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Stream Processor metadata is exposed across many APIs, such as state and pushing data further in a pipeline within asynchronous nodes. A pipeline operator's metadata is a dictionary containing the following keys.

Metadata Keys

These keys will be extended as new capabilities are added to the Stream Processor engine.


An optional partition key for the events in this message. This is used to group related collections of data based on a common attribute. Events that do not share the same key are considered independent and may be processed independently of other keys. (any type)


Indicates the start time or index of a window of data (temporal)


An event offset is a number or time that represents the current message offset to the stream reader. (int or temporal)

This value will be used to recover data if messages are lost downstream. If messages need to be replayed, the message offset will be used to indicate the last successfully processed message.


Loads a schema from a mounted Assembly returning a schema object.


Name Type Description
name symbol | string The table name to read from the assembly.


Type Description


Maintain state for a list of in-memory q objects



name q type description default
objects symbol or symbol[] The object name(s) to be tracked as state. Required

When tracking is enabled, at each checkpoint the Stream Processor will persist a copy of the tracked objects. On recovery these objects will be re-initialised before the pipeline begins again at the value corresponding to the last checkpoint.

Track a single variable:



Track multiple variables:



Track a namespace:

.qsp.track[`.info]  // Track anything in the .info namespace



Publish data to all downstream operators in the pipeline



name q type description
op .qsp.op The current operator configuration.
md .qsp.message.metadata Metadata for the message being emitted from the current asynchronous operator.
data .qsp.message.event or .qsp.message.event[] The data to be published from this async operator.

publishes data to all downstream operators in the pipeline, and returns data.

Should be used from asynchronous operators in a pipeline to continue the flow of data in the pipeline. It is only required for .qsp.apply. Other operators are synchronous and any data returned will flow to the next operator.

Install and run a pipeline[pipe]


name q type description
pipe #.qsp.pipe The pipeline to install and run in the current stream processor.

Returns generic null.

Depending on the deployment configuration, this function can run a pipeline in the current worker process or distribute work across several workers.


Tear down a pipeline


Tears down a pipeline, removing all state and timers; returns generic null.

Any onTeardown (using .qsp.onTeardown) handlers or subscribers to teardown will be called.


Trigger batch pipeline writer(s)



name q type description
opIDs symbol[] or null List of operators (or operator IDs) to trigger write. If left empty all writers triggered.

For non-streaming writer operators, triggers a write. For streaming writer operators this will have no effect, e.g. for the direct write mode of .qsp.write.toDatabase.[`publish]
    .qsp.v2.write.toDatabase[`trade; `$":db-one"; .qsp.use `name`directWrite]!(`dbWriter;1b)]

Publish some data, then trigger a write down of the trade table:

 publish[([] sym:`KX`KX; timestamp: 2#.z.p; price:100.1 99.9; size: 100 200)]

Or to be explicit:

 .qsp.triggerWrite[enlist `dbWriter]


Type Description


Get assigned partitions


Return a list of the partitions assigned to this worker. This can be used for subsetting a stream.


Get count of all partitions


Return the count of all partitions in the current stream. This can be combined with getPartitions[] to subset a stream.


Returns the location of user mounted configurations



name q type description default
object string The configuration object to get the path of. The KXI_SP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable

This is mostly useful in Kubernetes deployments to access the path of ConfigMaps and Secrets. Passing the name of the ConfigMap or Secret to this function will return the path where it was mounted.

The mount path can be changed by setting KXI_SP_CONFIG_PATH to a directory on the target deployment.


Enables program tracing logs



name q type description default
level long Level of trace logging to display. Required

Level of verbosity of trace logging. The following levels are available:

  1. Clears trace logging.
  2. Log data that is passed through readers and writers.
  3. Log data pushed through buffers.
  4. Log operator inputs.
  5. Log state operations.

The default is level 0.


Disable program tracing logs

Clears trace logging and sets the log level to its previous level


Capture data outputs as they flow though a pipeline


Data tracing captures data that is flowing in the streaming pipeline. This inserts probes that cache the last value emitted by each operator in the pipeline. Writer operators capture the input presented to the writer. If a given operator has an error, the error is also captured and where the input is synchronous, the data is the input to the operator.

Performance implications

Adding data capture to a pipeline may have an impact on the pipeline performance. Data tracing should be reserved for debugging purposes and not used in production deployments where possible.

