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Azure API management

These resources are required:

  • You have created an API Management Service Instance and given it a REST API
  • You have available an OAuth2 client ID and client secret: provide as

    -client /path/to/client_secret.json

  • You have a GET query provided as -api, e.g.

  • To protect an Azure API Management Instance you may need to set up Azure Active Directory (Identity Management), if you have not already

Protect a web API backend


q azure.q -api \
    -client ~/Downloads/client_secret_azure.json

Create client_secret_azure.json as described


args:.Q.opt .z.x
if[not all `client`api in key args;
  '"-api <> -client </path/to/client_secret.json> is required"]

client:.j.k "c"$read1 hsym `$first args `client
api:first args `api
split:"/" vs api
baseurl:split[0],"//",split 2

// Callback takes in tenant and auth_response.
// Project in any state useful to you,
// in this case the REST query to follow up with
  -1 "Login is now finished, making a sync call to REST service";
  resp:.kurl.sync (api;`GET;``tenant!(::;tenant));
  show resp; }[api;]

// Authenticate to Azure as yourself, with a callback to make GET rest call
// access_type=offline is required for Azure to return a refresh_token,
//   needed for continual access renewal
// prompt=consent is required to force Azure to return the refresh_token,
//   in the event you already have it
// scope=openid email is the minimum scopes needed for OpenID Connect
    client; // Leave this field null if you are using KX_OAUTH2_CLIENT_JSON env var
    `scope`access_type`prompt!("openid email";"offline";"consent");