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ICE Ingestion

This page explains how to set up the ICE Feedhandler for ICE ingestion.

ICE Feedhandler Setup

To set up the ICE Feedhandler you should download and configure using the steps in the ICE Order Book Accelerator Quickstart Guide.

A values file has been pre-configured to get your configuration started: fsi/fsi-data-assembly/feed/ice-feed-values.yaml

Update your ice-feed-values.yaml as per the ICE Consolidated Feed documentation.


Most configuration options in ice-feed-values.yaml should not be changed. The configuration options that are likely to change according to each implementation have been highlighted with a 'TODO' comment in the ice-feed-values.yaml file.

Save your ice-feed-values.yaml file and apply the values to youir ICE FH by running:

helm upgrade rt-ice-pub kx-insights/rt-ice-pub --version="1.8.0-rc.1" -n YOUR_NAMESPACE -f fsi/fsi-data-assembly/feed/ice-feed-values.yaml

This updates the stateful set for the ICE FH, named rt-ice-pub

Once the rt-ice-pub is correctly downloaded and configured, it publishes data through the rt-fsi-data-assembly-icerealtime-north.

ICE pipelines

The FSI Accelerator includes an IceRealtime overlay which contains a suite of pipelines for ingesting real-time level 1 and level 2 data from ICE.

Real-time data

The FSI accelerator package has a number of pipelines used to ingest data from ICE:


  • This pipeline is used to ingest real-time level 1 Trade and Quote data from the ICE feed.


  • This pipeline is used to ingest real-time level 2 quote data from the ICE feed.
  • Note the downstream orderbook pipeline can be used to transform incoming L2Quote data into OrderbookSnapshots and Depth


A number of schemas come with the Accelerator. The Accelerator's schemas can be customized and extended per the instructions in Customizing the FSI Accelerator.

Market data

  • Trade stores trade data from the ICE Feed Handler
  • Quote stores level 1 quote data ICE Feed Handler
  • L2Quote stores level 2 quote data ICE Feed Handler

Calculated data

  • OrderbookUpdates normalized L2Quote data by orderID to track the lifecycle of an orderID: when it was added, updated and deleted (be that by the order being filled or cancelled). Also used as the input data for the Orderbook construction pipeline.
  • OrderbookSnapshots output of the Orderbook construction pipeline. Stores market-by-price orderbook data. Each row of the OrderbookSnapshots table holds the full orderbook for a given time and instrument as all bid and ask values are stored in sorted, enlisted values.
  • Depth output of the Orderbook construction pipeline. Stores market-by-price orderbook data. All bid and ask values are simple atomic values. Here the depth of each price is signified by an explicit depth column value.
  • fsi_bar_Quote_dayStats stores quote aggregations bucketed by day if the pre-aggregated bars pipeline is enabled.
  • fsi_bar_Quote_minStats stores quote aggregations bucketed by minute if the pre-aggregated bars pipeline is enabled
  • fsi_bar_Trade_dayStats stores trade aggregations bucketed by day if the pre-aggregated bars pipeline is enabled
  • fsi_bar_Trade_minStats stores trade aggregations bucketed by minutes if the pre-aggregated bars pipeline is enabled

Reference data

  • Exchange stores exchange reference data
  • ExchangeHolidayCal stores holiday calendar data for exchanges
  • Instrument stores instrument reference data
  • RelativeContract stores relative contract data for custom futures symbology