Automated Package Deployment
This page outlines how packages can be deployed automatically with CI/CD processing.
The recommended approach is to use the CLI for automated deployments.
However, as kdb Insights Enterprise is OpenAPI-compliant with support API endpoints for all package operations, the same operations can be performed through API calls by any REST-compliant client.
The KXI CLI is the primary means to deploy packages.
This is a command line tool built on Python which offers zero prompt interactions with packages in all APIs.
Read Install KXI CLI for information on installing the CLI.
CLI prerequisites
Object | Format |
client-id | $INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID |
client-secret | $INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET |
Package location | for example KX portal |
Ensure the following:
You are running kdb Insights Enterprise 1.12+
You have created a client capable of authenticating to Insights
You have created a client that has the necessary roles and entitlements to deploy packages
You have published the package and made it available in a repository accessible from a REST client
You have curl available on the machine performing the deployment
KXI CLI v1.12 or later installed and available on the machine performing the deployment
KXI CLI configured to the Insights deploy
Steps using CLI
This example uses a package called kxi-db
on package version 1.12.0.
# Pull in secrets. This could be from a secure secrets store or an .env
# only accessible to the automated system BEARER (package repository),
# INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID (insights client name), INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET source .env
# Package Details
# Pull the package from the package repository
# BEARER provided from .env
curl -s -L -OJ --fail-with-body -D /dev/stderr --oauth2-bearer $BEARER$PACKAGE_NAME/$PACKAGE_VERSION/$PACKAGE_NAME-$PACKAGE_VERSION.kxi
# Push the package to the Insights deploy
kxi pm push --client-id=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID --client-secret=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET --force
# Deploy the package
kxi pm deploy --client-id=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID --client-secret=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET ${PACKAGE_NAME}
# Retrieve status
kxi pm list --client-id=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID --client-secret=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET ${PACKAGE_NAME} -o json
You can use the help command to provide information regarding the additional options
Usage: kxi pm deploy [OPTIONS] PACKAGE [VERSION]
Deploy a package to an insights instance.
PACKAGE: package-name VERSION: package-version
╭─ Authentication option overrides ────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --hostname,--url TEXT Insights URL │
│ --realm TEXT Realm │
│ --client-id TEXT Client id │
│ --client-secret TEXT Client secret │
│ --auth-enabled/--auth-disabled Retrieve Bearer Token │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --env TEXT Inject environment variables to the │
│ deployed package. │
│ `[component_name:]VAR=value` │
│ --output-format -o [json|table] Output format for the list command │
│ --server-timeout TEXT Timeout for Insights server calls │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
The OpenAPI endpoints can be used for all operations, allowing any REST-compliant client to perform the same operations as KXI CLI.
curl prerequisites
Object | Format |
client-id | $INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID |
client-secret | $INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET |
Package location | For example KX portal |
Ensure the following:
- You are running kdb Insights Enterprise 1.12+
- You have created a client capable of authenticating to Insights
- You have created a client that has the necessary roles and entitlements to deploy packages
- You have published the package and made it available in a repository accessible from a REST client
- You have curl available on the machine performing the deployment
Steps using curl
Create a service account to permit authentication.
Specify and save your client-id and client-secret.
Add authorizations to permit pushing or deploying packages: assign "insights.role.maintainer" role.
Locate the required package and make it available to a pipeline in a repository accessible from a REST client.
Create curl script to:
- Pull package from repository; for example Git, Nexus, etc
- Push and deploy package to kdb Insights Enterprise
- Retrieve status of package
# Pull in secrets. This could be from a secure secrets store or an .env
# only accessible to the automated system BEARER (package repository),
source .env
# Package Details
# kdb Insights URL - please update to accessible endpoint.
# Pull the package from the package repository
# BEARER provided from .env
curl -s -L -OJ --fail-with-body \-D /dev/stderr --oauth2-bearer $BEARER$PACKAGE_NAME/$PACKAGE_VERSION/$PACKAGE_NAME-$PACKAGE_VERSION.kxi
# We need to retrieve a INSIGHTS_BEARER token (this will live for 5 mins
# before having to be renewed)
-s \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "client_id=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID" \
-d "client_secret=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
"$INSIGHTS_URL/auth/realms/insights/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -
rc ".access_token")
# Push the package to the kdb Insights deploy
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_BEARER"
$INSIGHTS_URL/packagemanager/v2/artifacts\?force=1 -F
# Deploy the package
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_BEARER"
$INSIGHTS_URL/packagemanager/v2/deployments -H 'Content-Type:
application/json' -d '{
"data": {
"attributes": {
"components": [
"type": "package",
"name": "'$PACKAGE_NAME'",
"version": "'$PACKAGE_VERSION'"
# Retrieve status
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_BEARER"