These features are in beta, and must be enabled by setting the $KXI_SP_BETA_FEATURES
environment variable to "yes".
.qsp.stats describe calculate specific statistics ema calculate an exponential moving average sma calculate a simple moving average twa calculate a time weighted average
.qsp.stats.describe[fields; stats]
name | type | description | default |
fields | symbol or symbol[] | A list of column names to compute statistics on | Required |
stats | symbol, symbol[], or list of tuples and symbols | A list of statistics which should be computed | Required |
Statistic Options
name | type | description |
minimum | symbol | Computes the maximum of each provided column |
maximum | symbol | Computes the minimum of each provided column |
range | symbol | Computes the range of each provided column |
length | symbol | Counts the length of the batch provided |
total | symbol | Computes the total sum of each provided column |
average | symbol | Computes the average of each provided column |
numDistinct | symbol | Counts the number of distinct elements in each provided column |
numNull | symbol | Counts the number of null elements in each provided column |
numInfinity | symbol | Counts the number of infinite elements in each provided column |
median | symbol | Computes the median of each provided column |
quartiles | symbol | Computes the quartiles of each provided column |
frequency | symbol | Creates a frequency dictionary for each provided column |
mode | symbol | Computes all modes of each provided column |
sampleVar | symbol | Computes the sample variance of each provided column |
sampleStd | symbol | Computes the sample standard deviation of each provided column |
populationVar | symbol | Computes the population variance of each provided column |
populationStd | symbol | Computes the population standard deviation of each provided column |
standardError | symbol | Computes the standard error of each provided column |
skew | symbol | Computes the Fisher-Pearson coefficient of skewness of each provided column |
percentiles | tuple | Computes the specified percentiles on each provided column |
Note: some statistics do not support categorical data and will return generic null for said data
For all common arguments, refer to configuring operators
This operator computes the requested descriptive statistics on the provided columns
This example computes the min, max, and average on a batch of data[`publish]
.qsp.stats.describe[`y; `minimum`maximum`average]
publish ([] x: til 5; y: 10 13 1 9 8)
Expected output: ([] minimum_y: enlist 1; maximum_y: enlist 13; average_y: enlist 8.2)
This example demonstrates how to use the percentiles option The operator below will compute the mode and skew along with the 90th, 95th and 99th percentile.
Enlist for percentiles
If only percentiles are to be computed, the tuple must be enlisted.[`publish]
.qsp.stats.describe[`x; (`mode; `skew; (`percentiles; 0.9 0.95 0.99))]
publish ([] x: til 100)
.qsp.stats.ema[X; alpha; y]
name | type | description | default |
X | symbol or symbol[] | A list of column names on which to compute the average | Required |
alpha | float | The decay rate | Required |
y | symbol or symbol[] | The columns to write to. These can overwrite existing columns | The same as X |
For all common arguments, refer to configuring operators
This calculates the exponential moving average for each data point.
This example replaces the columns x
and y
with their exponential moving averages.[`publish]
.qsp.stats.ema[`x`y; .33]
publish ([] x: til 10; y: 0 1 4 2 5 3 6 7 9 8)
.qsp.stats.sma[X; n; y]
name | type | description | default |
X | symbol or symbol[] | A list of column names on which to compute the average | Required |
n | long | The number of records to include in the average | Required |
y | symbol or symbol[] | The columns to write to. These can overwrite existing columns | The same as X |
For all common arguments, refer to configuring operators
This calculates, for each data point, the arithmetic mean of a moving window including that point and the n-1 prior data points.
This example replaces each value in y with the simple moving average of that value and the nine prior values.[`publish]
.qsp.stats.sma[`y; 10]
publish ([] x: til 10; y: 0 1 4 2 5 3 6 7 9 8)
.qsp.stats.twa[X; times; range; y]
name | type | description | default |
X | symbol or symbol[] | A list of column names on which to compute the average | Required |
times | symbol | The name of the column containing the time data | Required |
range | long, int or short | The number of records to include in the average | Required |
y | symbol or symbol[] | The columns to write to. These can overwrite existing columns | Same as X |
For all common arguments, refer to configuring operators
This calculates, for each data point, the arithmetic mean of a moving window including that point and the n-1 prior data points weighted by the time deltas found in times.
Data must be sorted
The incoming data must be sorted, because the average is calculated using the deltas between each timestamp. Out of order data would cause negative weight to be applied to the calculation.
This example replaces each value in y with the time weighted average of that value
and the nine prior values using weights derived from the time
// The windowing is to ensure that records are sorted by timestamp
.qsp.window.tumbling[00:01:00; `time; .qsp.use `sort`lateness!(1b; 00:00:10)]
.qsp.stats.twa[`data; `time; 10]
publish ([] time: 0p + 00:00:01 * 0 5 6 17 14 21 57 58 71;
data: 10 20 10 9 11 8 21 10 9)
This example replaces each value in c and in d with the time weighted average of the
values within a and b respectively and four prior values using the times
as a series of times.[`publish]
.qsp.window.tumbling[00:00:01; `time; .qsp.use `sort`lateness!(1b; 00:00:01)]
.qsp.stats.twa[`a`b; `time; 5; `c`d]
publish ([] time: 0p + 00:00:00.1 * 0 8 13 17 19 21; a: 1 7 8 7 7 8; b: til 6);