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Apply deep neural networks to streaming IoT data using MQTT and Tensorflow

For manufacturers, machine downtime can cost millions of dollars a year in lost profits, repair costs, and lost production time for employees. By embedding predictive analytics in applications, manufacturing managers can monitor the condition and performance of assets and predict failures before they happen.

kdb Insights Enterprise exists to be the premier cloud-native platform for actionable, data-driven insights.

In this use case, compute logic is applied to live data streaming from a MQTT messaging service. Then Deep Neural Network Regression is used to determine the likelihood of breakdowns.


benefit description
  Predictive analysis Use predictive analytics and data visualizations to forecast a view of asset health and reliability performance.
  Reduce risks Leverage data in real time for detection of issues with processes and equipment, reducing costs and maximizing efficiencies throughout the supply chain with less overhead and risk.
  Control logic Explore how to rapidly develop and visualize computations to extract insights from live streaming data.

1: Build a database

  1. Select Build a Database under Discover kdb Insights Enterprise of the Overview page.
  2. Name the database (e.g. manufacturing), select a database size, typically Starter; click Next.
  3. Click code view button on the top right hand corner.
  4. Replace the JSON into the code editor

    Manufacturing JSON schema

    Paste into the code editor:

            "name": "sensors",
            "type": "partitioned",
            "primaryKeys": [],
            "prtnCol": "time",
            "sortColsDisk": [
            "sortColsMem": [
            "sortColsOrd": [
            "columns": [
                    "type": "timestamp",
                    "attrDisk": "parted",
                    "attrOrd": "parted",
                    "name": "time",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": ""
                    "name": "flowplant",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "pressplant",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "tempplantin",
                    "type": "float",
                   "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "tempplantout",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "massprecryst",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "tempprecryst",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "masscryst1",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "masscryst2",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "masscryst3",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "masscryst4",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "masscryst5",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "tempcryst1",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "tempcryst2",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "tempcryst3",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "tempcryst4",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "tempcryst5",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "temploop1",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "temploop2",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "temploop3",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "temploop4",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "temploop5",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "setpoint",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "contvalve1",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "contvalve2",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "contvalve3",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "contvalve4",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "contvalve5",
                    "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
            "columns": [
                    "type": "timestamp",
                    "attrDisk": "parted",
                    "attrOrd": "parted",
                    "name": "time",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": ""
                    "name": "model",
                    "type": "symbol",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
                    "name": "prediction",
                   "type": "float",
                    "primaryKey": false,
                    "attrMem": "",
                    "attrOrd": "",
                    "attrDisk": ""
            "primaryKeys": [],
            "type": "partitioned",
            "prtnCol": "time",
            "name": "predictions",
            "sortColsDisk": [
            "sortColsMem": [
            "sortColsOrd": [
  5. Apply the JSON

    Applying the JSON will populate the schema table.
    Applying the JSON will populate the schema table.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Next.

  7. Save & Deploy the database. When the database status changes to Active, it's ready to use.

Database warnings

Once the database is active you will see some warnings in the Issues pane of the Database Overview page, these are expected and can be ignored.

An active database, ready to use, will show a green tick next to it under the **Databases** menu.
An active database, ready to use, will show a green tick next to it under the Databases menu.

2. Ingest live MQTT data

MQTT is a standard messaging protocol used in a wide variety of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, etc.

It can be easily consumed by the kdb Insights Enterprise.

  1. Select 2. Import under Discover kdb Insights Enterprise of the Overview page.
  2. Select MQTT and comeplete the properties; * are required:

    setting value
    Topic* livesensor
    Username* mqtt
    Use TLS* disabled
  3. Select the JSON Decoder option; click Next.

  4. Transform data to a kdb+ database compatible format; * are required properties.

    setting value
    Data Format* Any

    Click add schema.

    Load sensors schema and the schema table created in 1. build a database

    Click Next

  5. Configure the writer. Select the manufacturing database and its sensors table.

  6. Click open pipeline button to open a view of the pipeline.

  7. In the pipeline view, add a Function Map node to the pipeline. The decode of the JSON format creates a kdb+ friendly dictionary; the Function Map node converts the dictionary to a kdb+ table.

    1. Right-click the existing link between the Decoder and Transform node; clear to remove.
    2. Position the Function node between the Decoder and Transform node.
    3. Connect the Function node to the Decoder and Transform node with a click-and-drag connect of the dot edge of the node.

      Insert the Function Map node between the Decoder and Transform node.
      Insert the Function Map node between the Decoder and Transform node.

    4. Select the Function node and add q code to the code editor; this transforms the kdb+ dictionary to a table:

          enlist data

      Learn more about enlist.

