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Stream Processor lifecycle hooks and triggers.

All of the functions in this module are available at the top-level of the Stream Processor interface. For example, sp.lifecycle.on_checkpoint is available as sp.on_checkpoint.


Provided handler functions are converted to q functions Many of the functions in this module accept "handlers", i.e. callback functions. These functions are converted to q functions, so a few caveats apply to them. They should not rely on default arguments, as q will expect every default argument will be provided. Also *args and **kwargs are both treated as a single argument, which should be a list or dict respectively. Best practice is to wrap functions that use these features that don't translate over to q well in a basic function which q can handle better. For example, instead of passing print in as a handler that would be given three arguments use lambda x, y, z: print(x, y, z).


def on_setup(handler: Callable[[], None]) -> None

Set the global handler that will be called before a pipeline has finished initializing.


  • handler - A function that will be called before a pipeline has finished initializing, after all operator in a pipeline are setup. It will not be provided any arguments, and its return value is ignored.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> def on_setup():
            global setup
            setup = True
    >>> setup = False
    >>> assert not setup
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_setup(on_setup)
            | sp.write.to_console())
    >>> assert setup


def on_start(handler: Callable[[], None]) -> None

Set the global handler that will be called when all operators in a pipeline have started.


  • handler - A function that will be called when all operators in a pipeline have started. It will not be provided any arguments, and its return value is ignored.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> def on_start():
            global started
            started = True
    >>> started = False
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_start(on_start)
            | sp.write.to_console())
    >>> assert started


def on_teardown(handler: Callable[[], None]) -> None

Set the global handler that will be called before a pipeline is torn down.

A teardown can be triggered by calling sp.teardown.


  • handler - A function that will be called before a pipeline is torn down. It will not be provided any arguments, and its return value is ignored.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> torndown = False
    >>> def on_teardown():
            global torndown
            torndown = True
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_teardown(on_teardown)
            | sp.write.to_console())
    >>> sp.teardown()
    >>> assert torndown


def on_error(
        handler: Callable[[kx.CharVector, kx.Dictionary, kx.K], None]) -> None

Set the global handler that will be called when an error occurs.


  • handler - A function that will be called when an error occurs in a pipeline. It will be provided three arguments: the error message (as a character vector), the operator (as a q dictionary which can be passed into other kxi.sp functions that take an operator), and the batch of data that was being processed when the error occurred. Its return value is ignored.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> import pykx as kx
    >>> errored = False
    >>> def on_error(errMsg, op, data):
            global errored
            errored = True
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_error(on_error)
            | x: 1 / 0)
            | sp.write.to_console())
    >>> assert not errored
    >>> kx.q('publish',range(10))
    >>> assert errored


def on_checkpoint(handler: Callable[[], Any]) -> None

Set the global handler that will be called when a checkpoint is being created.


  • handler - A function that will be called when a checkpoint is being created. It will not be provided any arguments, and whatever it returns is converted to a q type, then saved in the checkpoint. Later this data may be passed into the on_post_checkpoint and on_recover handlers.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> import pykx as kx
    >>> import datetime
    >>> checkpointed = False
    >>> def on_checkpoint():
        global checkpointed
        checkpointed = True
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_checkpoint(on_checkpoint)
    >>> recovered = False
    >>> def on_recover(auxiliary_data):
        print(f'on_recover called with {auxiliary_data}')
        global recovered
        recovered = True
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_recover(on_recover)
        | sp.write.to_console())
    # Simulate recovery from a checkpoint
    >>> assert not checkpointed
    >>> kx.q('.spcp.writeCheckpoint[] `id`checkpoint!(0j; .sp.createCheckpoint[])')
    >>> assert checkpointed and not recovered
    # These are internal API calls, and are liable to change without notice.
    # They should not be used in production.
    >>> kx.q('.sp.i.recoverFromCheckpoint .spwork.i.createCheckpoint[]')
    >>> assert recovered


def on_post_checkpoint(handler: Callable[[kx.K], None]) -> None

Set the global handler that will be called after a checkpoint has been created.

The handler will be called after the checkpoint has been written to disk and acknowledged by the controller.


  • handler - A function that will be called after a checkpoint has been created. It will be provided one argument, which is the return value of the on_checkpoint handler. Its return value is ignored.
>>> from kxi import sp
>>> import pykx as kx
>>> import datetime

>>> def on_checkpoint():
>>> sp.lifecycle.on_checkpoint(on_checkpoint)

>>> postCheckpointed = False
>>> def on_post_checkpoint(auxiliary_data):
        print(f'on_post_checkpoint called with {auxiliary_data}')
        postCheckpointed = True

>>> sp.lifecycle.on_post_checkpoint(on_post_checkpoint)
        | sp.write.to_console())
>>> assert not postCheckpointed
>>> kx.q('.spcp.WrittenCheckpoint: (!) . flip ((`checkpoint;.sp.createCheckpoint[]);(`id;0j))')
>>> kx.q('.spwork.acknowledgeCheckpoint[""]')
>>> assert postCheckpointed


def on_recover(handler: Callable[[kx.K], None]) -> None

Set the global handler that will be called when a pipeline recovers from a checkpoint.


