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Package Deployment

This page provides an overview of how to use the package deploy and teardown commands in the CLI.

Once a package has been uploaded to kdb Insights Enterprise, it is ready for deployment.

  • Run the Deploy command to bring your configurations online, as shown below.
  • Run the Teardown command to stop a running package.

Using the web interface or the CLI

kdb Insights Enterprise has both a web interface and command line interface (CLI). You can use either one to deploy or tear down a package. For information on how to deploy a database or pipeline configuration using the web interface, navigate here.


The deploy command enables you to deploy the database and pipeline configuration defined in your package inside kdb Insights Enterprise. It can be run as follows:

kxi pm deploy mypackage

This finds the latest version of the package to deploy. To deploy a specific version:

kxi pm deploy mypackage 1.0.0

This command searches kdb Insights Enterprise for mypackage, version=1.0.0 and deploys its contents.

You can use the help command to provide information regarding the additional options.

 Usage: kxi pm deploy [OPTIONS] PACKAGE [VERSION]                               

 Deploy a package to an insights instance.                                      
 PACKAGE: package-name VERSION: package-version                                 

╭─ Authentication option overrides ────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --hostname,--url                  TEXT  Insights URL                         │
│ --realm                           TEXT  Realm                                │
│ --client-id                       TEXT  Client id                            │
│ --client-secret                   TEXT  Client secret                        │
│ --auth-enabled/--auth-disabled          Retrieve Bearer Token                │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --env                 TEXT          Inject environment variables to the      │
│                                     deployed package.                        │
│                                     `[component_name:]VAR=value`             │
│ --output-format   -o  [json|table]  Output format for the list command       │
│ --server-timeout      TEXT          Timeout for Insights server calls        │
│ --help                              Show this message and exit.              │

Refer to the tracking deployments section further down for information on how to verify the status of your package.

Inject Environment Variables

You can inject environment variables when you deploy a package to make small changes to settings in your package, such as to increase or decrease an application limit.

Inject environment variables during the deploy command using the --env modifier, as shown in the following example:

kxi pm deploy mypackage --env myenvar=1

In the example above, kdb Insights Enterprise deploys the package named mypackage and sets the myenvar environment variable to a value of 1 on every process.

To change the value of myenvar, run the deploy command again with the new desired value. The command automatically tears down the existing deployment and deploys again with the new value.

Tear Down

The teardown command enables you to:

  • Stop packages in RUNNING state, and take the databases and pipelines offline.
  • [Optionally] Remove persistant application data from disk.

The teardown command can take the name or id of the package deployed on kdb Insights Enterprise. If the package is found and in running state, it is taken offline.

It can be run as follows:

kxi pm teardown mypackage
You can use the help command to provide information regarding the additional options

 Usage: kxi pm teardown [OPTIONS] PACKAGE                                       

 Teardown a deployed package running on an insights instance                    

╭─ Authentication option overrides ────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --hostname,--url                  TEXT  Insights URL                         │
│ --realm                           TEXT  Realm                                │
│ --client-id                       TEXT  Client id                            │
│ --client-secret                   TEXT  Client secret                        │
│ --auth-enabled/--auth-disabled          Retrieve Bearer Token                │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --rm-data                           Remove the data associated with the      │
│                                     deployment                               │
│ --output-format   -o  [json|table]  Output format for the list command       │
│ --server-timeout      TEXT          Timeout for Insights server calls        │
│ --help                              Show this message and exit.              │

Track Deployments

To find the status of the running deployments use the following command. This lists all the packages with default fields, as shown in the example below.

kxi pm list
│ name                    version              deployment.status    data   access                         id                                   │
│ pkg-test1               0.0.7                RUNNING              yes    ARWX    service-account-test-publisher     253a6bc0-7672-4aa4-b3ff-655dc6826005 │
│ pkg-test-2              0.0.1                Deployment Error     yes    ARWX    user1                              3fb61cd9-0522-453f-8591-66a954ce07fd │
│ pkg-test-3              0.0.1                -                    -      ARWX    user1                              3d64ad0e-de83-4db9-8956-84a6a0f11d2f │
On Default Columns
Key Description
Name Package Name
Version Package Version
Deployment Status Indicates the overall state of the deployment
Data Indicates if the pacakge has associated data on disk
Access The level of access the requesting user has
Owner Name The User who pushed the package originally
ID Unique ID for the package

It is also possible to list other entities in a package, such as pipeline, database, view. The exhaustive list can be seen below in the kxi pm list --help output.

 Usage: kxi pm list [OPTIONS] [[package|deployment|pipeline|view|database|udf]] 

 List objects stored on  kdb+ Insights Enterprise Package Manager service.      

╭─ Authentication option overrides ────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --hostname,--url                  TEXT  Insights URL                         │
│ --realm                           TEXT  Realm                                │
│ --client-id                       TEXT  Client id                            │
│ --client-secret                   TEXT  Client secret                        │
│ --auth-enabled/--auth-disabled          Retrieve Bearer Token                │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --filter          -f  TEXT                                                   │
│ --fields              TEXT          [default: name, package, version,        │
│                                     function,,               │
│                                     deployment.status, status,               │
│                                     status.status, data, access,, │
│                                     id, manifest.version_info]               │
│ --output-format   -o  [json|table]  Output format for the list command       │
│ --server-timeout      TEXT          Timeout for Insights server calls        │
│ --help                              Show this message and exit.              │

Next Steps