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The kdb Insights Reliable Transport (RT) provides a REST API for interacting with it.

REST querying methods

There are several ways to call a REST API from inside or outside a cluster.

Rest proxy

The rest_proxy is provided as a binary in the replicator qpk. You can think of it as a different type of push_client. It connects to the push_server, but rather than set up the file streaming, it forwards the --target <rest_endpoint> over gRPC to the push_server. The push_server then calls the RT REST service running locally at its end (similar to running curl 0:6000/rest_endpoint on the RT node). It gets the RT REST response back, wraps in up it a gRPC response and sends it back to the rest_proxy. Finally, the rest_proxy echoes the response body to the console.

The rest_proxy is not running on the RT nodes. So you can run it from:

  • inside the k8s cluster but on a different pod (without SSL)
  • outside the k8s cluster via a load balancer (with SSL).

The rest_proxy supports SSL and non-SSL modes.

Supported options:

string option description
--endpoint The network endpoint that the client should connect to as 'name:port' or 'address:port'.
--target GET target for tunnelled REST request.

Additional options when --use-ssl is set:

string option description
--ssl-pem-cert-chain-file File containing the PEM encoding of the client's certificate chain.
--ssl-pem-private-key-file File containing the PEM encoding of the client's private key.
--ssl-pem-root-certs-file File containing the PEM encoding of the server root certificates.
--ssl-target-name-override Target name override for SSL host name checking.

Supported ports for the endpoint:

port type notes
5001 TCP Internal rest-proxy replicator.
5002 TCP Internal rest-proxy replicator.
5000 TCP External rest-proxy replicator with SSL.

Port forwarding

The port forwarding acts like a rest_proxy. The REST server runs on the RT nodes and is not available directly from inside the k8s cluster, for different pods like subscribers/publishers, or outside of the k8s cluster. In order to use the REST API, you must port-forward to port 6000 on the localhost of any applicable RT pods.

External publishers that typically run outside the cluster, require client enrollment and SSL.