    5. Leave Allow Partials checked.

    6. Save the pipeline
    7. Deploy the pipeline; complete authentication for the MQTT feed:

      setting value
      password kxrecipe

      Deploying a pipeline requires an active database to receive the data; ensure the manufacturing database is deployed and active before deploying the MQTT pipeline.

      Check Running Pipelines of the Overview page for pipeline status; an active pipeline has Status=Running

      Trouble deploying a pipeline?

      When running Deploy, choose the Test option to debug each node.

      How to run a test deployment

3. Query the data

Data queries are run in the query tab; this is accessible from the [+] of the ribbon menu, or Query under Discover kdb Insights Enterprise of the Overview page.

  1. Open the SQL tab.

    Allow 15-20 minutes of data generation before querying the data to see the same visuals as shown below. Certain queries may return visuals with less data if run too soon.

  2. Copy & paste the following code into the top window pane:

    SELECT time,tempcryst1,tempcryst2,tempcryst3,tempcryst4,tempcryst5 FROM sensors

  3. Define the Output variable as s1.
  4. Click Get Data

    A SQL query using the filter table
    A SQL query using the filter table

  5. Create a visual to focus on temperature; switch the output tab to Visual and run Get Data again.

    In the visual, there is a cyclical pattern of temperature in the crystallizers, fluctuating between 7-20 degrees Celcius.

    Run SQL query to plot sensor temperature over time in the **Visual** tab.
    Run SQL query to plot sensor temperature over time in the Visual tab.

  6. Query mass fields data using SQL. Similar fluctuations occur for mass levels in the crystallizers, moving between 0-20000kg on a cycle.

    SELECT time,masscryst1,masscryst2,masscryst3,masscryst4,masscryst5 FROM sensors

4: Define a standard compute logic

  1. Continue to work in the scratchpad to set control thresholds. Use Control Chart Limits to identify predictable Upper Control (UCL) and Lower Control Limits (LCL).

    Calculate a 3 sigma UCL and LCL to account for 99.7% of expected temperature fluctuations; a recorded temperature outside of this range requires investigation. In the scratchpad, paste:

    // Calculating 5 new values, most notably ucl and lcl where
    // ucl - upper control limit
    // lcl - lower control limit
    select lastTime:last time,
        lastVal: (1.0*last tempcryst3),
        countVal: count tempcryst3,
        ucl: avg tempcryst3 + (3*dev tempcryst3), 
        lcl: avg tempcryst3 - (3*dev tempcryst3)
        by xbar[10;time.minute]
        from s1

    Click Run Scratchpad

    q/kdb+ functions explained

    For more information on the code elements used in the above query:

    • last to get last record
    • * to multiply
    • count returns count of items
    • avg average value of list
    • dev standard deviation
    • xbar buckets time into intervals

    Visualize the threshold. The change in control limits becomes more obvious in the visual appearing like the graph below after ~15-20 minutes of loading data.

    Plot of a 3 sigma upper and lower control temperature bound to account for 99.7% of expected temperature fluctuation in manufacturing process; outliers outside of this band require investigation.
    Plot of a 3 sigma upper and lower control temperature bound to account for 99.7% of expected temperature fluctuation in manufacturing process; outliers outside of this band require investigation.

  2. Next, aggregate temperature thresholds over two rolling time windows; a 1 minute aggregate and a second, smoother, 60 minute aggregate of sensor readings. Run in the scratchpad:

    // Using asof join to join 2 tables 
    // with differing aggregation windows 
        // table 1 aggregates every 1 minute
        select lastTime : last time,
            lastVal : last tempcryst3,
            countVal : count tempcryst3 
            by xbar[1;time.minute] from s1;
        // table 2 aggregates every 60 minute
        select ucl : avg[tempcryst3] + (3*dev tempcryst3),
            lcl : avg[tempcryst3] - (3*dev tempcryst3)
            by xbar[60;time.minute] from s1]
    q/kdb+ functions explained

    For more information on the code elements used in the above query:

    aj is a powerful timeseries join, also known as an asof join, where a time column in the first argument specifies corresponding intervals in a time column of the second argument.

    This is one of two bitemporal joins available in kdb+/q.

    To get an introductory lesson on bitemporal joins, view the free Academy Course on Table Joins.

    Plot of aggregate temperature thresholds for 1 minute and 60 minutes.
    Plot of aggregate temperature thresholds for 1 minute and 60 minutes.

  3. Add parameters for querying; run in the scratchpad:

    // table = input data table to query over 
    // sd = standard deviations required
    // w1 = window one for sensor readings to be aggregated by
    // w2 = window two for limits to be aggregated by
        // table 1
        select lastTime : last time,
            lastVal : last tempcryst3,
            countVal : count tempcryst3 
            by xbar[w1;time.minute] from table;
        // table 2
        select ucl : avg[tempcryst3] + (sd*dev tempcryst3),
            lcl : avg[tempcryst3] - (sd*dev tempcryst3)
            by xbar[w2;time.minute] from table]
    q/kdb+ functions explained

    For more information on the code elements used in the above query:

    {} known as lambda notation allows us to define functions.