  • handler - A function that will be called when a pipeline recovers from a checkpoint. It will be provided one argument, which is whatever was returned by the last run checkpoint handler (see on_checkpoint). Its return value is ignored.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> import pykx as kx
    >>> recovered = False
    >>> def on_recover():
            global recovered
            recovered = True
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_recover(on_recover)
           | sp.write.to_console())
    >>> assert not recovered
    # These are internal API calls used to simulate checkpoint recovery.
    # They are liable to change without notice, and should not be used in production.
    >>> kx.q('.sp.i.recoverFromCheckpoint .spwork.i.createCheckpoint[]')
    >>> recovered


def on_operator_checkpoint(operator: OperatorSpecifier,
                           handler: Callable[[kx.Dictionary], Any]) -> None

Set a per-operator handler that will be called when a checkpoint is being created.

The handler will be called before the specified operator's state is saved. This provides an opportunity to make updates to the state before it is checkpointed.

Note: This cannot be used for reader operators.


  • operator - The operator for which to assign the handler.
  • handler - A function that will be called when a checkpoint is being created. It will be provided the operator as an argument, and whatever it returns is converted to a q type, then saved in the checkpoint. Later this data may be passed into the operator's on_operator_post_checkpoint and on_operator_recover handlers.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> import pykx as kx
    >>> operatorCheckpointed = False
    >>> def on_operator_checkpoint(op):
            global operatorCheckpointed
            operatorCheckpointed = True
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_operator_checkpoint('callback', on_operator_checkpoint)
    >>>'publish', name='callback')
            | sp.write.to_console())
    >>> assert not operatorCheckpointed
    >>> kx.q('.spcp.writeCheckpoint[] (!) . flip ((`checkpoint; .sp.createCheckpoint[]);(`id;0j));')
    >>> assert operatorCheckpointed


def on_operator_post_checkpoint(
        operator: OperatorSpecifier,
        handler: Callable[[kx.Dictionary, kx.K, kx.K], None]) -> None

Set a per-operator handler that will be called after a checkpoint has been created.

The handler will be called after the checkpoint has been written to disk and acknowledged by the controller.

Note: This cannot be used for reader operators.


  • operator - The operator for which to assign the handler.
  • handler - A function that will be called after a checkpoint has been created. It will be provided three arguments: the operator, the checkpointed operator state (i.e. the state set by sp.state.set), and the checkpoint data provided by the operator's on_operator_checkpoint handler. Its return value is ignored.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> import pykx as kx
    >>> operatorPostCheckpointed = False
    >>> def on_operator_post_checkpoint(op, state, data):
            global operatorPostCheckpointed
            operatorPostCheckpointed = True
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_operator_post_checkpoint('callback', on_operator_post_checkpoint)
    >>>'publish', name='callback')
            | sp.write.to_console())
    >>> assert not operatorPostCheckpointed
    >>> kx.q('.spcp.WrittenCheckpoint: (!) . flip ((`checkpoint;.sp.createCheckpoint[]);(`id;0j));')
    >>> kx.q('.spwork.acknowledgeCheckpoint[""]')
    >>> assert operatorPostCheckpointed


def on_operator_recover(
        operator: OperatorSpecifier, handler: Callable[[kx.Dictionary, kx.K],
                                                       None]) -> None

Set a per-operator handler that will be called when a pipeline recovers from a checkpoint.

Operator state has already been restored by the time the recovery handler is called. This provides an opportunity to edit the state before the pipeline starts.

See also: on_operator_checkpoint, which can be used to set an operator's state before it is checkpointed.

Note: This cannot be used for reader operators.


  • operator - The operator for which to assign the handler.
  • handler - A function that will be called when a pipeline recovers from a checkpoint. It will be provided two arguments: the operator, and the checkpoint data provided by the operator's on_operator_checkpoint handler. Its return value is ignored.
    >>> from kxi import sp
    >>> import pykx as kx
    >>> operatorRecovered = False
    >>> def on_operator_recover(op, data):
            global operatorRecovered
            operatorRecovered = True
    >>> sp.lifecycle.on_operator_recover('callback', on_operator_recover)
    >>>'publish', name='callback')
           | sp.write.to_console())
    >>> assert not operatorRecovered
    # These are internal API calls used to simulate checkpoint recovery.
    # They are liable to change without notice, and should not be used in production.
    >>> kx.q('.sp.i.recoverFromCheckpoint .spwork.i.createCheckpoint[]')
    >>> assert operatorRecovered


def finish_task(operator: OperatorSpecifier, task_id: int) -> None

Indicate that the specified task in the specified operator has finished processing.

If all tasks for the operator are finished, and the operator has been requested to finish, then the operator is finished.


  • operator - The operator in which the task was created.
  • task_id - The task identifier.


def register_task(operator: OperatorSpecifier) -> int

Register a task for the given operator.

A task represents an asynchronous request that an operator made, and once that request is finished, the task should be marked as finished using sp.finish_task.


  • operator - The operator for which a task will be registered.


A task ID, which will be needed to call sp.finish_task.