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ICE Market Data Ingest

This page provides a guide on customizing pipelines to ingest ICE market data.

Pipelines are provided to ingest ICE market data from ICE replay .txt file format.

The pipeline that ingests the replay format is:

  • iceEqHistoricReplay

Customize the Pipeline

Pipelines can be adapted to meet different requirements. By editing the corresponding spec.q file for each pipeline, various aspects of the pipeline operation can be adjusted, such as:

  • Each pipeline reads a file from S3 by default. This can be changed to a different reader or to a different location by editing the .fsi.reader variable. Refer to readers for the available readers.
  • The file targeted by the pipeline for ingest is configured by the .fsi.filePath variable. This should be updated to point toward the appropriate file for ingestion.
  • The region the file is located in is configured by the .fsi.region variable.

In order to edit the spec.q files, the Accelerator must be unpacked. You can then edit them with a text editor. Then, the package should be pushed and deployed.


Refer to the following documentation for general commands to unpack and re-package a package.


Now you can make the changes required to the spec.q files.

Once changes have been made and packaged, the updated package must be pushed before being deployed.

Push and deploy

Refer to the following documentation on pushing a package.

Read the instructions to deploy an assembly.