GCP Identity-Aware Proxy
This example logs into Google using OAuth2. Once logged in it creates an Audience with an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) protected HTTPS server.
- You have created an IAP HTTPS Resource
You have the hostname of the IAP HTTPS server
(as the
flag of the example) -
You have a simple GET request endpoint that the example can use
You have available the client ID of the IAP resource
(as the
flag of the example) -
You have available an OAuth2 client ID and secret representing a user
(as the
-client /path/to/client_secret.json
The Audience
The ID for your server/proxy, is called a client ID by Google. You may think of this ID as the audience, because you are not logging in as the IAP resource. Google uses this ID as the JSON Web Token audience claim
You log in as you, and then your queries are intended for the audience, e.g. your HTTPS server
This example implements the workflow shown here, for a Google Web App instead of a Desktop App.
Authenticating from a desktop app
Example usage:
q iap.q -iap https://gcp2.hello.com/greeting \
-audience IAP_CLIENT_ID \
-client ~/Downloads/client_secret_redacted-redacted.apps.googleusercontent.com.json
args:.Q.opt .z.x
if[not all `iap`audience`client in key args;
'"-iap <IAP https://hostname/endpoint> -audience <IAP client ID> -client </path/to/client_secret.json> are required"]
iap:first args `iap
audience:first args `audience
client:.j.k "c"$read1 hsym `$first args `client
split:"/" vs iap
baseurl:split[0],"//",split 2
// Callback takes in tenant and token response.
// Project in any state useful to you,
// in this case the IAP hostname/endpoint
callback:{[iap; tenant; auth_response]
-1 "IAP is now configured and you may make calls";
show .kurl.sync (iap;`GET;``tenant!(::;tenant)) }[iap;]
// Authenticate to Google as yourself,
// with a callback to then grant audience for IAP.
// The IAP callback itself has a callback for making a sync request
// access_type=offline is require for Google to return a refresh_token,
// needed for continual access renewal
// prompt=consent is required to force Google to return the refresh_token,
// in the event you already have it
// scope=openid email is the minimum scopes needed for OpenID Connect
"https://openidconnect.googleapis.com"; // Google endpoint the login is valid for (not the IAP audience)
client; // Leave this field null if you are using KX_OAUTH2_CLIENT_JSON env var
`scope`access_type`prompt!("openid email";"offline";"consent");
.kurl.oauth2.grantAudience[audience; baseurl; client; callback;] ]