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kdb Insights Python API Quickstart

This quickstart provides you with a step-by-step guide to publish and retrieve data from a running instance of kdb Insights Enterprise using API calls and SQL.


  • You have installed the kdb Insights Python API following the installation guide.
  • You have access to a running version of kdb Insights Enterprise. For more information, refer to the installation guide.
  • You have installed the kdb Insights Command Line following the installation guide.


Authentication and Authorization

Before pushing a package or publishing data, use the KXI CLI to create users, clients, and assign roles. For more information on the CLI, refer to the kdb Insights Command Line documentation.

Administrator password

The administrator password below is defined during the installation of your kdb Insights Enterprise deployment. For more information, refer to the Administration Passwords documentation.

# Create a user
kxi user create --password <myPassword> --admin-password <adminPassword> --not-temporary
kxi user assign-roles --roles $INSIGHTS_ROLES --admin-password <adminPassword> 

## Create a client
kxi user create-client $CLIENT_ID --admin-password <adminPassword>
kxi user assign-roles service-account-$CLIENT_ID --roles $INSIGHTS_ROLES --admin-password <adminPassword>
CLIENT_SECRET=$(kxi user get-client-secret $CLIENT_ID --admin-password <adminPassword>)

Package Deployment

Follow the steps below to download and deploy the sample package kxi-py-1.11.0.kxi, available from the KX Download Portal.

Step 1 - Download the package

Run the following command to download the package:

curl -L$version/kxi-py-$version.kxi -o kxi-py-$version.kxi

Step 2 - Push the package to kdb Insights

Push the downloaded package to kdb Insights using the following command:

kxi package push kxi-py-1.11.0.kxi --client-id $CLIENT_ID --client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET

Step 3 - Deploy the package

Deploy the package to kdb Insights:

kxi package deploy kxi-py/1.11.0 --client-id $CLIENT_ID --client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET

Publish to kdb Insights Enterprise

Follow the steps below to enroll a client and publish to kdb Insights Enterprise

Step 1 - Enrol a client

If the publisher is outside the kdb Insights Enterprise cluster, use the Information Service to retrieve SSL certificates and endpoint details. For more information on client enrollment, refer to the client enrollment documentation.

To allow the publisher to use this service, you must enrol a client by running:

kxi client enrol --name publisher1 --insert-topic ext-taxi --serviceaccount-id $CLIENT_ID --serviceaccount-secret $CLIENT_SECRET

The following response is returned:

  "message": "success",
  "detail": "Client enrolled",
  "url": "5ed6e5b7c80c8e35d07249d12f32d9eb",
  "config_url": ""

Step 2 - Define your authenticated kdb Insights Enterprise client URL (KXI_CONFIG_URL)

Copy the value returned for the config_url key returned when the client is enrolled


Step 3 - Publish data to kdb Insights Enterprise

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> from kxi.publish.rtpublisher import RtPublisher
>>> from kxi.util import QType
>>> import kxi.query
>>> import os
>>> os.environ['KXI_CONFIG_URL']
>>> item = {'vendor': ['Happy Cabs'], 'pickup': [ - timedelta(minutes=15)], 'dropoff': [], 'passengers': [2], 'distance': [5], 'fare': [20], 'extra': [0],'tax': [0], 'tip': [2], 'tolls': [0], 'fees': [0], 'total': [22], 'payment_type': ['AMEX'] }
>>> schemas =  { 'taxi': {'vendor': QType.get('symbol'), 'pickup': QType.get('timestamp'), 'dropoff': QType.get('timestamp'), 'passengers': QType.get('long'), 'distance': QType.get('long'), 'fare': QType.get('long'), 'extra': QType.get('long'), 'tax': QType.get('long'), 'tip': QType.get('long'), 'tolls': QType.get('long'), 'fees': QType.get('long'), 'total': QType.get('long'), 'payment_type': QType.get('symbol') }}
>>> pub = RtPublisher(config_url=os.environ['KXI_CONFIG_URL'], rt_dir="/tmp/rt_data", schemas=schemas)
>>> pub.start()
>>> pub.insert('taxi', item)
>>> pub.stop()

Query kdb Insights Enterprise

The following shows two examples, the first returns the data as PyKX objects, which requires PyKX to be installed, the second returns the data as JSON data.

  • Create an authenticated connection to your instance of kdb Insights Enterprise using the kxi.query.Query class outlined here.

    >>> import kxi.query
    >>> import os
    >>> conn = kxi.query.Query('',client_id=os.environ['CLIENT_ID'],client_secret=os.environ['CLIENT_SECRET'])
        >>> import kxi.query
        >>> import os
    >>> import json
        >>> os.environ['INSIGHTS_URL']
        >>> os.environ['CLIENT_ID']
        >>> os.environ['CLIENT_SECRET']
        >>> conn = kxi.query.Query('',client_id=os.environ['CLIENT_ID'],client_secret=os.environ['CLIENT_SECRET'],data_format='application/json')
  • Query the kdb Insights Deployment to retrieve the metadata relating to your deployed database. Including filtering for available API's.

