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API Error Glossary

For any error messages either in the API call return, or in process logs from configuration, the below table adds information on origin and a more thorough description

Error message Component Description
IncorrectIDMapFormatException ID map configuration The ID map table is not of the format expected by the API code
noFilterRuleConfigurationException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but there are no configured filters
filterDoesNotExistException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but this named filter does not exist
tableMissingFilterColumnsException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but the target table does not contain columns that the filter rule applies to
noFiltersForTableException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but there are no filter rules for the target table
incorrectTableFilterColumnException API - Filter rule A filter rule has been asked for in the API call, but there is a mismatch of types between filter configuration and target table filterable column
Validation Message: Unexpected number of comparison characters detected within the one filter - ensure individual filters are seperated by semi-colon characters which contain either one occurence of =" or "<>" API - Filter Error in string format filter
Validation Message: The following tables are invalid or are not filterable API - Filter
Validation Message: The column is not in table API - Filter
Validation Message: The following columns are not in any of quote, order or trade schemas: API - Filter
Validation Message: Filters within any instance must be split by semi-colons. Only characters a-z,A-Z,0-9, =/<> for equals/not equals, wild-cards *, alternatives | and _-\/%:. are allowed API - Filter
Validation Message: Only a singular = expression allowed per column within a filter API - Filter
columnNotInTableException API - Select Requested column is not in the target table
nonDictionaryTypeAggregationClauseException API - Validation The agg API argument dictionary is not of dictionary type
NoIdColInTableException API - Database configuration The target table has no valid idColumn
InvalidArgumentsException API - Validation An argument in the API argument dictionary is not a valid argument
tableDoesNotExistException API - Validation The requested table does not exist
idListMissingException API - Validation idList has not been provided
idColNotInTableException API - Validation The idCol column in the API argument dictionary does not exist in the target table
idListIdColTypeMismatchException API - Validation The provided idList type does not match the idCol type
InvalidArgumentValueException API - Validation A provided argument value is an invalid option
InvalidArgumentTypeException API - Validation A provided argument value is an invalid type
startAfterEndException API - Validation The provided start time is after the end time
MismatchTimeTypeException API - Validation The types of the start and end time do not match
InvalidTimeTypeException API - Validation The start and end time types are not a supported type
MissingTemporalArgumentsException API - Validation Time arguments have not been provided
InvalidTemporalArgsForSliceException API - Validation Time arguments do not support slicing data
InvalidFilterOperatorException API - Filter An operator in the Filter argument is not from the valid subset
failedAttemptToUseFilterException API - Filter The Filter clause is of invalid syntax
sortColsArgumentCountException API - sortCols Incorrect number of sortCols arguments provided
sortColTypeException API - sortCols sortCols arguments not of correct ype
sortColsOperatorException API - sortCols sortCols argument operator not asc or desc
sortColsInvalidColumnException API - sortCols sortCols column does not exist in table
groupByNotInTableException API - groupBy the groupBy column does not exist in target table
InvalidNamedAnalyticException API - analytic An analytic argument does not exist
Column * does not exist in data API - select Column does not exist
Column(s) '",(", " sv string missing),"' are missing from the transformed data API - select Column does not exist
Column(s) '",(", " sv string missing),"' are not in the schema API - select Column does not exist
incorrect",capErrName,"AnalyticsFormatException" API - agg Invalid aggregation format
incorrect",capErrName,"AnalyticsColumnsException API - agg Invalid aggregation column references
incorrect",capErrName,"AnalyticsColumnTypesException API - agg Invalid column types in aggregation
AnalyticAlreadyExistsException API - Configuration The custom analytic in the custom library already exists
duplicate",capErrName,"AnalyticException API - Configuration The custom analytic in the custom library already exists
AnalyticAlreadyExistsException API - Configuration The custom analytic in the custom library already exists
NoConfiguredAnalyticsException API - Configuration There are no configured named analytics
InvalidNamedAnalyticException API - Configuration The custom analytic is invalid clause
InvalidTableException API - Validation The target table does not exist
AggregationFailed API - Aggregation Unable to aggregate getStats call
invalidAPIArgumentException - applyHolidayCalendar API - Holiday Calendar Invalid argument for holiday calendar
holidayCalendarWithoutFillException API - Holiday Calendar A fill must be provided with a holiday calendar
NoForeignKeyRelationshipForTableException API - ref If joining with reference data, queried table has no foreign key relationships
NoForeginKeyRelationshipWith API - ref If joining with reference data, queried table has no foreign key relationship with specified reference table(s)
CannotParseRefFilterAsDictionaryException API - refFilter If using refFilter, supplied string cannot be parsed as a dictionary

Asset Specific Exceptions


Error message component description
invalidFuturesArgsException API - Validation An invalid argument has been provided - details in error message
MissingFuturesArgsException API - Validation A required argument has not been provided - details in error message
NoObsColInTableException API - Select A requested observation (obs) for continuous contracts does not exist in the table provided
multipleSrcSysFoundException API - Validation Multiple vendors/source found in the table - please add Filter to specify a particular source
requiredFutureColumnNotProvidedException API - Validation When using column argument for continuous contracts, a required column is missing - details in error message
obsNotFoundInColumnsArg API - Select When using column and obs arguments for continuous contracts, the obs is missing from the requested columns