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This page describes how to use the Scratchpad panel, in the Query window to query the database, develop and debug pipelines, or run arbitrary q and Python code.

Once you are familiar with the features and layout of the Scratchpad you can proceed with using it to execute the functionality.

Results of your queries can be viewed in the Query Output panel at the bottom of the screen.

If these panels are not visible, click View, in the top left-hand corner, and toggle Scratchpad Panel and/or Query Output to display them.

Query window panel view menu

Scratchpad features

A scratchpad is a temporary q process that runs in a Rocky Linux container. Each user has their own scratchpad. While you can save the contents of the editor, any in-memory or on-disk state is only retained until the scratchpad session ends.

This section describes:

Scratchpad resources

The CPU and memory resources for the Scratchpad can be configured within your values.yml. See Scratchpad resources for details. Any changes made to these resources apply to all users.

A Scratchpad is limited (by default) to 500 MiB of RAM and 50 MiB of disk. When exceeded, the Scratchpad process shuts down and restarts. To optimize performance, limit the amount of data returned in your query; for example: select[10000] from myTable to return 10,000 rows of data.

Disk operations

There is a 50 MiB disk mounted to /tmp that can be used for any purpose. This folder is ephemeral, and is cleared when the Scratchpad process terminates. The rest of the file system is read-only.

Scratchpad restart

Scratchpads terminate after one hour of inactivity, or if a resource limit is exceeded. After a Scratchpad restart, any in-memory or on-disk state is lost.


Each user gets their own Scratchpad. Each Scratchpad is a q process running in a pod. Use kubectl get pod <pod-name> to get information about your Scratchpad pod.

Scratchpad pods are named <release-name>-scratch-<first 7 characters of user name>-<hash> (e.g. insights-scratch-jsmith-c5415851ba45a47c4f7c50bc418dae46-vdhcc).

An example of the output returned when you run kubectl get pod insights-scratch-jsmith-c5415851ba45a47c4f7c50bc418dae46-vdhcc is shown below.

NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
insights-scratch-jsmith-c5415851ba45a47c4f7c50bc418dae46-vdhcc    1/1     Running   0              15m
The following information is displayed:

  • NAME - The name of the pod (example-pod).
  • READY - The number of containers in the pod that are ready (1/1).
  • STATUS - The status of the pod (Running).
  • RESTARTS - The number of times the pod has been restarted (0).
  • AGE - How long the pod has been running (5m).

Keycloak Permissions

The following Scratchpad roles are available for fine-grained permissions.

Role Description
insights.scratch.display Evaluating q and Python expressions, and displaying or visualizing the results Querying a database using the query builder.
insights.scratch.sql Querying a database SQL.
insights.scratch.qsql Querying a database using the qsql.
insights.scratch.pipeline.test Running "Quick Test" pipelines in the Scratchpad

See keycloak permissions for further details on roles.

Scratchpad Layout

The Scratchpad is the top right-hand section of the Query window.

If this panel is not visible, click View, in the top of the window, and toggle Scratchpad Panel to display it.

Scratchpad Panel

This panel is comprised of the following elements:

  • Editor - The Scratchpad is a scrollable editor window which is used to enter your code. There are 2 tabs at the top right-hand corner of the window that allow you to toggle between Q and Python editors.

  • Run All - This button is used to run all the code entered in the editor. The output is displayed in the tabs below the editor. To run only the current line or highlighted selection, use Ctrl + D or Ctrl + Enter on Windows, or ⌘Enter or ⌘E on mac.

Firefox Users

If you’re having trouble scrolling in the Scratchpad while using Firefox, make sure that scrollbars are set to always be visible.

Scratchpad functionality

The Scratchpad supports the following:

Create ad hoc queries in Scratchpad

To perform an ad hoc query using the Scratchpad:

  1. Create a query using the Query panel.
  2. When analyzing the data retrieved from your kdb Insights Enterprise database, you can use either q or Python.

    Click on either the Q or Python tab on the Scratchpad, depending on your language preference and enter your query. Note that when you use Python, only the first line of code is processed.

    The following example shows a query which returns the results to an output variable called weather. This variable is then used in the Q query in the Scratchpad to perform a further ad hoc query to refine the results.

    Console populated by a Scratchpad query run against an output variable, 't', defined by Get Data.

  3. Click Run All.

  4. View and analyze the results in the output panel.

Running Queries

Running a selected line of code context is set by preceding lines, similar to \d .myContext or system "d .myContext". The global context is used in the absence of a preceding line.

Read more about using q and Python in your queries.

Query output

Clicking Run Query in the Query Panel, or Run All in the Scratchpad, returns the results of data queried using the Query panel or by ad hoc queries in the Scratchpad. You can view these results in one of the tabs at the bottom of the Query Window:

If this panel is not visible, click View, in the top left-hand corner, and toggle Output Panel to display it.

By default, data is displayed in the Console tab. To display the results in another tab, switch the tab you want and click Run Query again and Run All if you have an ad-hoc query.


The console is the default display for query output. Right-click in the console for additional options.

Console controls on right-click include clear and display code in console

These options are described in the following table.

Option Description
Clear Clears the console.
Toggle Source Expressions Toggles the display of the code expression in the console.

Console View

The console has a right-click menu for clearing the console, or toggling showing the source expressions above the result.


The Table tab is a more structured display for query output with additional filter options. Results are paged and you can filter them.

