].env[?('POSTGRESQL_PORT_NUMBER')].value}")

Backup Guide


Keycloak uses a PostgreSQL database as its backing database. This database stores all of Keycloak's application data.

Before performing an upgrade, it is recommended to backup the realm and the database.

Backing up the realm

  1. Connect to the Keycloak pod.

    kubectl exec -it $KEYCLOAK_POD -- /bin/bash
  2. Run Keycloak with the arguments below to export the realm.

    . /opt/bitnami/scripts/ $KEYCLOAK_BIN_DIR/ export --file /tmp/realm.json --realm insights

    Large number of users

    If your Keycloak instance contains more than 500 users, export to a directory instead of a single file using

    . /opt/bitnami/scripts/
    $KEYCLOAK_BIN_DIR/ export --dir /tmp/export --realm insights --users different_files

  3. Shutdown using CTRL+C and detach from the pod using CTRL+P,CTRL+Q.

  4. Copy the file to your local machine using:

    kubectl cp $KEYCLOAK_POD:/tmp/realm.json realm.json

The full realm now exists in realm.json in the current local directory.

Backing up the database

Keycloak uses a PostgreSQL database that can be backed up using pg_dump

This can be done using the following command:

kubectl exec $POSTGRESQL_PRIMARY_POD -- bash -c "pg_dump --dbname=postgresql://$POSTGRESQL_USER:$POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD@$POSTGRESQL_PORT_NUMBER/$POSTGRESQL_DB" > database.sql

The database dump now exists in database.sql in the current local directory.

Restore Guide

In the event of data loss, it may be necessary to restore a backup.

We recommend restoring a backup on the same version of the kdb Insights Enterprise that is was created on.


The Postgresql database that is used by Keycloak can be restored from a pg_dump backup as follows:

  1. Set the number of replicas to 0 for the Keycloak statefulset to prevent modifications to the database while it is being restored.

    kubectl scale statefulsets $KEYCLOAK_STATEFULSET --replicas=0
  2. Copy the backup into the Postgresql primary pod and connect to it.

    tar cf - <backup file> | kubectl exec -i $POSTGRESQL_PRIMARY_POD -- tar xf - -C /opt/
    kubectl exec -it $POSTGRESQL_PRIMARY_POD -- /bin/bash
  3. Drop the existing database.

    cat <<EOF > /opt/init.sql
    drop database $POSTGRES_DB;
    create database $POSTGRES_DB;
    create user $POSTGRES_USER;
    alter role $POSTGRES_USER with password '$POSTGRES_PASSWORD';
    grant all privileges on database $POSTGRES_DB to $POSTGRES_USER;
    alter database $POSTGRES_DB owner to $POSTGRES_USER;
    # This command will prompt for a password
    # The password for the 'postgres' user can be view in the environment variable POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD
    psql -U postgres < /opt/init.sql;
  4. Restore the backup (replacing with the appropriate value).

    # This command will prompt for a password
    # The password for the 'postgres' user can be view in the environment variable POSTGRESQL_POSTGRES_PASSWORD
    psql -U postgres $POSTGRES_DB < /opt/<backup file>;
  5. Detach from the pod using CTRL+P,CTRL+Q.

  6. Scale the number of Keycloak replicas back to 1.

    kubectl scale statefulsets $KEYCLOAK_STATEFULSET --replicas=1