Manage Dependencies and Patch Components
This page explains how to manage the components of a package that outline the relationships with other packages and any internal configuration changes that can be applied as patches.
Manage dependencies
Add dependencies
Package dependencies outline the specific dependencies a package utilizes. For more detailed information, refer to package dependencies.
Add a new dependency to your package as follows:
kxi package add --to mypkg dep --name mynewdep --version 1.0.0
To remove a dependency from your package, run the following command:
kxi package rm --from mypkg dep --name mynewdep
Dependencies (Deps) fields
For more information on the package dependency fields, run the following command:
kxi package field info PackageDependency
Fields for PackageDependency
│ field │ required │ type │ description │
│ name │ False │ string │ │
│ version │ False │ string │ │
│ repo │ False │ string │ │
│ location │ False │ string │ │
│ path │ False │ string │ │
│ kxi │ False │ string │ │
To get more info on a field use: `kxi package field info type` (only works with bold words)
Manage patch components
Add patch components
Patches are configuration snippets that directly modify the Package object. For more detailed information, refer to the package and overlays page.
Add a new patch to your package as follows:
kxi package add --to my pkg patch --name my-cool-new-patch
To remove a patch from your package, run the following command:
kxi package rm --from my pkg patch --name my-cool-new-patch
Patch fields
For more information on the patch fields, run the following command:
kxi package field info Patch
Fields for Patch
│ field │ required │ type │ description │
│ path │ True │ string │ │
│ target │ False │ dict │ │
To get more info on a field use: `kxi package field info type` (only works with bold words)
Next steps
- Learn how to pack a package in kdb Insights Enterprise.