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Getting started with the interfaces to kdb Insights

The kdb Insights interfaces are libraries created in different languages for developers to integrate with kdb Insights Enterprise or the kdb Insights Reliable Transport from outside your cluster via load balancers or from inside your cluster without the need for load balancers.

The interfaces handle the following aspects of the integration:

  • Authentication
  • Connectivity
  • Data transfer
  • Data validation

The following interfaces, including sample programs, can be downloaded from the kdb Insights Nexus registry:

This section provides details on how to get started using the interfaces.

Authentication and Connectivity

The interfaces can be used to publish, subscribe and query data. They rely on configuration details to determine information about the kdb Insights deployment to connect to, this includes SSL certificates and the endpoints to connect to. For kdb Insights Enterprise you can provide this configuration via a file or alternatively it can be obtained via another kdb Insights Enterprise service (the Information Service). For kdb Insights Reliable Transport you must provide this configuration via a file.

From outside the cluster

Before you can integrate with a kdb Insights Enterprise deployment from outside the cluster, you must be authenticated. If your publisher is outside the kdb Insights Enterprise cluster the Information Service can be called upon to gain the details on the SSL certificates and endpoints. To allow a publisher to use this service, you must follow the authentication steps in this section.

To successfully authenticate, you must have a service account. Create a service account

Service account role requirements

If you want to publish data to an RT stream, then the insights.client.create role must be included in your service account.


You will need the following variables to generate an authenticated kdb Insights Enterprise client URL (KXI_CONFIG_URL) that allows you to communicate with kdb Insights Enterprise.

variable example further details
REALM_NAME kdbinsights Keycloak realms
KC_CLIENT_ID test-publisher Keycloak Client ID for your service account
KC_CLIENT_SECRET 1R8qtToJNPpt9EuU0qA6MeXZwIXb5RQ5 Keycloak Client secret for your service account

Authentication steps

Follow these steps, using the variables above, to generate an authenticated kdb Insights Enterprise client URL (KXI_CONFIG_URL) that provides the interface with a TLS key and certificate and the endpoints that they use to connect to the kdb Insights Enterprise and publish, subscribe or query data.

  1. Identify the stream id from the External Reference field in the External Data Sources section of the Stream tab of your kdb Insights Database.

    If you are ingesting data directly into the database without any transformations the External Reference will be under the Stream Process section, if you are transforming the data using a pipeline before it is ingested into the database the External Reference will be under the Additional Stream Process section.

    External stream in the UI


    The screenshot above has both streams set to ingest data from external sources to show the External Reference field in both sections. You might only have one stream that is ingesting data for an external source and therefore only one of these sections will be visible.

  2. Authenticate using the kdb Insights CLI kxi auth login command or the UI and your service account details following the guidelines here.

  3. Enrol the client and retrieve an SDK_CLIENT_UID as follows:

    kxi client enrol --name test-publisher --insert-topic <stream id>
    "message": "success",
    "detail": "Client enrolled",
    "url": "5ed6e5b7c80c8e35d07249d12f32d9eb",
    "config_url": "https://${INSIGHTS_HOSTNAME}/informationservice/details/5ed6e5b7c80c8e35d07249d12f32d9eb"
  4. Create the KXI_CONFIG_URL variable from the config_url value returned in the enrolment step:

    export KXI_CONFIG_URL=<config_url>

Removing a client

Once all external publishers or subscribers using a particular KXI_CONFIG_URL are no longer required, it is recommended that you remove access to this URL.

This can be done using the kdb Insights CLI:

kxi client remove --name test-publisher

Authentication is required

Removing a client requires you to first authenticate as described in the authentication steps above.

From inside the cluster

If you wish to use the interfaces in the same cluster as kdb Insights there is no need for the Information Service and a configuration file is used to provide the endpoints and certificates.

The configuration file has the same format as the information passed back from kdb Insights Information Service, but with some important differences:

  • The "useSslRt" top level key needs to be set to false
  • The "ca", "key" and "cert" are no longer needed and will be ignored if provided.
  • You will need to provide the internal hostnames and non-ssl RT port numbers (typically 5002) under the "insert" key


The RT port number (5000 or 5002) refers to the default ports that the internal and external replicators push servers are launched on.

Config file

The config file to access an assembly in a kdb Insights Enterprise deployment:

            "query":"" },
    "insert": {

Config file tags

Tagnames in the config file are described below:

tagname details
"useSslRt" Always set to false when publishing to RT from inside the cluster
"name" This name is used to distinguish between two clients publishing from the same host to the same RT stream
"topics":"insert" The RT stream ID that users wish to publish to. This is set to the subTopic in the assembly.
"topics":"query" Not used
"insert":"insert" Array of RT endpoints, will contain as many endpoints as the RT replicaCount
"insert":"query" Not used
"query" Service Gateway endpoint used for querying the database. Not relevant for data ingest through RT.

The values for these tags can be set as described below:

variable example details
streamid mystream Set in the UI from the Stream External Reference field
hostn:portnum :kxi-mystream-2:5000
servicegatewayhost:portnum :kx-insights:6050

Publishing data

To publish data using an interface the following are required:

  • A publisher (click on the links below for getting started guides). A publisher can either be:
    • An application that uses one of the following interfaces:
    • An application that sends data to the RT Bridge.
  • A publisher and subscriber that agree on:
    • stream id and parameter usage
    • Message format
  • Sufficient storage: A client publisher can continue running when the RT endpoints are unavailable.

If the endpoints are unavailable at any time

The publisher needs to be aware of the following:

  • Disk space: While the endpoints are unavailable, the data will continue to be written to a local log file on the publisher machine. Therefore there MUST be adequate disk provisioned to handle this build up.

  • Timeout: The interface will stop if the endpoints have been offline for an hour.

See details on publishers and subscribers.

Querying data

Querying data from a kdb Insights Enterprise over IPC is currently only available in the Java interface.

See here for details on the API calls.

Subscribing to data

Subscribing to data from kdb Insights Enterprise is only available in the C interface, and currently can be done only from inside the cluster. The subscriber connects to the pull_server replicators of RT which by default listens on port 5001.

A JSON config file like below can be used to specify the kdb Insights Enterprise end-points to the subscriber:

    "insert": {"subscribe":[":<host1:portnum>",":<host2:portnum>",":<host3:portnum>"]}