    >>> conn.get_meta()
    rc      | +`api`agg`assembly`schema`rc`labels`started!(0 6;2 2;0 2;0 2;`andre..
    dap     | +`assembly`instance`startTS`endTS!(`python-test`crypto`crypto`pytho..
    api     | +`api`kxname`aggFn`custom`full`metadata`procs!(`.kxi.getData`.kxi.p..
    agg     | +`aggFn`custom`full`metadata`procs!(`.sgagg.aggFnDflt`.sgagg.getDat..
    assembly| +`assembly`kxname`tbls!(`s#`crypto`python-test;`crypto`python-test;..
    schema  | +`table`assembly`typ`pkCols`updTsCol`prtnCol`sortColsMem`sortColsID..
    >>> conn.get_meta()['api']
    api          kxname             aggFn          custom full metadata          ..
    .kxi.getData python-test crypto .sgagg.getData 0      1    `description`param..    python-test crypto                0      1    `description`param..
    >>> conn.get_meta()
    {'header': {'rcvTS': '2023-02-13T21:34:16.257000000', 'corr': '18d77741-a11f-4c45-bcbd-a555ba93b32a', 'protocol': 'gw', 'logCorr': '18d77741-a11f-4c45-bcbd-a555ba93b32a', 'client': ':', 'http': 'json', ...
    >>> conn.get_meta()['payload']['api']
    [{'api': '.kxi.getData', 'kxname': ['python-test', 'crypto'], 'aggFn': '.sgagg.getData', 'custom': False, 'full': True, 'metadata': {'description': 'Get timeseries and splayed data from data access processes.', 'params': [{'name': 'table', 'type': -11, 'isReq': True, 'description': 'Table to select from.'}, {'name': 'startTS', 'type': -12, 'isReq': False, 'description': 'Inclusive start time for period of interest.'}, {'name': 'endTS', 'type': -12, 'isReq': False, 'description': 'Exclusive end time for period of interest.'}, {'name': 'filter', 'type': 0, 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Custom filter.'}, {'name': 'groupBy', 'type': [-11, 11], 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Column(s) to determine aggregation grouping'}, {'name': 'agg', 'type': [-11, 11, 0], 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Column(s) to return or aggregations to perform (where ` returns all columns).'}, {'name': 'sortCols', 'type': [-11, 11], 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Column names to sort response payload on.'}, {'name': 'slice', 'type': [16, 18, 19], 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Timerange to grab from each date in request range'}, {'name': 'fill', 'type': -11, 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'Fills option to apply to null data'}, {'name': 'temporality', 'type': -11, 'isReq': False, 'default': '', 'description': 'How to interpret time range, as continuous or as slice'}], 'return': {'type': 0, 'description': 'Triple consisting of sort columns (symbol[]), return columns (symbol[]), and table data (table)'}, 'misc': {'safe': True}, 'aggReturn': {'type': 98, 'description': 'Returns the raze of the tables.'}}, 'procs': []}, {'api': '', 'kxname': ['python-test', 'crypto'], 'aggFn': '', 'custom': False, 'full': True, 'metadata': {'description': 'Returns true if it reaches a target process.', 'params': [], 'return': {'type': -1, 'description': 'True.'}, 'misc': {'safe': True}, 'aggReturn': {}}, 'procs': []}]
  • Query the table taxi using an SQL statement.

    >>> conn.sql('SELECT * from taxi')
    date       label_kxname vendor     pickup                        dropoff     ..
    2024.05.14 na           Happy Cabs 2024.05.14D15:09:11.992705000 2024.05.14D1..
    2024.05.14 na           Happy Cabs 2024.05.14D15:30:40.666830000 2024.05.14D1..
    2024.05.14 na           Happy Cabs 2024.05.14D15:47:55.346594000 2024.05.14D1..
    >>> conn.sql('select * from taxi')['payload']
    'payload': [{'timestamp': '2023-01-11T09:15:52.447785984', 'market': 'Kraken', 'sym': 'BTCGBP', 'from_symbol': 'BTC', 'to_symbol': 'GBP', 'side': 'BID', 'action': 'ADD', 'ccseq': 1264949000, 'price': 14356.6, 'quantity': 0.09919806, 'seq': None, 'delay_timespan': '0D00:00:00.000806731', 'date': '2023-01-11', 'kxname': 'crypto'}, {'timestamp': '2023-01-11T09:15:52.985120000', 'market': 'Kraken', 'sym': 'BTCGBP', 'from_symbol': 'BTC',
  • Query the table taxi using a get_data API call, applying a filter and denoting the time from which data should be retrieved.

    >>> conn.get_data('taxi', start_time='2023.01.11D09:15:52.447785984', filter=[['=', 'vendor', 'Happy Cabs']])
    timestamp                     market   sym    from_symbol to_symbol side acti..
    2023.01.11D09:15:52.447785984 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  ADD ..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.058736128 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  REMO..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.067506944 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  ADD ..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.287335936 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  CHAN..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.287882752 Bitfinex BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  CHAN..
    2023.01.11D09:15:53.462057984 Kraken   BTCGBP BTC         GBP       BID  REMO..
    >>> conn.get_data('taxi', start_time='2023.01.11D09:15:52.447785984', filter=[['=', 'vendor', 'Happy Cabs']])['payload']
    [{'timestamp': '2023-01-11T09:15:52.447785984', 'market': 'Kraken', 'sym': 'BTCGBP', 'from_symbol': 'BTC', 'to_symbol': 'GBP', 'side': 'BID', 'action': 'ADD', 'ccseq': 1264949000, 'price': 14356.6, 'quantity': 0.09919806, 'seq': None, 'delay_timespan': '0D00:00:00.000806731'},