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Python interface for the KX Stream Processor.

This Python package, kxi, provides Python modules which are libraries for interacting with kdb Insights. This module, sp, leverages PyKX to provide a rich Python interface to the KX Stream Processor.

Regardless of whether the Python interface or the q interface is used, the core streaming engine of the Stream Processor still uses kdb+, and benefits from its high performance.

All operators return a Pipeline instance. Pipelines can be chained together using the pipe operator: | (which is an overload of Python's bitwise-or operator). For example:

>>> |

All operators can be supplied with their documented parameters, but also can be given a few extra parameters, also called the common operator configuration. This common configuration is made up of the following parameters:

  • name (Optional[str]): A name/identifier for the operator. If it is None, then a unique identifier will be generated based on what kind of operator it is (e.g. map, to_console, timer, etc.), what its configuration is, and a sequential discriminator. This name/identifier can be used for various Stream Processor functions that require you to identify the operator.
  • params (List[OperatorParams]): The parameters that will be provided by the SP to the function you provide to the operator, when applicable. The valid options are members of the OperatorParams enum, which can be specified as strings or enum member objects. Defaults to ['data'], unless an initial state is provided, in which case the default is ['operator', 'metadata', 'data'], as the operator and metadata dictionaries are required to use the state API, and it is assumed that you will want to use the state API if you set the initial state.
  • state (Any): The initial state for the operator. Refer to the sp.state documentation.


def push(operator: 'types.OperatorSpecifier', metadata: 'types.Metadata',
         data: Any) -> None

Publish data to all downstream operators in the pipeline.


  • operator - The operator, specified as a configuration dictionary or name.
  • metadata - Metadata for the message being emitted from the operator.
  • data - The data to be pushed to the downstream pipeline.


def teardown() -> None

Tear down all running pipelines.


def set_trace(level: int) -> None

Enables or disables trace logging.


  • level - The level of tracing to use. The following levels are available:
  • Disable trace logging.
  • Log data that is passed through readers and writers.
  • Log data pushed through buffers.
  • Log operator inputs.
  • Log state operations.


def clear_trace() -> None

Clears trace level logging and resets logging level.


def enable_data_tracing() -> None

Capture data outputs as they flow through a pipeline.

Data tracing captures data that is flowing in the streaming pipeline. This inserts probes that cache the last value from each operator in the pipeline. If a given operator has an error, the error is also captured and where possible, the data is the input to the operator.


Adding data capture to a pipeline may have an impact on the pipeline performance. Data tracing should be reserved for debugging purposes and not used in production deployments where possible.


def disable_data_tracing() -> None

Disables data tracing in the current pipeline.


def clear_data_trace() -> None

DEPRECATED Use reset_data_trace() instead


def reset_data_trace() -> None

Resets the current data cache state.


def get_data_trace() -> kx.Dictionary

Returns the data from a data trace at the time of invocation.


def set_record_counting(level: int) -> None

Sets the level for tracking dataflow in a pipeline.


  • level - The level of record counting to perform. The following levels are available:
  • Disable record counting.
  • Count records flowing through readers and writers.
  • Count records flowing through all operators.


def reset_record_counts() -> None

Resets the current record counts cache.


def get_record_counts() -> kx.Dictionary

Returns information on the amount of dataflow.


def config_path(obj: Union[str, bytes] = '') -> Path

Returns the location of user mounted configurations.


  • obj - A string name of the configuration object to get the path of.


