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Packaging Quickstart

Packaging Quickstart

kxi package help

The kxi package command offers a wide range of tools to build, manage and even deploy packages to kdb Insights Enterprise. It has a detailed help doc which has been collapsed below for brevity.

kxi package --help

Usage: kxi package [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  KX Package Import/Export CLI.

  --artifact-store DIRECTORY    Directory in which to store packed
                                artifacts;[default] $KX_ARTIFACT_PATH.[env
                                var: KX_ARTIFACT_PATH]
  --pkg-lib DIRECTORY           Directory in which packages will be
                                installed;[default] $KX_PACKAGE_PATH.[env var:
  --deployment-store DIRECTORY  Directory in which deployment data is
                                stored;[default] $KX_DEPLOYMENT_PATH.[env var:
  --version                     Version information.
  --debug                       Enable stacktrace print statements for easier
  -v, --verbose                 Increase verbosity level
  -q, --quiet                   Disable logs. Only print errors.
  --help                        Show this message and exit.


  When pulling/pushing to a kdb Insights Enterprise package repository, use these commands:

    pull           Download an artifact from the running insights package
                   manager service to...
    push           Publish an artifact to the running insights package manager
    remote-list    List all installed packages or artifacts on the running
                   insights package...
    remote-remove  Remove packages or artifacts from the running insights
                   package manager...

  For local development, use these commands:

    convert    Converts Assembly specs to packages or changes package format.
    info       show some info about the package
    init       Creates a bare package at the specified target path.
    install    Install a package given a requirement or path.
    list       List all installed packages or artifacts.
    lock       Lock the q files within a source directory.
    overlay    Overlay a package using a spec file containing a subset of
    packit     Create a package artifact given a source code directory.
    refresh    Refresh a package, picking up any available changes from disk
    uninstall  Uninstall specified locally installed packages and artifacts.
    unpack     Unpack an artifact to a specified location.
    validate   Validate the contents of a source directory to ensure it is a
               valid package.

  For managing deployments & runtime of packages on kdb Insights Enterprise, use these commands:

    deploy    Deploy a package to an insights instance
    teardown  Teardown a deployed packaged running on an insights instance

  For managing components added to package, use these commands:

    add    Add an entity to the specified package.
    copy   Copy an entity from the specified package.
    field  Find, list or mutate fields within a package.
    rm     Remove an entity from the specified package.

Create a Package

Before Continuing...

Make sure that you've:

Interactions with packages can be local or remote. In this section we will deal with creating a package on your local system.

By the end of this step, you should be able to...

  1. Initialize a package locally.
  2. Update this package to include user-defined code.
  3. Package this entity to generate an artifact.
  4. Install this package to your local system

Before we start we should set our package path (note this can be done in config to avoid this step).

export KX_PACKAGE_PATH=docs-packages/packages
export KX_ARTIFACT_PATH=docs-packages/artifacts
To create a package:
kxi package init qpackage
Creating package at location: qpackage
Writing qpackage/manifest.yaml
We can see some info about the package below:

kxi package info qpackage


name: qpackage
version: 0.0.1
  description: ''
  - name: root
    email: ''
  default: init.q

Create a file src/sp.q within the qpackage directory. This file contains a User-Defined Function (UDF).

cd qpackage
mkdir -p src/

cat << EOF > src/sp.q

// @udf.tag("sp")
// @udf.category("map"){[table;params]
   select from table where x<10
cd ..

We can modify the init.q file which is our default entrypoint in order to ensure that our new module gets loaded by default.

cd qpackage
cat << EOF > init.q
// Load the src/sp.q file relative to package root
cd ..

Package the artifact ensuring we define the version of the package on the command line.

What does packit mean in this context?

Packing here creates an archive (zip) of the package directory and writes it to KX_ARTIFACT_PATH The extension of the artifact is .kxi but it behaves just like a zip

kxi package convert qpackage --fmt json
kxi package packit qpackage --version 1.0.0 --tag
Refreshing package before packing...
Writing qpackage/manifest.json
Creating package from qpackage
Package created: /tmp/artifact_store/qpackage-1.0.0.kxi
Yaml vs Json

You may have noticed the convert call above. This is necessary because most local systems don't have support for kdbyaml which does the yaml parsing in q. We will change this in an upcoming release but for now, when running locally, it is easier to stick with json.

List the current artifacts available locally.

kxi package list --artifacts
    "qpackage": [
            "fields": {},
            "version": "1.0.0"

Install the package locally such that it can be loaded into python or q processes locally.

What does Installing mean in this context?

Installing here simply means "unpacking" the .kxi object into the KX_PACKAGE_PATH. This is so, later when we load the code, we know where to look for it!

kxi package install qpackage-1.0.0.kxi --force
    "qpackage": [
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "_status": "InstallationStatus.SUCCESS"

Do I need to packit before install?

We can skip the packit step and install our qpackage directly from our working directory:

pakx install qpackage
but since this doesn't produce an artifact, we can't push it to kdb Insights Enterprise or share it with colleagues

Congratulations, you have developed, packed and installed a package onto your system.

Run the package code locally

By the end of this step, you should be able to...

  1. Install the kxi.packages library
  2. Run the code locally

In order to run our package we will first need to install the kxi import library.

pip install --extra-index-url kxi.packages

Then to see our available packages we can simply run:

import kxi.packages as kxi
   name versions
0  qpackage    1.0.0

name           versions
"qpackage"    "1.0.0"

And in order to load and run any functions we have defined we can use the below:

import pykx as kx
        | ::
variable| 1b
sp      | ``map!(::;{[table;params]
   select from table where x<10

variable| 1b
sp      | ``map!(::;{[table;params]
  select from table where x<10


The kxi.packages.load function behaves like a "global" import, assigning all variables relative to the current namespace. In python it is similar to doing from module import *.

Congratulations you've run your package code! Next we will push it to kdb Insights Enterprise and interact with it there.

Push a Package

Before Continuing...

Make sure that you've:

By the end of this step, you should be able to...

  1. Push the code to kdb Insights Enterprise
  2. Run the code in kdb Insights Enterprise

Let's see what packages are currently available on the system

kxi package remote-list

OK, nothing there, lets push up our new package:

kxi package push qpackage/1.0.0
    "qpackage": [
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "_status": "InstallationStatus.SUCCESS"

Now, re-running the remote-list command, we can see our new package:

kxi package remote-list
    "qpackage": [

Great, our package is on the system and the code is available for us to use!

Using Code in Insights

If we log into our kdb Insights Enterprise instance we can leverage our code in the UI.

  • List and load the content of a package within a query session.


  • Using an available UDF within an Pipeline developed within a query session.


  • Define a map node within a Pipeline to use a UDF.


Removing Packages

Once we are finished we can delete the package from the kdb Insights Enterprise instance.

kxi package remote-remove qpackage/1.0.0 --force
    "qpackage": [
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "1.0.0"


remote-remove by default removes the packages but not the Artifacts. In order to clear the artifacts too:

kxi package remote-remove --artifacts qpackage/1.0.0 --force
    "qpackage": [
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "1.0.0"

We can also remove our locally stored packages and artifacts in a similar way:

kxi package uninstall qpackage/1.0.0 --force && kxi package uninstall --artifacts qpackage/1.0.0 --force
    "qpackage": [
            "_status": "DELETED",
            "version": "1.0.0"

Next Steps