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Pipeline Replicas

Start a pipeline with multiple replica pipelines for increased resiliency

The pipeline replicas will have soft affinities to different nodes/zones depending on settings.


Pipeline replicas are only used within Kubernetes.

Pipeline Example

The following print.q file will simply write data to the console.[`pub]

We will use the above example as our pipeline to be replicated.


To run a pipeline in Kubernetes, first follow the setup for Kubernetes guide. The pipeline can be deployed using a port-forwarded Coordinator process. To add replicas, simply include the replicas setting with the desired number of pipeline replicas. Each pipeline replica has its own controller.

Replicas = Instances

A replicas value of n means there will be n total pipeline instances.

Start 3 pipeline replicas with our simple print to console pipeline above:

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/pipeline/create -d \
    "$(jq -n --arg spec "$(cat print.q)" \
        name       : "print-replica",
        type       : "spec",
        config     : { content: $spec },
        settings   : { replicas: 3 }
    }' | jq -asR .)"
Running the above will return something like:


Each pipeline replica has its own pipeline ID which can be used to teardown a single replica in the normal way. Additionally, pipeline replicas share a group ID which can be used to teardown the entire replica group using the teardownGroup API.

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/pipeline/teardownGroup/g-732718846987

Affinity Rules

When using replicas the worker has a hard affinity to the same topology domain as its controller. The controller has a soft anti-affinity against its own group ID. Also if there are any worker PVCs existing on startup the controller has a hard affinity to them.

Replica Affinity Topology Key

The user can toggle what topology key the above affinity rules are applied. By default the topology key is zone but the user can change this to hostname by applying the replicaAffinityTopologyKey setting:

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/pipeline/create -d \
    "$(jq -n --arg spec "$(cat print.q)" \
        name       : "print-replica",
        type       : "spec",
        config     : { content: $spec },
        settings   : { replicas: 3, replicaAffinityTopologyKey: "hostname" }
    }' | jq -asR .)"