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kdb+ Initial Import Quickstart

This page explains how to import an existing kdb+ database into kdb Insights Enterprise.

If you have an existing large kdb+ database, you should use initial import to add your data to a kdb Insights database. This is generally faster than using a batch ingest.

It is important to draw a clear distinction between an initial import and a batch ingest.

  • Initial Import: can only be used with a database that has never been initialized before and consequently does not contain any data.
  • Batch Ingest: can be used to add data to an already initialized and running database that may also contain data.

Before importing any data, ensure you have read the prerequisites to determine that your database is suitable for an initial import ingest.

Quickstart steps

Create temporary structure

  1. First, create a temporary structure.
TEMP=`mktemp -d`
export TEMP                                     # root directory to store data and config for example
export DATA=$TEMP/data/                         # directory where test data will be created
export SCHEMA=$TEMP/schema/                     # directory where schema will be stored
export KX_PACKAGE_PATH=$TEMP/packages           # directory where package will be stored
export KX_ARTIFACT_PATH=$TEMP/artifacts         # directory where artifacts will be stored
export KX_DATABASE_NAME=new                     # name of kdb+ Insights database being created
export INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME=<your url>             # kdb+ Insights URL

Remember to set INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME appropriately.

  • If needed, create some sample data. The following sample creates a kdb+ database containing trade and quote tables.

    d:2021.09.01+til 20;
    {[d;n]sv[`;.Q.par[dbroot;d;`trade],`]set .Q.en[dbroot;([]sym:`$'n?.Q.A;time:d+.z.N+til n;price:n?100f;size:n?50)];}[;10000]each d;
    {[d;n]sv[`;.Q.par[dbroot;d;`quote],`]set .Q.en[dbroot;([]sym:`$'n?.Q.A;time:d+.z.N+til n;ask:n?100f;asize:n?50;bid:n?100f;bsize:n?50)];}[;10000]each d;

    This creates the below structure.

    ├── db
    │   ├── 2021.09.01
    │   ├── 2021.09.02
    │   ├── 2021.09.03
    │   ├── 2021.09.04
    │   ├── 2021.09.05
    │   ├── 2021.09.06
    │   ├── 2021.09.07
    │   ├── 2021.09.08
    │   ├── 2021.09.09
    │   ├── 2021.09.10
    │   ├── 2021.09.11
    │   ├── 2021.09.12
    │   ├── 2021.09.13
    │   ├── 2021.09.14
    │   ├── 2021.09.15
    │   ├── 2021.09.16
    │   ├── 2021.09.17
    │   ├── 2021.09.18
    │   ├── 2021.09.19
    │   └── 2021.09.20
    └── sym

Copy the data

  1. Next, copy the data using the following steps. Create a database tier(s) storage to store the data.

You may need to change the storage class for the PVC depending on what is available on your cluster.

YAML to create a PVC

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: $KX_DATABASE_NAME-hdb
  storageClassName: rook-cephfs
  - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 20Gi
  1. Create a pod, which mounts the local storage tier.
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: $KX_DATABASE_NAME-copy-pod
    fsGroup: 2000
    - name: $KX_DATABASE_NAME-copy-container
      image: amazonlinux:2
      stdin: true
      command: [ "/bin/bash", "-c" ]
        - |
          yum install -y rsync
          mkdir /data/db/hdb/data/
          while true; do sleep 30; done;
        - mountPath: /data/db/hdb
          name: $KX_DATABASE_NAME-storage
  - name: $KX_DATABASE_NAME-storage
      claimName: $KX_DATABASE_NAME-hdb
  1. Copy kdb+ data to the tiers created.
bash $DATA $KX_DATABASE_NAME-copy-pod /data/db/hdb/data/

Deploy the database

Now the data is imported, you can deploy your database.

  1. Create a kdb+ Insights schema for the database to be imported to.
q create-schema.q -db $DATA -fmt package -out $SCHEMA

Edit the schema of the trade and quote tables to set the prtnCol.

  1. Create a kdb+ Insights database with the new database configured.
kxi package add --to $KX_PACKAGE_PATH/$KX_DATABASE_NAME database --name $KX_DATABASE_NAME
basename -s .yaml $SCHEMA/*.yaml | xargs -n 1 kxi package add --to $KX_PACKAGE_PATH/$KX_DATABASE_NAME table --name

If a warning is displayed indicating that kxi package is deprecated, you can use kxi pm instead.

  1. Deploy database

kxi package packit $KX_PACKAGE_PATH/$KX_DATABASE_NAME --version 1.0.0 --tag
kxi package push $KX_DATABASE_NAME-1.0.0.kxi --hostname $INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME
    "new": [
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "_status": "installed",
            "message": "OK"
kxi package deploy $KX_DATABASE_NAME --hostname $INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME
    "id": "8529c6c4-efd7-40bb-a7b1-d099ea0e24c0",
    "name": "new",
    "status": "DEPLOYED",
    "version": "1.0.0"

  1. Inspect status API and logs to verify that the import worked.
kxi --realm insights --hostname $INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME auth login
export INSIGHTS_TOKEN=`kxi auth print-token` && curl -L "https://${INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME}/servicegateway/api/v1/database/$KX_DATABASE_NAME/status" -H "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_TOKEN"
  "state": "normal",
  "encryption": "encrypted",
  "progress": {
    "cmdCurrent": "",
    "cmdIndex": null,
    "cmdTotal": null,
    "subCurrent": "",
    "subIndex": null,
    "subTotal": null,
    "completeETA": ""
  "memory": {
    "usage": 151252992,
    "limit": 2147483648
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json"\
    --header "Accepted: application/json"\
    --header "Authorization: Bearer $INSIGHTS_TOKEN"\
    --data "{\"table\":\"trade\",\"startTS\":\"2021-09-01T00:00:00.000000000\",\"endTS\":\"2024-11-12T13:27:00.000000000\",\"agg\":[[\"cnt\",\"count\",\"time\"]]}"\
  "header": {
    "auditID": "e13b1e27-a82a-41e3-b6c9-cc08d4678367",
    "rcvTS": "2024-11-12T20:00:15.588000000",
    "corr": "aff5c6a1-ac83-4895-9df5-221b66c6e64d",
    "logCorr": "e13b1e27-a82a-41e3-b6c9-cc08d4678367",
    "http": "json",
    "api": ".kxi.getData",
    "agg": ":",
    "refVintage": -9223372036854776000,
    "rc": 0,
    "ac": 0,
    "ai": "",
    "limitApplied": false
  "payload": [
      "cnt": 200000

Next steps

Now you have tried this process with the quickstart, you can attempt following the initial import process. If you experience any issues, refer to our troubleshooting page for help.