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Response codes

Return code

A Return Code (RC) is a short integer accompanying an API response from the Service Gateway and Data Access microservices.

Each such response includes a single RC in the rc field of its out-of-band metadata (header). The provided RC specifies the success or failure of the completed request from the perspective of the given microservice. Successful responses are indicated by 0h. Responses with non-zero RCs indicate the request has failed.

When an RC from the group that begins with the prefix APP_ is returned, it indicates that the request has failed as a result of an error experienced at the application layer (API execution or aggregation). In this case, the application code (AC) entry of the response header will be populated in the ac field, providing further indication of the nature of the failure. All other non-zero RCs indicate framework or environmental failures (e.g. timeout or connectivity failures).

In addition to indicating request failure, non-zero RCs also provide a high-level indication of the nature of the failure. They can be used to provide more informative messages to end users, administrators, or logging systems. In addition, they are used by the Service Gateway to influence its handling of failures. For example, RCs that indicate that the failure is transient in nature or might succeed on an alternate target may be automatically retried by the Service Gateway when appropriate.

The list of return codes, and their meanings, are as follows:

name value description
INCOMPLETE -1h Operation not yet completed (never final RC).
OK 0h Operation completed successfully.
APP 5h Application error encountered (more details available).
APP_DB 6h Application level DB error.
APP_RETRY2 7h Application level recoverable condition (2nd-stage retry).
ERR 10h General error (typically indicates a bug).
QUEUE 11h Error enqueuing message.
NOT_SUPPORTED 12h Service class or API not supported.
VERSION 13h Service version not compatible.
SERIALIZE 14h Serialization error.
DB 20h General database error.
DB_QUEUE 21h Error enqueuing to DB process.
DB_NO_RETRY 22h General database error (do not retry).
REDIR 23h Error encountered redirecting request.
REDIR_TTL 24h Redirect TTL hops exhausted.
NO_SHARD 26h Failure determining appropriate shard.
NO_MEM 30h Out of memory.
PAUSED 31h System is currently paused.
COMM 40h General protocol or comm failure (typically indicates a bug).
CONN_FAILED 41h Unable to connect to server.
DISCONNECT 42h Server disconnected.
SHUTDOWN 43h Local application is shutting down.
IO 44h Communications error sending or receiving data.
TIMEOUT 45h Operation timeout.
BUSY 46h Session already busy with a service.
COMM_INIT 47h Communications initialization failure.
CANCEL 48h Operation cancelled.
WOULD_BLOCK 49h Operation would block.
PROTOCOL_VER 50h Protocol version obsolete.
PENDING_IO 51h Another operation in progress on this channel.
ASYNC 52h Asynchronous operation cannot be completed.
CONN 53h General connection management error.
CHNL_CLOSED 54h Attempt to perform I/O after channel has been closed.
CONN_EXHST 55h Connections for destination exhausted.
NO_DEST 56h No suitable destination could be found.
CHRONO 57h Session chronology mismatch.
NOT_READY 58h Connection not ready.
PARTIALS 100h Aggregation, where partial results are sent in the payload
PARTIALS_SUB 101h One or more sub-requests failed, details in payload
PARTIALS_RESUME 102h Aggregation failed in the resume after completion of sub-requests, details in payload

Note: Descriptions of payloads if return code is one of PARTIALS_* can be found here.

Application code

An Application Code (AC) is a short integer used to indicate success or failure of application processing stages to the Service Gateway and Data Access microservices, and accompanies responses to API requests.

A zero value (0h) indicates that application processing was successful. A non-zero AC indicate some form of application level failure.

API requests which encounter an application-level failure will indicate an RC from the APP_ group of return codes. In addition, an ai entry may also be present in the header containing arbitrary application data related to the failure that may benefit any callers with sufficient intimacy with the application to expect and interpret the provided application information.

The list of application codes, and their meanings, are as follows:

name value description
OK 0h Successful completion.
CONTINUE 1h Asynchronous resume expected (never final AC).
ERR 10h General error.
TYPE 11h Type error.
LOCK 12h Object could not be locked.
NO_LOCK 13h Object no longer locked.
INPUT 14h Input error.
DUP_REQUEST 15h Duplicate request ignored.
MULT_ERRS 16h Multiple errors encountered (array provided).
NOT_FOUND 17h Object not found.
NONCE 18h Not implemented.
MEMORY 19h Memory exhausted.
NOT_READY 20h Server not ready.
STATE 21h Improper operation state.
BIND 22h Data binding error.
ARG 23h Illegal argument.
LIMIT 24h Size or count limit exceeded.
SEQ 25h Sequence error.
MODE 26h Improper operational mode.
DOMAIN 27h Domain error.
RANGE 28h Range error.
ALIGN 29h Alignment error.
MISMATCH 30h Data mismatch.
PERM 40h Insufficient permission.
XPERM 41h Insufficient permission (serious).
AUTH 42h Catastrophic authentication failure.
SESSION 43h Session state invalid.
EXPIRED 44h Permission expired.
NO_SPACE 50h Out of disk space.
FILE_PATH 51h Bad path or file name.
FILE_NAME 52h Name in use.
FILE 53h General file operation failure.
FILE_IO 54h File I/O error.
FILE_MODE 55h Unable to acquire requisite share mode.
FILE_DAMAGED 56h File damaged.
FILE_ACCESS 57h Access denied.
FILE_NF 58h File not found.
FILE_RENAME 59h File rename error.
FILE_MOVE 60h File move error.
FILE_COPY 61h File copy error.
DB 70h General database error.
DUP_KEY 71h Duplicate key.
REL_OVERLAP 72h Relationship overlap.
REF 73h Extant reference.
TABLE 74h Invalid table name.
COLUMN 75h Invalid column name