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Query configuration

The kdb Insights Database uses Data Access Processes (DAPs) to serve data for queries. DAPs are split into tiers based on the age of the data. Tiers are typically split into a real-time database (RDB), an intra-day database (IDB), and a historical database (HDB). DAPs are configured under a dap key of the elements field within an assembly file. The data of a given tier is maintained by the mount or mounts for that tier. Different scaling configurations are possible depending on how many tiers are provided to a DAP.


DAPs are accessed using the routing layer. Routing configuration is set at install time across all assemblies.


To see a deployment example of data access processes with the other components of a database, see the Docker deployment example.

User interface configuration

This guide discusses configuration using YAML files. If you are using kdb Insights Enterprise, you can configure your system using the kdb Insights user interface


Configuration for the Data Access Process is nested under an elements.dap key within an assembly file.


To see a deployment example of data access processes with the other components of a database, see the Docker deployment example.

User interface configuration

This guide discusses configuration using YAML files. If you are using kdb Insights Enterprise, you can configure your system using the kdb Insights user interface

name type required description
mountName string No References the name of the mount this DAP will use to surface data. Either mountName or mountList (but not both) must be provided depending on the desired scaling mode. Providing mountName will use single mount mode.
mountList string[] No References a set of mounts this DAP will use to surface data. Either mountList or mountName (but not both) must be provided depending on the desired scaling mode. Providing mountList will use multiple mount mode.
pctMemThreshold float No This threshold limits the amount of memory that is used before the DAP triggers a cache flush. This value is a decimal value between 0 and 1, and is multiplied by the memory limit of the DAP (which is determined, in order of priority, from the -w parameter, the KXI_MEM_LIMIT or 2 times the KXI_MEM_REQUEST environment variable, or the cgroup memory limit) to find the effective memory threshold. When this value is exceeded, the DAP will enter low memory mode until the next writedown interval completes. See best practices.

Scaling configurations

DAPs can be configured in two different modes depending on the anticipated query requirements. DAPs can either be configured to scale independently per data tier, or uniformly across all data tiers.

Scaling Independently

Scaling independently

Scaling independently means that you can have more RDBs than IDBs or HDBs, or vice versa. This allows you to tailor your setup to match the anticipated query distribution across the data tiers to maximize query throughput. Scaling independently means that each tier will consume its own set of resources and will run its own container. To use this mode, configure your DAP with the mountName configuration option.

        mountName: rdb
        mountName: idb
        mountName: hdb

Scaling Uniformly

Scaling uniformly

To share container resources, you can scale your DAPs uniformly in a single container. This mode is typically referred to as single DAP mode. In this mode, RDBs, IDBs and HDBs are all within a single container. In this mode, adding another instance adds another copy of all configured tiers. To use this mode, configure your DAP with the mountList configuration option.

        mountList: [rdb, idb, hdb]

Environment Variables

Advanced configuration can be supplied to a DAP using environment variables. Environment variables are configured differently depending on the method of deployment. In all cases, the variables are always string values.

In Docker, environment variables are supplied using under an environment key for the target service as a list of key-value pairs.

      - KXI_NAME=da

In Kubernetes, environment variables are supplied as part of a container specification under an env key. Values under the env key are a list of objects with a name and value.

  - name: kxi-da
    image: ${kxi_da}
    - name: KXI_NAME
      value: "da"
name description
KXI_NAME Process name.
KXI_SC Service class for data access (e.g. RDB, IDB, HDB). Must match value in elements.dap.instances of assembly.
KXI_CUSTOM_FILE File containing custom code to load in DA processes.
KXI_DAP_SANDBOX Whether this DAP is a sandbox (default: false).
KXI_SBX_MAX_ROWS Maximum number of rows, per partitioned table, to store in memory.
KXI_ALLOWED_SBX_APIS Comma-delimited list of sandbox APIs to allow in non-sandbox DAPs (e.g. .kxi.sql,.kxi.qsql,.kxi.sql2).
KXI_DA_RELOAD_STAGGER Time in seconds between DAPs of the same class reloading after an EOX (default: 30).
KXI_DA_USE_REAPER Whether to use KX Reaper and object storage cache (default: false).
KXI_HB_FREQ Time in milliseconds to run the heartbeat to connected processes (default: 30000).
KXI_HB_TOL Number of heartbeat intervals a process can miss before being disconnected (default: 3).
KXI_GC_FREQ Frequency in milliseconds to run garbage collect in a timer (default: 600000, set to 0 to disable).
KXI_ENABLE_FLUSH Set to "true" to enable async flush on messages from DA to Agg (default false).
KXI_RT_EVENT_FATAL If "true", RT badtail and badmsg events are treated as fatal; SM crashes and ingestion stops. If "false" or unspecified, events are logged but ingestion continues. Note that reset events are never treated as fatal.
KXI_SG_RC_ADDR A URL address for an explicit Resource Coordinator for this specific DAP instance to connect to. This must be a fully qualified host name and port. If not specified, the DAP will fallback to Kubernetes label discovery.
KX_OBJSTR_INVENTORY_FILE Set to path relative to the root of the bucket to use an inventory file.
KXI_LATE_DATA If "true", DAP will run with late data mode on. Takes precedence over elements.dap.instances.*.lateData setting.
KXI_MAX_CONN_RETRY Number of connection retry attempts to perform before restarting the process. (default: 20).
KXI_MEM_LIMIT If set and -w is not set, determines the memory limit used in the calculation of the threshold for triggering an emergency EOI (see the pctMemThreshold configuration setting).
KXI_MEM_REQUEST If set and neither -w nor KXI_MEM_LIMIT are set, determines the memory limit used in the calculation of the threshold for triggering an emergency EOI (see the pctMemThreshold configuration setting). The threshold is based on 2 times the value of the variable.
KXI_SELECT_TABLE_MMAP_DEFAULT If true, .kxi.selectTable results are mapped, not loaded to memory. Common use cases include selecting entire splayed, or partitions of partitioned tables. The default value is false, but you can override it by setting mmap to 1b in the dictionary argument of .kxi.selectTable. Be aware that enabling this might cause unexpected issues like cast errors or unkeying failures. This feature only works if the selected table has no in-memory data.

In addition, the following environment variables apply to both the sidecar and DAP images.

name container description
KXI_CONFIG_FILE sidecar Metrics configuration file.
KXI_LOG_FORMAT ALL Log message format.
KXI_LOG_DEST ALL Log endpoints.
KXI_LOG_LEVELS ALL Component routing.
KXI_LOG_CONFIG ALL Alternative logging configuration: replaces KXI_LOG_FORMAT, KXI_LOG_DEST, and KXI_LOG_LEVELS.

Query size limitations

IPC queries routing through the Service Gateway using the SQL, getData or user defined analytics (UDAs) have no limitations on size when using version 6 of the q IPC Protocol.

In the response path, queries are streamed through the Gateway when the response size exceeds KXI_SG_STREAM_THRESHOLD bytes.

For RESTful queries, responses are not streamed to the client, the results will be uncompressed, and limited to 2Gb.