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This walkthrough guides you through the steps to query stored data on an active databases.

This walkthrough makes reference to data ingested through pipelines created in the other walkthroughs and deployed to the insights-demo database. Therefore, before you can create the queries in this walkthrough, ensure the insights-demo database is created, as described in the database documentation.

You must also build the pipelines to ingest the data. Details on these are provided on these pages:

Create a query

Click Create new under Queries on the Overview page.

Select a build a database.

There is more than one method to query data from a database. Let's start with the Basic query in the Query Builder section of the screen, shown below. Click the SQL or Q tab for details on how to run a query using SQL or Q.

Query window

Basic is the simplest way to explore your data as it requires no coding experience.

  1. Select one of the available tables; weather, crime, subway, health, taxi for the Table Name field.

  2. Define an Output variable.

  3. Click Run Query to return data.

    Basic query

To query the insight-demo database with SQL:

  1. Enter one of the sql queries from the following table, in the SQL tab.

    Data SQL query
    weather select * from weather
    crime select * from crime
    subway select * from subway

    For example, to see the number of events generated in the subway pipeline:

    `select * from subway`
  2. Define an Output Variable.

  3. Click Run Query to generate results.

Running a SQL query

To query the insight-demo database with Q:

  1. Enter a query such as the following:
Data Q query
weather select from weather
crime select from crime
subway select from subway
  1. Select insights-demo from the list of Assemblies and select an instance.

  2. Define an Output Variable.

  3. Click Run Query to generate results.

Q Query

You always need to define an Output Variable as this is used for querying in the scratchpad and is valid for the current session.

Ad-hoc queries using Scratchpad

You have the option to run additional data investigations in the Scratchpad with q or python. Scratchpad queries must reference the Output Variable defined in the previous section. For this walkthrough it is also the table name. For example, to focus on crimes committed in the Bronx, use the kdb+/q query:

select from crime where borough like "BRONX"

A scratchpad **q** query selecting crime data from the Bronx.

  1. Click Run Scratchpad to return data.

If you are using python, only the first line of code is processed.


There is no requirement to use the Scratchpad to view data. The Scratchpad is for ad hoc analysis of the data and is done after Run Query is run.

View results

Once you have run queries either by clicking Run Query or Run Scratchpad the results are returned to lower portion of the screen in three tabs. Right-click inside the console window to clear results. For more information on each of these tabs see:


The console shows results of the most recent query irrespective of the selected tab. When switching between tabs, re-run Run Query or Run Scratchpad to repopulate results for the selected tab.

Query subway data

The following sections provide instructions and code examples to help you query the Kafka subway data.

Event count

To count the number of subway journeys in the table, do the following.

  1. Enter the following query in the SQL tab:

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM subway
  2. Define the Output Variable as s.

  3. Click Run Query to execute the query. Rerun the query to get an updated value.

    A SQL query reporting a count of events from the Kafka feed.

Filtering and visualizing

To get a subset of the data and perform further analysis using the Scratchpad:

  1. In the Q tab, select the database you created earlier and the RDB instance.
  2. Enter the following query.

    select from subway where in .z.d

    Set today's date in q

    Use .z.d as a convenient way to return today's date.

  3. Define the Output Variable as s.

  4. Click Run Query.

    A q query listing arrival time of trains for today.

Additional analysis, of today’s train data, can be performed against the s variable using the scratchpad. Querying in the scratchpad is more efficient than direct querying of the database and supports both q and python.

  1. Enter the following query, in the Scratchpad and click Run All.

    select from s where trip_id like "AFA21GEN-5108-Weekday-00_091350_5..N71R"
    This pulls data for a selected trip_id. Change the value of the trip_id to another if this example returns no results.

  2. Results are displayed in the tabs; Console, Table or Visual tabs. A q query run in scratchpad for a selected trip.

  3. In the Visual tab, set the y-axis to use stop_sequence and x-axis to arrival_time to return a plot of journey times between each of the stops.