Enable data tracing:[`publish][{ select max price from x }]

publish ([] date: .z.d; sym: 10?3?`3; price:10?100f);
                | error metadata data
----------------| ------------------------------------------------------------------..
callback_publish| ""    (,`)!,:: +`date`sym`price!(2022.06.06 2022.06.06 2022.06.06 ..
map             | ""    (,`)!,:: +(,`price)!,,95.97684
variable_output | ""    (,`)!,:: +(,`price)!,,95.97684

See .qsp.getDataTrace for more details


Disables data tracing in the current pipeline


Disables data tracing from the current pipeline. This does not clear any captured trace data. Data captured during tracing can still be accessed via .qsp.getDataTrace.

See .qsp.enableDataTracing for more details


Resets the current data cache state


Clears any data that has been captured during a data tracing session.

See .qsp.getDataTrace for more details


Deprecated function that will be removed in a future release. Refer to the documentation for .qsp.resetDataTrace instead.


Returns the data from data trace


When data tracing is enabled, getDataTrace returns a point in time snapshot of the last data values emitted by each node in the pipeline. The return is a dictionary of operator IDs to their respective data or errors. If a node has an error message, any data that is captured is the last input to that operator that caused the error.

See .qsp.enableDataTracing for more details




name q type description default
level long Level of record counting. Required

Record counting tracks the amount of data flowing through the pipeline. This count stores the sum of the counts of each record for each operator, divided by the records' keys. The operators chosen to perform record counting depends on the record counting level, described below.

The level of record counting determines which nodes in the pipeline to count data flow for. The following levels are available:

  1. Record counting is disabled for all operators.
  2. Count records flowing through readers and writers.
  3. Count records flowing through all operators.

The default is level 1.

Note: Changing levels resets the RecordCounts cache.

Counting records with the default level:[`publish][{ select max price from x }]

publish ([] date: .z.d; sym: 10?3?`3; price:10?100f);
---             | --
callback_publish| 10
variable_output | 1

Setting record counting to level 2:[`publish][{ select max price from x }]

.qsp.setRecordCounting 2;
publish ([] date: .z.d; sym: 10?3?`3; price:10?100f);
---             | --
map             | 10
callback_publish| 10
variable_output | 1

Counting keyed data using the default count level:

streamA:[`publish1; .qsp.use enlist[`key]!enlist `key]
streamB:[`publish2; .qsp.use enlist[`key]!enlist `key]
    streamA .qsp.union[streamB]

publish1 `key`data!(`key1;42)
publish2 `key`data!(`key2;42)

callback_publish1| (,`key1)!,2
callback_publish2| (,`key2)!,2
console          | `key1`key2!2 2



Resets the current record counts cache, so subsequent data counts begin from zero.

See .qsp.getRecordCounts for more details



When record counting is enabled, getRecordCounts returns information on the total amount of data that has flowed through the pipeline since enabled or since the cache was last reset. The return is a dictionary of operator IDs to their respective counts, where counts are partitioned into stream keys. The operators tracked depends on the record counting level.

See .qsp.enableRecordCounting for more details


Adds or updates a frequent timer event.


Name Type Description
id symbol Specifies the timer ID. If this ID exists, it is replaced.
x list Specifies the expression to execute (typically a function name followed by its parameters).
per int | timespan Specifies the timer period, as either a value in milliseconds or a timespan. If this value is a 2-element vector, an exponential backoff is applied to repeated invocations up to the maximum period specified by the second element.
ofs int | timespan Specifies the offset to the first run, as either a value in milliseconds or a timespan. If this value is zero, the timer is scheduled for the next timer run ("immediate"). .tm.nextt can be used to synchronize the timer event with a specific point in time.


Type Description


Adds or updates a once-off timer event.


Name Type Description
id symbol Specifies the timer ID. If this ID exists, it is replaced.
x list Specifies the expression to execute (typically a function name followed by its parameters).
ofs int | timespan Specifies the offset to run start, as either a value in milliseconds or a timespan. .tm.nextt can be used to synchronize the timer event with a specific point in time.


Type Description


Deletes one or more timer events.


Name Type Description
ids symbol | symbol[] Specifies the timer IDs to delete.


Type Description


Retrieves the properties of one or more timer events.


Name Type Description
ids symbol | symbol[] | null Specifies the timer IDs to retrieve. If this value is null, all timer events are returned.


Type Description
table Relevant entries in .tm.tq table