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This page provides details about the getOrderAnalyticSummary API.

The getOrderAnalyticSummary API is used to query the OrderAnalytics table. It is intended to retrieve records from the OrderAnalytics table, applying any filters specified, and calculate summary functions on these records. The summary functions required should be listed in the supplied dictionary of arguments.

Gateway URL

The gw variable below is defined as an IPC connection to the Service Gateway. For example `:insights-qe-gateway:5050 would connect to the query environment gateway within an insights namespace.

// API arguments dictionary.

args: (!) . flip (
    (`table;            `OrderAnalytics);
    (`startTS;          2023.07.21D10:00:00);
    (`endTS;            2023.07.21D10:30:00);
    (`summaryFunctions; `orderCount`fillRate)

last gw(`getOrderAnalyticSummary;args;`callback;opts);
instrumentID orderCount fillRate
CPG LN       1          1
EA US        10         0.9
ENB CN       5          1
HON US       10         0.7
ICLR US      8          1

Gateway URL

The $INSIGHTS_URL, $INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID, $INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET variables should point at your kdb Insights install.

INSIGHTS_TOKEN=`curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET" \
    "${INSIGHTS_URL}/auth/realms/insights/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -cr ".access_token"`

DATA=`curl -s -X POST "${INSIGHTS_URL}/servicegateway/fsi/getOrderAnalyticSummary" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_TOKEN" \
    -d "$(jq -n \
            table            : "OrderAnalytics",
            startTS          : "2023.07.21D10:00:00",
            endTS            : "2023.07.21D10:30:00",
            summaryFunctions : ["orderCount","fillRate"]
        }' | jq -cr .)"`

echo $DATA | jq -cr '.payload'

When issuing an IPC request, synchronous requests return a tuple where the first element is the response payload and the second is the response data. Refer to the asynchronous requests section for how to use the callback argument to get an asynchronous response.

Read the extended options section for how to use the options like timeouts for your IPC call.


Most of the arguments are shared with getTicks and getStats. The argument unique to getOrderAnalyticSummary is summaryFunctions.

Name Required Type Default Example Description
table yes symbol N/A `OrderAnalytics Name of the table to retrieve data from. Should always be OrderAnalytics.
startTS yes timestamp -0Wp .z.p-1D Inclusive start time of period of interest. It is recommended that this field is always used to limit scope of data in the response and to maximize query efficiency.
endTS yes timestamp 0Wp .z.p Exclusive end time of period of interest. It is recommended that this field is always used to limit scope of data in the response and to maximize query efficiency.
filter no list () ("<";`price;111) Refer to the filter section for more info.
fill no symbol () `forward Fills the outbound result after aggregation. Using any fill "racks" the data, giving rows for windows that did not happen. Options are `null`zero`forward`linear`linearStep
temporality no symbol `continuous `slice Sets the range of data in view for each day within the query. Support two types of temporality: `continuous (default) which takes a continuous range of the data, and `slice which returns data within the startTS and endTS dates that is between the times defined in the slice argument.
slice no symbol () (0D12:00:00;0D13:00:00) Sets the time range to grab between each date in the startTS and endTS range when using a temporality of slice.
sortCols no symbol[] () (`desc;`instrumentID) Columns to sort (ascending) result data on.
agg no list () ((`avg`price);(`first`price)) Specifies the aggregations to perform. Read the agg section for supported formats.
groupBy no symbol[] identifier column `exch List of columns to group aggregation result by.
summaryFunctions no symbol[] () `orderCount Summary functions to apply to results. Refer to the summaryFunctions section for more details.

Summary functions

List of summary functions to apply to results. Providing a null symbol as this argument or excluding the argument altogether applies all configured summary functions to the results.

args: (!) . flip (
    (`table;            `OrderAnalytics);
    (`startTS;          2023.07.21D10:00:00);
    (`endTS;            2023.07.21D10:30:00);
    (`summaryFunctions; `orderCount`fillRate)

last gw(`getOrderAnalyticSummary;args;`callback;()!());
instrumentID orderCount fillRate
CPG LN       1          1
EA US        10         0.9
ENB CN       5          1
HON US       10         0.7
ICLR US      8          1
INSIGHTS_TOKEN=`curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
    -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_ID&client_secret=$INSIGHTS_CLIENT_SECRET" \
    "${INSIGHTS_URL}/auth/realms/insights/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -cr ".access_token"`

DATA=`curl -s -X POST "${INSIGHTS_URL}/servicegateway/fsi/getOrderAnalyticSummary" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Accept: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_TOKEN" \
    -d "$(jq -n \
            table            : "OrderAnalytics",
            startTS          : "2023.07.21D10:00:00",
            endTS            : "2023.07.21D10:30:00",
            summaryFunctions : ["orderCount","fillRate"]
        }' | jq -cr .)"`

echo $DATA | jq -cr '.payload'

Configuring additional summary functions

The default summary functions available are:


These are configured in the equitiesEa.api.summary.da.config.q file in the EquitiesEA Accelerator package.

To configure additional summary functions to be available for application using getOrderAnalyticSummary, edit the equitiesEa.api.summary.da.config.q file.

The function definitions for any new summary functions should then be added to the .eqea.api.summary.clauses variable. If a new summary function should be included as a default, the name of the summary function must be added to the .eqeq.api.summary.defaults list variable.

In order to edit the equitiesEa.api.summary.da.config.q file, the Accelerator must be unpacked. You can then edit them with a text editor. Then, the package should be pushed and deployed.


Refer to the following documentation for general commands to unpack and re-package a package.


Now you can make the changes required to the equitiesEa.api.summary.da.config.q file.

Once changes have been made and packaged, the updated package must be pushed before being deployed.

Push and deploy

Refer to the following documentation on pushing a package.

Read the instructions to deploy an assembly.