    A visual representation of a single trip between each station.

Each time you change the results tab you must rerun the query.

Calculate average time between stops

You can calculate the average time between stops, as a baseline to determine percentage lateness.

  1. In the scratchpad enter the following code, replacing the trip-id with the value you used in the previous section.

    `arrival_time`time_between_stops xcols
        update time_between_stops:0^`second$arrival_time[i]-arrival_time[i-1] from
        select from s
        where trip_id like "AFA21GEN-1091-Weekday-00_138900_1..N03R"
    The following screenshot shows this query in the scratchpad and the results in the Console.

    q for calculating average time between stops run in the scratchpad.

    Understanding the q query

    In the above query, the following q elements are used:

    Element Description
    xcols To reorder table columns
    ^ To replace nulls with zeros
    $ To cast back to second datatype
    x[i]-x[i-1] To subtract each column from the previous one

    If you run into an error on execution, check to ensure the correct code indentation is applied for s3.

    What was the longest and shortest stop for this trip?

    Use the Table tab to filter the results. For example, doing a column sort by clicking on the column header for the newly created variable time_between_stops toggles the longest and shortest stop for the selected trip.

Each time you change the results tab you must rerun the query

Calculating percentage lateness for all trains

You can discover which trains were most frequently on time.

  1. In the scratchpad, replace any existing code with the following and click Run Scratchpad.

    // Getting the length of each train journey and num of stops
    s3:select start_time:first arrival_time,
        journey_time:`second$last arrival_time-first arrival_time,
        first_stop:first stop_name,
        last_stop:last stop_name,
        numstops:count stop_sequence
        by route_short_name,direction_id,trip_id
        from s;
    // Filtering only trains that fully completed their route
    s4:select from s3 where numstops=(max;numstops) fby route_short_name;
    // Calculating the average journey time per sroute
    s5:update avg_time:`second$avg journey_time by route_short_name from s4;
    // Calculating the % difference between actual journey time and average time per route
    s6:update avg_vs_actual_pc:100*(journey_time-avg_time)%avg_time from s5
    Understanding the q query?

    In the above query, the following q elements are used:

    Element Description
    first, last To get first or last record
    - To subtract one column from another
    count To return the number of records
    by To group the results of table by column/s - similar to excel pivot
    fby To filter results by a newly calculated field without needing to add it to table
    x=(max;x) To filter any records that equal the maximum value for that column
    $ To cast back to second datatype
    * To perform multiplication
    % To perform division.

    If you run into an error on execution, check to ensure the correct code indentation is applied.

    q code for calculating average journey time.

Most punctual train

To calculate which train was most punctual:

  1. In the Scratchpad, replace any existing code with the following and click Run Scratchpad

    select from s6 where avg_vs_actual_pc=min avg_vs_actual_pc

    Using min, the 04:53 route E train was the most punctual (your result will differ).

    The console shows which train was the most punctual from the Kafka data.

Visualize journey time

In the Visual tab, you can create a visualization for a single route.

  1. In the Scratchpad, replace any existing code with the following and click Run Scratchpad.

    // Filtering for at only inbound trains on Route 1
    select from s6 where route_short_name=`1 ,direction_id=`inbound
  2. Switch to a bar chart. Set the y-axis to avg_vs_actual_pc and the x-axis to start_time to view results as shown below.

    Visualizing the differential between actual and average journey time for a selected route.

Distribution of journey times between stations

To assess the distribution of journey times between stations.

  1. In the Scratchpad, replace any existing code with the following and click Run Scratchpad.

    {count each group 1 xbar x} 1e-9*"j"$raze exec 1_deltas arrival_time by trip_id from s
  2. From the histogram, you can see that the most common journey time between stations is 90 seconds.

    Distribution of journey time between stations. Note peaks at 60, 90, 120, and 150 seconds, with 90 seconds the most common journey time.

Next steps

  • Go to View for details on how to visualize data.

Further reading

Use the following links to learn more about specific topics mentioned in this page: