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Customizing Data for Use with getBars

This page explains how to customize data to be utilized with the getBars API.

To use the getBars API, the aggregations it queries must first be generated. This is achieved using a pipeline that takes data from an existing table (for example Trade or Quote), calculates aggregations, and persists the results to a separate table. This is then queried by getBars to calculate the requested aggregations.


The fsi-data-assembly includes one pipeline to generate bar aggregations for the Quote table, namely bargeneration. This pipeline can be duplicated for other tables that require bar aggregations to be generated. By default the Quote bar generation pipeline queries data for yesterday's date, generates the aggregations and persists this data to the database.

Customizing the pipeline

The existing pipeline can be customized to adjust the table, or date, to generate aggregations for. The bargeneration-pipeline-spec.q can be edited to adjust the table or dt arguments as required.


The steps to update a pipeline are outlined in Customizing an Existing Pipeline.

After pushing the changes to the deployed package (refer to customize deploy), the pipeline runs with the updated arguments. If the source table is not Quote or Trade then a schema for the calculated aggregations must be added.

Additional schema for aggregated data

Once generated, aggregated data is persisted to two separate tables from the source table. One for minute bars and one for day bars.

The schema for these two tables differ from the source table but are derived from the columns in the source table. The fsi-data-assembly includes schema for the derived tables from Quote and Trade source tables.

The schema for these derived tables can be seen in the schema.yaml file for the fsi-data-assembly and examining these schema show how they relate to the source table, the table names are:


If it is necessary to generate aggregated data for additional tables then schema for the derived tables must be added following the same naming convention. For example, if generating aggregated data for a table named Depth, then schema named

must be added.

For steps to update or add schema to the assembly refer to Updating schema.


If generating aggregated data for source tables beyond the defaults Quote or Trade, schemas for the derived minStats and dayStats tables MUST be added following the table naming convention above.

The derived minStats and dayStats schema should include the time and identifier columns from the source table.

For the minute bar aggregation table, generic operations (`first;`last) are applied to all columns of the source table, and numerical operations (`min;`max;`avg;`sum;`med) are applied where applicable based on the table schema. The column naming convention is the aggregate keyword and the column to which it is applied. For example, avgPrice is equivalent to (avg;`price). Some or all of these columns can be included in the derived minStats table schema.

For the day bar aggregation table, generic operations (`first;`last) are applied to all columns of the source table, and numerical operations (`min;`max;`sum) are applied where applicable based on the table schema. The same column naming convention is followed. Some or all of these columns can be included in the derived dayStats table schema.

To generate and persist custom aggregations see custom aggregations.

Restricting the bars generated

By default the bar generation pipeline calculates and persists all of the generic and custom aggregations mentioned in the previous section for a schema. Depending on the number of columns in the schema, this could be a large number of aggregations requiring a large amount of computation. If it is only necessary to persist a subset of the possible aggregations, then these can be specified in the pipeline, removing the need to calculate them all. This can be achieved by adding a bars argument to the pipeline. For example, to only generate the firstBidPrice, lastBidPrice, firstBidSize and lastBidSize aggregations for the Quote schema, the bars argument should be set to that list in the pipeline spec file.


Increasing the timeout for bar generation

Apart from restricting the bars generated, another option for larger schema is to increase the timeout for the query made in the pipeline that generates the bars. This can be achieved by passing an optional timeout argument (units of ms) into the API in the pipeline spec file. For example, to increase the timeout to 200 seconds:

r:h(`; trargs; `; (enlist `timeout)!(enlist 200000));

Configuring additional pipelines

The existing bargeneration pipeline can be used as a model for new pipelines to generate aggregations for additional tables. If a new pipeline is being added, the creation of a spec file is required. This file could be similar to the spec file for the bargeneration pipeline with changes as required.

Instructions for adding a new pipeline can be found under Creating Custom Ingestion Pipelines.

Updating spec File

If the existing bargeneration spec file is used as a model for new pipelines, then the arguments in the spec file should be updated as required to reference the source table and date in question.

For example, to generate data for the Trade table and yesterday's date:


Customizing variables or aggregations of bar generation configuration

There are several variables relating to bar generation/querying that are detailed in the following sections. These variables can be updated by creating configuration in a custom package. This allows independent upgrade of the fsi-lib package.

Adding a custom package

The configuration variables detailed in the upcoming sections can be included in a custom package. Instructions to create and load a package can be found here.

Adding source tables to bar generation configuration

In order to add any additional tables, beyond defaults Quote and Trade, to bar generation configuration, the additional tables can be added to a symbol list named in a custom package. General instructions for this method are here.

When using the custom package method, the fsi assembly looks for the variable on initialization. If it is present and passes validation as a symbol list then it is added to the configured bar generation tables. This variable,, should be loaded in a custom library ahead of FSI packages.

Scheduling pipeline

The source data must already have been ingested before any pipelines to generate bar data run. If generating data for yesterday's date, then bar generation pipelines should be scheduled to run after end of day.

This could be accomplished with a cronjob. Refer to Using a cronjob to Schedule a Pipeline for more details.

Querying generated aggregations

The data generated by the pipeline is queried using the getBars API. Refer to getBars for more information.

Adding custom aggregations

Aggregations for any custom analytics that have been configured for the source table are automatically calculated and persisted by the pipeline. Refer to Customizing getStats. The first and last aggregations for the custom analytics are then queryable using getBars.

It is possible to add custom aggregations to calculate and query with getBars. The following three sections detail how this can be accomplished.

For all the variables in the following three sections, they can be added as a variable with an additional custom in the name (i.e. to your own package. General instructions for this method are here.

If using the custom package, the fsi assembly looks for the variables on initialization. If any are present and pass validation then they are added to the applicable configuration. The variables should be loaded in a custom library ahead of FSI packages if required. Steps to add custom configuration can be found under Adding Custom Configuration or Code.

Adding custom generated aggregations

To add custom aggregations that are persisted to the minStats table by a bar generation pipeline, add a variable named with the aggregations required to a custom package. Refer to the guide here. For the custom variable, this should be a table with the same format as outlined in customizing getStats, namely

Column Type Description
tableName symbol Name of the table that the analytic operates on
analytic symbol Name of the aggregation
clause mixed q functional clause

The analytic names must be unique per table, this uniqueness is enforced inclusive of any getStats analytics. The analytics operate directly on the table in question, for example Quote or Trade, and should therefore only reference applicable columns in clauses.

An example could be: `tableName`analytic`clause! flip (
        (`Trade;        `maxSale;            (max;(*;`price;`volume)));
        (`Depth;        `medSaleBid;            (med;(*;`bidPrice;`bidSize)));
        (`Depth;        `avgSpread;            (avg;(-;`askPrice;`bidPrice)))


The names of any custom generated aggregations added must be added as columns to the relevant minStats schema or they will not be persisted

Adding custom generated day bar aggregations

To add custom aggregations that are persisted to the dayStats table by a bar generation pipeline, add a variable named with the aggregations required to a custom package. Refer to the guide here.

The format of should be a dictionary with a key for each table you are adding custom aggregations for. The value for each table should be a dictionary with the custom aggregation names mapped to custom clauses required for that table. clauses

Data for the dayStats table is generated from the minStats table data for the same date, any custom clauses should therefore only reference applicable columns from the relevant minStats table

An example could be:!()[`]:()!()[`Quote]:`askBidGap`medBidPrice!(
 );[`Trade]:(enlist `medVolume)!(
  enlist (med;`medVolume)


The names of any custom generated day bar aggregations added must be added as columns to the relevant dayStats schema or they will not be persisted.

Adding custom aggregations queryable using getBars

To be able to use getBars to query any custom aggregations added in the previous two sections, or to add any additional aggregation queries for use with getBars, add them to a variable named in a custom package. Refer to the guide here.

The format of should be a dictionary with a key for each table you are adding custom queries for. The value for each table should be a dictionary with the custom aggregation query names mapped to custom clauses required for that table. clauses

Any queries added operate on the relevant minStats or dayStats table when used with getBars, the clauses should therefore only reference applicable columns from the relevant minStats or dayStats table

An example could be:!()[`]:()!()[`Depth]:`medAvgBuyNo`maxAvgSpread!(

Customizing getBars data checklist

When customizing data for use with the getBars API, ensure all the necessary steps have been taken:

  • Modify existing, or create new generation pipeline/s
  • Add schema for any new minStats and dayStats tables needed
  • Add any new source tables to in a custom package
  • Add any custom analytics to in a custom package
  • Add the names of any custom analytics as columns in the schema for the relevant minStats table
  • Add any custom day rollups required to in a custom package
  • Add the names of any custom day rollups as columns in the schema for the relevant dayStats table
  • Add any custom aggregation queries for use with getBars to in a custom package