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Entitlements quickstart

This page provides an example of how to entitle users to query data from an assembly called sdk-sample-assembly. It assumes that two sample groups, "dataScience" and "dashboardUsers", have been created.

Make sure that you have completed the prerequisites before using this quickstart.

Create an entitlement

  1. Find the Group IDs provided by Keycloak for the "dataScience" and "dashboardUsers" groups.

    To do this, call the kxi entitlement actors command:

    kxi entitlement actors
            "id": "4745c0ae-4ef0-4bba-a310-bd2fc7236484",
            "name": "dataScience",
            "path": "/dataScience"
            "id": "7dcd08d8-28d9-40ae-9d9a-399a3ccc688f",
            "name": "dashboardUsers",
            "path": "/dashboardUsers"
  2. Store each group ID to a variable called $GROUPID1,$GROUPID2.

  3. Store an access level permission for each group to a variable called $ACCESS. This example uses RWX for both groups.
  4. Create an ID for the sdk-sample-assembly. In this example we have generated one called a3f7be9f-8bd3-41b0-8c29-c50e19ac3914.
  5. Call the kxi entitlement create command as follows:

    kxi entitlement create $ID $NAME $TYPE --groups $GROUPIDs:$ACCESS
  6. Check the entitlement was created by calling kxi entitlement list or kxi entitlement get.

    In this example we call the get command, passing in the ID of the newly created entity.

    kxi entitlement list
    kxi entitlement get $ID

Refer to Change synchronization for details about the time kdb Insights Enterprise takes to action any updates

Refer to the kdb Insights CLI documentation for full details on the kxi entitlement command and Entitlements fields for an explanation of the fields returned by the commands executed above.

Next steps

Learn how to modify an entitlement in the configuration guide.