    It is a pair of braces (curly brackets) enclosing an optional signature (a list of up to 8 argument names) followed by a zero or more expressions separated by semicolons.

    To get an introductory lesson, view the free Academy Course on Functions.

  4. Define parameter values to generate thresholds; run in the scratchpad:

    // By changing the parameter for w1 we can see the input sensor
    // signal becoming smoother the larger we make it

4: Apply a deep neural network regression model

Apply a trained neutral network model to incoming data.

Architecture of neural network regression model as it relates to kdb Insights Enterprise.
Architecture of neural network reguression model as it relates to kdb Insights Enterprise.

For the purpose of the use case, our model is pre-trained using tensorflow neural networks and xgboost. Each model prediction is then aggregated for added benefit.

Aggregated model pre-trained using tensorflow neural networks and xgboost.
Aggregated model pre-trained using tensorflow neural networks and xgboost.

Kdb Insights Enterprise offers a range of machine learning nodes in the pipeline template to assist in model development.

  1. Duplicate the pipeline created in MQTT import; give it a name

    Duplicate the MQTT import pipeline from the pipeline template menu.
    Duplicate the MQTT import pipeline from the pipeline template menu.

  2. In Pipeline Settings, open the Advanced accordion and paste into the Global Code editor:

    import numpy as np 
    import pykx as kx
    ewmaLag100 = np.nan 
    ewmaLead100 = np.nan 
    ewmaLag300 = np.nan 
    ewmaLead300 = np.nan 
    timeSince = np.nan 
    started = False 
    back = np.nan 

    Update the pipeline settings with python or q code.

  3. Add a Function Split node to the pipeline. Connect this node to the Transform Schema node. This split maintains the database write as one path, and adds the machine learning workflow to the second path.

    Right-click a connecting link to remove it, click-and-drag on the dot to connect two nodes.

    Add a **Function** _Split_ node to the pipeline.
    Add a Function Split node to the pipeline.

  4. Add a Function Map node. Cut-and-paste to the code editor using either python or q code, leave Allow Partials checked:

    def func(data): 
        global timeSince, back 
        if (data["masscryst3"][0].py()>1000)&(not np.isnan(back))&(back < 1000): 
            timeSince = 0.0 
            timeSince = timeSince + 1.0 
        back = data["masscryst3"][0].py() 
        d = data.pd() 
        d['timePast'] = timeSince  
        return d[['time','timePast','tempcryst4','tempcryst5']]
        $[(first[data[`masscryst3]]>1000)&(not null back)&(back<1000);
            tmp:update timePast:timeSince from data];
            tmp:update timePast:timeSince from data]
        select time,timePast,tempcryst4,tempcryst5 from tmp

    Click Apply

    A new variable, timePast, calculates the time interval between spikes; a spike occurs when product mass breaks above 1,000 kg - the spike threshold.

    Rename nodes on right-click

    Right-click on a node to rename

    Rename a node on right-click.
    Rename a node on right-click.

  5. Add a second Function Map node; connect it to the spike threshold node. Cut-and-paste to the code editor in python or q, leave Allow Partials checked:

    def func(data): 
        global started,ewmaLag100,ewmaLead100,ewmaLag300,ewmaLead300 
        if not started: 
            started = True 
            ewmaLag100 = data["tempcryst5"][0].py()  
            ewmaLead100 = data["tempcryst4"][0].py()  
            ewmaLag300 = data["tempcryst5"][0].py()  
            ewmaLead300 = data["tempcryst4"][0].py() 
            ewmaLag100 = a100*data["tempcryst5"][0].py() + (1-a100)*ewmaLag100 
            ewmaLead100 = a100*data["tempcryst4"][0].py() + (1-a100)*ewmaLead100 
            ewmaLag300 = a300*data["tempcryst5"][0].py() + (1-a300)*ewmaLag300 
            ewmaLead300 = a300*data["tempcryst4"][0].py() + (1-a300)*ewmaLead300 
        d = data.pd() 
        d['ewmlead300'] = ewmaLead300 
        d['ewmlag300'] = ewmaLag300 
        d['ewmlead100'] = ewmaLead100 
        d['ewmlag100'] = ewmaLag100 
        d['model'] = kx.SymbolAtom("ANN") 
        d = d[~(np.isnan(d.timePast))] 
        return d 
        $[not started;
        [ewmaLag100::first data`tempcryst5;
        ewmaLead100::first data`tempcryst4;
        ewmaLag300::first data`tempcryst5;
        ewmaLead300::first data`tempcryst4;
        t:update ewmlead300:ewmaLead300,ewmlag300:ewmaLag300,ewmlead100:ewmaLead100,ewmlag100:ewmaLag100 from data;
        select from t where not null timePast

    Click Apply

    This node calculates moving averages for temperature.

