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List Packages

This page provides an overview of listing packages in kdb Insights Enterprise using the CLI.

Once a package has been uploaded to kdb Insights Enterprise, you should validate it has been successfully uploaded to the server. To list all the uploaded packages, use the kxi pm list command, as defined below:

kxi pm list --help
 Usage: kxi pm list [OPTIONS] [[package|deployment|pipeline|view|database|udf]] 

 List objects stored on  kdb+ Insights Enterprise Package Manager service.      

╭─ Authentication option overrides ────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --hostname,--url                  TEXT  Insights URL                         │
│ --realm                           TEXT  Realm                                │
│ --client-id                       TEXT  Client id                            │
│ --client-secret                   TEXT  Client secret                        │
│ --auth-enabled/--auth-disabled          Retrieve Bearer Token                │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --filter          -f  TEXT                                                   │
│ --fields              TEXT          [default: name, package, version,        │
│                                     function,,               │
│                                     deployment.status, status,               │
│                                     status.status, data, access,, │
│                                     id, manifest.version_info]               │
│ --output-format   -o  [json|table]  Output format for the list command       │
│ --server-timeout      TEXT          Timeout for Insights server calls        │
│ --help                              Show this message and exit.              │

Using the web interface or the CLI

kdb Insights Enterprise has both a web interface and command line interface (CLI). You can use either one to list a package. For information on how to view a list of all your packages using the web interface, refer to the documentation on viewing an index of packages.

The following examples demonstrate how to list packages on a kdb Insights Enterprise instance using two packages, which are test-deploy and test-package:

Default list functionality:

kxi pm list 

List with type=package
│ name          version  access                      id                                   │
│ test-deploy   1.0.0    ARWX    test-user-rw                    529ab8df-3f1a-4b5b-8d69-29ecee6ca2f5 │
│ test-package  0.0.1    ARWX    service-account-test-publisher  add333ad-bdd2-41a9-bcc7-a24fdbee598f │
kxi pm list -fname="test-*" --fields=name,

List with type=package
│ name │
│ test-deploy   test-user-rw     │
│ test-package  -                │
kxi pm list -fname="test-*" --ojson
"meta": [
    "logs": {
        "info": [],
        "warning": [],
        "error": []
"data": [
    "access": "ARWX",
    "id": "529ab8df-3f1a-4b5b-8d69-29ecee6ca2f5",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "name": "test-deploy",
    "owner": {
        "uuid": "1268e9cc-f24f-4a1b-9aa9-f8d779e83609",
        "name": "test-user-rw",
        "email": ""
    "deploy_user": {
        "uuid": "1268e9cc-f24f-4a1b-9aa9-f8d779e83609",
        "name": "test-user-rw",
        "email": ""
    "push_user": {
        "uuid": "1268e9cc-f24f-4a1b-9aa9-f8d779e83609",
        "name": "test-user-rw",
        "email": ""
    "access": "ARWX",
    "id": "add333ad-bdd2-41a9-bcc7-a24fdbee598f",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "name": "test-package",
    "owner": {
        "uuid": "2df6e07d-b005-42bd-a570-5f90c13c6b2c",
        "name": "service-account-test-publisher",
        "email": ""
    "push_user": {
        "uuid": "2df6e07d-b005-42bd-a570-5f90c13c6b2c",
        "name": "service-account-test-publisher",
        "email": ""

Next steps