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Backfilling Historical Data

This guide demonstrates how to backfill historical quote data from an ICE replay file within an Amazon S3 bucket. It serves as a starting point, you can adjust the methodologies in this guide to ingest data from other formats or sources.

kdb Insights Enterprise provides multiple methods to read data into a pipeline. For more information, refer to the list of readers.

Setting up backfilling

You must download and install the IceFixedIncome package before setting up historical data backfilling.

The following environment variables must exist before proceeding:

  • INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME - Hostname of Insights deployment
  • CLIENT_NAME - Client ID used to request an access token from Insights
  • CLIENT_SECRET - Client secret used to request an access token
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - Access key ID for authenticating API requests to AWS
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - Secret access key for authenticating API requests to AWS
  • AWS_SESSION_TOKEN - Required session token if using an access key as a temporary credential for AWS

1. Create the backfill directory

Create a directory to contain the files needed for the backfill setup. In this example, create a directory named ice-fi-backfill:

mkdir ice-fi-backfill
Move the historic replay pipeline spec to the ice-fi-backfill directory:

cp IceFixedIncome/pipeline-spec/icehistoricreplayfixedincome-pipeline-spec.q ice-fi-backfill/backfill.q

2. Update the pipeline code to execute

The IceFixedIncome package contains the pipeline code that executes when the backfill pipeline starts.

  1. Open the backfill.q script in a code or text editor, for example:
    vi ice-fi-backfill/backfill.q
  2. Update the following placeholders in the configuration settings:

  3. Assign YOUR ASSEMBLY to the variable .fsi.assemblyName. This is the name of the pre-existing IceFixedIncome assembly. If you followed the quick starter guide, this is fsi-app-ice-fi.

  4. Assign YOUR FILEPATH and YOUR FILENAME to the variable .fsi.filePath. These can be updated in the q script for a one time run or specified as a parameter using the -f flag when calling the script. Any parameter passed to the shell script overwrites the value in the q script.

  5. Assign AWS Region to the variable .fsi.region. This is the AWS region for authentication.

3. Create the packaging script to deploy the backfill pipeline

Create a bash script to package the pipeline. Save this script in the same directory as the backfill.q file, within ice-fi-backfill. Use a code or text editor to create this script, for example:


You can add the following code to your bash script:

# Usage:
# Flags which take a user input:
#   --file          | -f                : Specify the filepath to the directory containing the file to ingest. Expected to be an S3 bucket path to a compressed txt file   
# Example: ./ -f s3:://my-bucket/sample-folder/Quotes_20201231.txt.gz

  if [ -z "$*" ]; then
    echo "No message provided"
    return 1
  echo "$(date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ') ## $*"

## Default Arguments
## ASM_NAME be updated if using a different assembly name

## Grab flags
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
  case $1 in
      shift ## past argument
      shift ## past value
      echo "Unknown option $1"
      exit 1

## The file path can be specified in the q script or passed as a parameter. Passing as a parameter overwrites the value specified in the q script
if [[ -n "$FILE_PATH" ]] ; then
    ## Replace the line beginning with .fsi.filePath in order to specify the inputted file path
    sed -i "s|^\.fsi\.filePath:.*|.fsi.filePath:hsym \`\$\"${FILE_PATH}\";|" backfill.q
    logMsg Running backfill pipeline for the file: ${FILE_PATH}
    logMsg Running backfill pipeline

sleep 5

################ FUNCTIONS ######################
    logMsg "Renewing keycloak token"
    curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
         -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$CLIENT_NAME&client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET" \
         "$INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME/auth/realms/insights/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
         | jq -r .access_token > token

    ## arg1- pipeline name
    logMsg "Tearing down pipeline: $PIPELINE_NAME"
    curl -s -S -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat token)" $INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME/streamprocessor/pipeline/teardown/insights-$PIPELINE_NAME?clearCheckpoints=true

    while getopts "p:s:" opt; do
      case $opt in
        p) PIPELINE_NAME="$OPTARG" ;;
        s) SPEC_FILE="$OPTARG" ;;
    logMsg "Deploying pipeline: $PIPELINE_NAME with spec file: $SPEC_FILE"

    ## Token needs renewed before running pipeline

    ## Teardown pipeline if it already exists
    teardown $PIPELINE_NAME
    logMsg "Waiting for pipeline to teardown"
    sleep 10

    logMsg "Pipeline will write to assembly: $ASM_NAME"
    ## run request
    curl -s -S -X POST $INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME/streamprocessor/pipeline/create \
        -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat token)" \
        -d "$(jq -n  --arg spec "$(cat $SPEC_FILE)" \
        --arg aws_access_key_id $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
        --arg aws_secret_access_key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \
        --arg aws_session_token $AWS_SESSION_TOKEN \
        --arg pipeline_name $PIPELINE_NAME \
        --arg asm_name $ASM_NAME \
        --arg configmap_name $ASM_NAME-assembly-configmap \
            name     : $pipeline_name,
            type     : "spec",
            config   : { content: $spec },
            settings : {
                minWorkers: "1",
                maxWorkers: "1"
            env      : {
                KXI_SP_BETA_FEATURES: "true",
                ASM_NAME: $asm_name,
                AWS_REGION: "eu-west-1",
                AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: $aws_access_key_id,
                AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: $aws_secret_access_key,
                AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: $aws_session_token,
                KX_KURL_DEBUG_LOG: "1",
                KXI_SP_DIRECT_WRITE_ASSEMBLY: $asm_name,
                KX_TRACE_S3: "1"
            kubeConfig  : {
                configMaps: $configmap_name
        }' | jq -asR .)"


runPipeline -p backfill -s backfill.q

4. Running the script

Use the script to manually run the backfill pipeline. The script accepts a single flag: - --file | -f : Specify the file path to the directory containing the file to ingest. This should be an S3 bucket path pointing to a compressed .txt file.

To ensure the script is executable, run the following:

chmod +x

Now the script is ready to be executed. For example:

./ -f s3:://my-bucket/sample-folder/Quotes_20201231.txt.gz

The pipeline name is prefixed with insights, for example: insights-backfill.