Tabulated output of a Scratchpad query.

Setting Description
First Display results from the start of the data source (page 1).
Last Display results from the end of the data source (last page).
Random Select a random point in the data set to display results.
# of results drop-down This drop-down list lets you filter paged results by one of the selected numbers of results per page.

Column Filter

Data columns, in the Table view can be sorted in ascending and descending order by clicking on the column header.

Additional filtering options are available from the triple-bar menu, above the data.

  • Use AND/OR statements alongside operators Contains, Not contains, Equals, Not equal, Starts with, or Ends with for more comprehensive filtering.
  • For example, the results below are filtered on the neighborhood column where it Contain the value Tot. Filter criteria can be combined using AND and OR.

Column filter available on selection of "triple bar".


The Visual tab plots query output as a chart.

  • You can choose between Bubble, Line or Bar charts, from the y-axis settings .
  • Visual settings give you options to configure the features of your chart.

The following example shows query results displayed in a bubble chart.

Bubble chart of results.

The following table defines the data display options:

Setting Description
First Displays results from the start of the data source (page 1).
Last Displays results from the end of the data source (last page).
Random Selects a random point in the data set to display results.
# of results drop-down This drop-down list lets you filter paged results by one of these number of pages results per page.

Visual Settings

You can define the following settings using the Visual settings menu. Click the toggle button to display/hide the settings menu, and click on each setting to expand the options available.

X-Axis settings

The X Axis Settings define the x-axis data variables to chart and how they are formatted and displayed.

X-axis settings

These following settings are configurable:

  • Data Point: The data column to plot on the x-axis of the chart. Select from the dropdown to change the value.
  • Number of Ticks: The number of tick labels to display in the x-axis.
  • Range
  • Gridlines
  • Format
Setting Description Default
Use min max Enable the use of Min and Max to build the axis. If these are unchecked the Min and Max values, set below, are ignored. Disabled
Min Define the minimum value for the axis.
Max Define the maximum values for the axis. Charted data outside of the set Min and Max range is not displayed. If all data falls outside the set range, the chart is blank.
Setting Description Default
Offset Gridlines When enabled, sets gridlines between tick values. Disabled
Gridlines Color Set the color of the gridlines used in the chart. #000000
Gridlines Opacity Defines the opacity of gridlines from 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque). 15
Setting Description Default
Display When enabled (for x-axis), displays tick values. Enabled for x-axis.
Begin at Zero When enabled, plotted values start at 0 for the x or y-axis. Disabled
Numeric Format Select between Number, Smart Number and Formatted Number. Numeric
Decimal Places Define precision of y-axis labels. 2
Font size Define font-size of tick labels. 12
Prefix Add a text element before the y-axis label.
Suffix Add a text element after y-axis tick label.
Hide Trailing Zeroes When enabled, trailing zeroes are hidden from axis labels. Disabled
Y-Axis Settings

The left and right Y Axis Settings define the data variables to chart and how they are formatted and displayed.

Y-axis settings

These following settings are configurable:

  • Enabled: The left y-axis is enabled by default. The right y-axis is disabled by default. Enable it to have two y-axes on your chart.
  • Data Point: The data columns to plot on this y-axis of the chart. Select single or multiple columns from the dropdown to change the value.
  • Chart Type: Select from one of the following chart types; Bubble, Line or Bar. You can set a different chart type for the left and right y-axis. You can configure the following settings, for each chart type:

The Display settings vary based on the chart type selected. The following screenshot shows the Display settings for a Bubble chart.

Display menu of custom chart settings.

The following table describes the Display settings and indicates the chart types they apply to.

Setting Description Bubble Bar Line
Radius Data Choose between a data source variable or Fixed Size bubbles. y
Radius Scaling Set bubble size. y
Color Set the color of the bubble, bar, or line. y y y
Opacity Set the opacity of the bubble, bar, or line in the range 0 (transparent) to 100 (opaque). y y y
Fill Enable to fill the area of the line to the origin of the x-axis. y
Scale on Zoom Enable this option for bubbles to scale on zoom. When set the bubble size increases in size on zoom in and decreases on zoom out. y
Bar Percentage Toggle between Percentage or Fixed Width for bar width. y
Color Palette

Use the Color Palette settings to set the color for data points on the chart. Click on a color to change it or enter a Hex color value.

Color palette .

Chart Settings

The Chart Settings define crosshair and overlay behaviors.

Display overlay menu settings.

These settings are described in the following table.

Setting Description Default
Show Crosshairs When enabled, this adds a crosshair to the chart. Enabled
Show Coordinates When enabled, this displays axis values for cursor position in chart. Enabled
Snap Crosshair to Data When enabled, the Crosshair position locks to the y-axis value relative to x-axis position. Enabled
Show all data points When enabled, the Crosshair displays all values in a tooltip at the x-axis position. Disabled
Group tooltip by layer When enabled, the display of chart values is grouped in the tooltip by data layers. Disabled

VSCode Integration

To work with existing code bases, versioned code, and to easily organize your code, the KX extension for VS Code extension offers an alternative to the Insights Scratchpad Web Interface. This allows you to connect to the same q Scratchpad process accessible from the web interface, so all variables are shared between the two interfaces. It supports evaluating q (from .q, or .quke files) or Python (from .py files). The same options for querying the database are available from the extension.

Next Steps

Further Reading