    A second **Function** node calculates moving averages for temperature and is connected to the spike threshold node.  Each function node is renamed to identify its role in the pipeline.
    A second Function node calculates moving averages for temperature and is connected to the spike threshold node. Each function node is renamed to identify its role in the pipeline.

  6. Add a Machine Learning node. A large number of machine learning options are available, add the Predict Using Registry Model and connect to the temperature calculation function node.

    1. Click add icon to add a Feature Column Name; this is done for the variables defined in the previous function node:

      setting value
      Feature Column Name ewmlead300
      Feature Column Name ewmlag300
      Feature Column Name ewmlead100
      Feature Column Name ewmlag100
      Feature Column Name tempcryst4
      Feature Column Name tempcryst5
      Feature Column Name timePast

      In the _Predict Using Registry Model_ node, add a _Feature Column Name_ for the variables defined in the previous function node.
      In the Predict Using Registry Model node, add a Feature Column Name for the variables defined in the previous function node.

    2. Set the remaining properties of the Predict Using Registry Model node:

      setting value
      Prediction Column Name yhat
      Registry Type AWS S3
      Registry Path s3://qrisk
    3. Click Apply

  7. A third Function Map node is connected to the Machine Learning node. This node adds some metadata. Copy into the python or q code editor, leave Allow Partials checked:

    def func(data): 
        d = data.pd() 
        d['prediction'] = d['yhat'].astype(float) 
        return d[['time','model','prediction']] 
        select time, model:`ANN, prediction:"f"$yhat from data

    Click Apply

    A third **Function** _Map_ node is connected to the **Machine Learning** node to add some metadata.
    A third Function Map node is connected to the Machine Learning node to add some metadata.

  8. The final node completes the workflow with a write to the database. Connect the Writer kdb Insights database node to the metadata Function node.

    setting value
    Database manufacturing
    Table predictions
    Write direct to HDB unchecked
    Deduplicate Stream checked

    Click Apply

  9. Save the pipeline. In the save dialog, open Environment Variables. This step accesses the machine learning model on AWS cloud storagae.

    variable value
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY X4qk/NECNmKhyO24AlEzhbzoY84bSmo7f6W7AfER
    AWS_REGION eu-west-1

    Click Save

    Define the **Environment Variables** to access the machine learning model stored on AWS.
    Define the Environment Variables to access the machine learning model stored on AWS.

  10. If still running, teardown the existing manufacturing platform and Clear Pipeline State.

    Teardown any running manufacturing pipeline before deploying the machine learning version. Check the box to Clear Pipeline State in the pop-up dialog.
    Teardown any running manufacturing pipeline before deploying the machine learning version. Check the box to Clear Pipeline State in the pop-up dialog.

  11. Deploy the modified pipeline with the machine learning workflow. Complete the authentication to access the MQTT feed:

    setting value
    Password kxrecipe

    Check Running Pipelines of Overview; when Status=Running the prediction model has begun.

    When will my data be ready to Query?

    It takes at least 20 minutes to calculate the timePast variable as two spikes are required; for more spikes in the data, shorten the frequency of spike conditions.

5. Query the Model

After sufficient time has past to generate values for timePast open the query tab; this is accessible from the [+] of the ribbon menu, or Query under Discover kdb Insights Enterprise of the Overview page.

  1. Select the Query tab.

  2. Define the filters:

    setting value
    Table name predictions
    Output variable p1
    Start date Midnight of deployment date
    End date 23:59 of deployment date
  3. Select Visual tab

  4. Run Get Data

    Initial predictive output from set variables.
    Initial predictive output from set variables.

  5. Compare the prediction to "real-world" data; in the scrachpad paste the code:

    select time,
        temp:20*tempcryst4,      // adjust temp by a factor of 20 for visulization purposes
        from aj[`time;s1;p1]        // joining sensors input data with predictions table on time

    Click Run Scratchpad

    Predictive model vs real-world data.
    Predictive model vs real-world data.


While not perfect, the red predictive data matches relatively well to real-world data in blue. Model performance would improve with more data.

The prediction model gives the manufacturer advance notice to when a cycle begins and expected temperatures during the cycle. Such forecasting informs the manufacturer of filtration requirements.

In a typical food processing plant, levels can be adjusted relative to actual temperatures and pressures. By predicting parameters prior to filtration, the manufacturer can alter rates in advance, thus maximising yields.

This and other prediction models can save millions of dollars in lost profits, repair costs, and lost production time for employees. By embedding predictive analytics in applications, manufacturing managers can monitor the condition and performance of assets and predict failures before they happen.

I want to learn more about kdb Insights Machine Learning.