The location of user mounted configurations.


def timer_add(function_id: Union[str,
                                 kx.SymbolAtom], function_and_args: List[Any],
              period: Union[int, Any], offset: Union[int, Any]) -> Any

Add a function to run timer and act in a deterministic manner (see Determinism) with respect to other data events in the pipeline. It behaves identically to .tm.add in 'unsafe mode' and acts deterministically in 'safe mode' (when the env var KXI_SP_UNSAFE_MODE is false)


  • function_id - Specifies the timer ID. If this ID exists, it is replaced.
  • function_and_args - Specifies the expression to execute (typically a function name followed by its parameters).
  • period - Specifies the timer period in milliseconds.
  • offset - Specifies the offset to the first run in milliseconds. If this value is zero, the timer is scheduled for the next timer run ("immediate").


def timer_del(function_ids: Union[str, kx.SymbolAtom]) -> Any

Deletes one or more timer events.


  • function_ids - Specifies the timer IDs to delete.


def timer_add1shot(function_id: Union[str, kx.SymbolAtom],
                   function_and_args: List[Any], offset: Union[int,
                                                               Any]) -> Any

Adds or updates a one-shot timer event.


  • function_id - Specifies the timer ID. If this ID exists, it is replaced.
  • function_and_args - Specifies the expression to execute (typically a function name followed by its parameters).
  • offset - Specifies the offset to run start in milliseconds.


def timer_get(function_ids: Union[str, kx.SymbolAtom]) -> Any

Retrieves the properties of one or more timer events.


  • function_ids - Specifies the timer IDs to retrieve. If this value is null, all timer events are returned.


def track(
    symbols: Union[List[Union[str, kx.SymbolAtom]], str,
                   kx.SymbolAtom]) -> None

Track the state of objects in the q memory space. This persists their state across application restarts.


  • symbols - List of strings denoting the q object(s) to track in the q memory space, e.g. a single variable name, list of variables or a q namespace.


Track a single in-memory q object:

>>> from kxi import sp
>>> import pykx as kx

>>> kx.q['numReadings'] = kx.toq(0, ktype=kx.LongAtom)

>>> def transform(data):
    kx.q['numReadings'] += kx.IntAtom(1)
    return data

>>> sp.track('numReadings')

>>>'publish', name='callback')
       | sp.write.to_console())

>>> kx.q('publish', kx.Table(data = {
        'sym':kx.random.random(1, '2'),
>>> kx.q('numReadings')

Track multiple in-memory q objects:

>>> from kxi import sp
>>> import pykx as kx

>>> schema = {'time': kx.TimestampAtom, 'sym': kx.SymbolAtom, 'reading': kx.FloatAtom}
>>> reading = kx.schema.builder(schema, key='sym')
>>> kx.q['reading'] = reading
>>> kx.q['numReadings'] = kx.toq(0, ktype=kx.LongAtom)

>>> def transform(data):
    kx.q['numReadings'] += kx.IntAtom(1)
    kx.q.upsert('reading', data)
    return data

>>> sp.track(['reading', 'numReadings'])

>>>'publish', name='callback')
       | sp.write.to_console())

>>> kx.q('publish', kx.Table(data = {
        'sym':kx.random.random(1, '2'),
>>> kx.q('(numReadings; reading)')

Track variables in a q namespace:

>>> from kxi import sp
>>> import pykx as kx

>>> schema = {'time': kx.TimestampAtom, 'sym': kx.SymbolAtom, 'reading': kx.FloatAtom}
>>> reading = kx.schema.builder(schema, key='sym')
>>> kx.q['.rd.reading'] = reading
>>> kx.q['.rd.numReadings'] = kx.toq(0, ktype=kx.LongAtom)

>>> def transform(data):
    kx.q['.rd.numReadings'] += kx.IntAtom(1)
    kx.q.upsert('.rd.reading', data)
    return data

>>> sp.track('.rd')

>>>'publish', name='callback')
       | sp.write.to_console())

>>> kx.q('publish', kx.Table(data = {
        'sym':kx.random.random(1, '2'),
>>> kx.q('(.rd.numReadings; .rd.reading)')


def trigger_write(operatorIDs: List['types.OperatorSpecifier'] = None) -> None

Trigger pipeline node(s).

Triggers a write for non streaming writer operators. For streaming writer operators this will have no effect.


