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API Error Glossary

This page documents the API errors and exceptions.

The table below provides information on the origin and a more detailed description of any error messages in the API call returns or process logs from configuration.

Error message Component Description
IncorrectIDMapFormatException ID map configuration The ID map table is not of the format expected by the API code
noFilterRuleConfigurationException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but there are no configured filters
filterDoesNotExistException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but this named filter does not exist
tableMissingFilterColumnsException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but the target table does not contain columns that the filter rule applies to
noFiltersForTableException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but there are no filter rules for the target table
incorrectTableFilterColumnException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but there is a mismatch of types between filter configuration and target table filterable column
Validation Message: Unexpected number of comparison characters detected within the one filter - ensure individual filters are separated by semi-colon characters which contain either one occurrence of =" or "<>" API - Filter Error in string format filter
Validation Message: The following tables are invalid or are not filterable API - Filter Unexpected number of comparison characters detected within the one filter
Validation Message: The column is not in table API - Filter The column is not in table
Validation Message: The following columns are not in any of quote, order or trade schemas: API - Filter Columns are not in any of quote, order or trade schemas
Validation Message: Filters within any instance must be split by semi-colons. Only characters a-z,A-Z,0-9, =/<> for equals/not equals, wild-cards *, alternatives and _-\/%:. are allowed API - Filter Filters within the instance must be split by semi-colons.
Validation Message: Only a singular = expression allowed per column within a filter API - Filter Only a singular = expression allowed per column within a filter
columnNotInTableException API - Select Requested column is not in the target table
nonDictionaryTypeAggregationClauseException API - Validation The agg API argument dictionary is not of dictionary type
NoIdColInTableException API - Database configuration The target table has no valid idColumn
InvalidArgumentsException API - Validation An argument in the API argument dictionary is not a valid argument
tableDoesNotExistException API - Validation The requested table does not exist
idListMissingException API - Validation idList has not been provided
idColNotInTableException API - Validation The idCol column in the API argument dictionary does not exist in the target table
idListIdColTypeMismatchException API - Validation The provided idList type does not match the idCol type
InvalidArgumentValueException API - Validation A provided argument value is an invalid option
InvalidArgumentTypeException API - Validation A provided argument value is an invalid type
startAfterEndException API - Validation The provided start time is after the end time
MismatchTimeTypeException API - Validation The types of the start and end time do not match
InvalidTimeTypeException API - Validation The start and end time types are not a supported type
MissingTemporalArgumentsException API - Validation Time arguments have not been provided
InvalidTemporalArgsForSliceException API - Validation Time arguments do not support slicing data
InvalidFilterOperatorException API - Filter An operator in the Filter argument is not from the valid subset
failedAttemptToUseFilterException API - Filter The Filter clause is of invalid syntax
sortColsArgumentCountException API - sortCols Incorrect number of sortCols arguments provided
sortColTypeException API - sortCols sortCols arguments not of correct type
sortColsOperatorException API - sortCols sortCols argument operator not asc or desc
sortColsInvalidColumnException API - sortCols sortCols column does not exist in table
groupByNotInTableException API - groupBy the groupBy column does not exist in target table
InvalidNamedAnalyticException API - analytic An analytic argument does not exist
Column * does not exist in data API - select Column does not exist
Column(s) '",(", " sv string missing),"' are missing from the transformed data API - select Column does not exist
Column(s) '",(", " sv string missing),"' are not in the schema API - select Column does not exist
incorrect",capErrName,"AnalyticsFormatException" API - agg Invalid aggregation format
incorrect",capErrName,"AnalyticsColumnsException API - agg Invalid aggregation column references
incorrect",capErrName,"AnalyticsColumnTypesException API - agg Invalid column types in aggregation
AnalyticAlreadyExistsException API - Configuration The custom analytic in the custom library already exists
duplicate",capErrName,"AnalyticException API - Configuration The custom analytic in the custom library already exists
AnalyticAlreadyExistsException API - Configuration The custom analytic in the custom library already exists
NoConfiguredAnalyticsException API - Configuration There are no configured named analytics
InvalidNamedAnalyticException API - Configuration The custom analytic is invalid clause
InvalidTableException API - Validation The target table does not exist
AggregationFailed API - Aggregation Unable to aggregate getStats call
invalidAPIArgumentException - applyHolidayCalendar API - Holiday Calendar Invalid argument for holiday calendar
holidayCalendarWithoutFillException API - Holiday Calendar A fill must be provided with a holiday calendar
NoForeignKeyRelationshipForTableException API - ref If joining with reference data, queried table has no foreign key relationships
NoForeignKeyRelationshipWith API - ref If joining with reference data, queried table has no foreign key relationship with specified reference table(s)
CannotParseRefFilterAsDictionaryException API - refFilter If using refFilter, supplied string cannot be parsed as a dictionary

Asset specific exceptions


Error message Component Description
invalidFuturesArgsException API - Validation An invalid argument has been provided - details in error message
MissingFuturesArgsException API - Validation A required argument has not been provided - details in error message
NoObsColInTableException API - Select A requested observation (obs) for continuous contracts does not exist in the table provided
multipleSrcSysFoundException API - Validation Multiple vendors/source found in the table - please add Filter to specify a particular source
requiredFutureColumnNotProvidedException API - Validation When using column argument for continuous contracts, a required column is missing - details in error message
obsNotFoundInColumnsArg API - Select When using column and obs arguments for continuous contracts, the obs is missing from the requested columns