  • operatorIDs - List of operators (or operator IDs) to trigger write. If left empty all writers triggered.


Trigger a write-down when using sp.write.to_database v2 in direct write mode and sp.trigger_write. The writer name can be explicitly set using the operator name parameter. To retrieve the name of an existing operator use the /pipeline/{id}/describe REST API.

>>> from kxi import sp
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import pykx as kx

    | sp.write.to_database(table='tableName', database='dbName',
        directWrite=True, api_version=2, name='dbWriter'))

>>> data = pd.DataFrame({
        'name': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
        'id': [1, 2, 3],
        'quantity': [4, 5, 6]

>>> kx.q('publish', data)

# trigger all writers (only db writer here anyway).
>>> sp.trigger_write()

# Explicitly trigger specific writer(s).
>>> sp.trigger_write(["dbWriter"])

Pipeline Objects

class Pipeline()

Thin Python wrapper around a q Stream Processor pipeline.

This class provides special handling for the | operator. When given a Pipeline instance on either side, it produces a new Pipeline instance that is comprised of the operators from the pipeline on the left connected in series with those from the pipeline on the right.

The | operator does not modify a pipeline definition in-place. Pipelines are immutable.

See also: splitting a pipeline, merging two pipelines with a joining function, and unifying two pipelines

When the right argument of | is a list of pipelines, and the left argument is a single pipeline, the result is a list where each element is a pipeline with the left argument joined to one of the elements from the list on the right.

When the left argument of | is a list of pipelines, and the right argument is a single pipeline, the result is a single pipeline obtained by taking the union of every pipeline from the list with the pipeline on the right.


Join a reader to a map operation, then join that pipeline to a writer, and run the resulting pipeline:

>>> from kxi import sp

>>> range(10, 30, 2))
    | x: x*x)
    | sp.write.to_console(timestamp='none'))
100 144 196 256 324 400 484 576 676 784

Join a reader to multiple map operations, and then have them all output to the same writer:

>>> from kxi import sp

>>> reader = range(10))
>>> maps = ( x: x), x: x ** 2), x: x ** 3))
>>> writer = sp.write.to_console(timestamp='none')
>>> | maps | writer)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
0 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729


def as_dot() -> str

Provides the graph structure of the pipeline in the DOT format.


def validate() -> None

Validate the structure of the pipeline graph.


  • pykx.QError - If the pipeline is not valid; the error message will explain why.


def run(*pipelines: Pipeline) -> None

Run pipelines.


Running a pipeline that reads from a nullary function, then writes to the console:

>>> from kxi import sp

>>> range(10)) | sp.write.to_console(timestamp='none'))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Running multiple pipelines:

>>> from kxi import sp

>>> pipeline_a = range(10)) | sp.write.to_console('A) ', timestamp='none')
>>> pipeline_b = range(20)) | sp.write.to_console('B) ', timestamp='none')
>>> pipeline_c = range(30)) | sp.write.to_console('C) ', timestamp='none')
>>>, pipeline_b, pipeline_c)
A) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
B) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
C) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Argument unpacking can be used to run a list/tuple of pipelines:

>>> from kxi import sp
>>> from random import sample

>>> source = sample(range(20, 50, 2), 10))
>>> pipelines = (
     source | x: x * 2) | sp.write.to_console('double  ) ', timestamp='none'),
     source | sp.write.to_console('original) ', timestamp='none'),
     source | x: x / 2) | sp.write.to_console('half    ) ', timestamp='none'),
double  ) 68 72 84 52 44 88 96 80 56 48
original) 34 36 42 26 22 44 48 40 28 24
half    ) 17 18 21 13 11 22 24 20 14 12

SPModule Objects

class SPModule(ModuleType)


def mode()

The mode of the Stream Processor.

  • 'local' if operating independently as a local deployment.
  • 'cluster' if operating as part of a larger cluster with a parent controller.