kdb Insights Packaging APIs
The kdb Insights packaging functionality described here is the mechanism by which you can create, modify and introduce custom user-defined logic to kdb Insights and kdb Insights Enterprise applications. This presently is limited to the addition of custom user code but over time will expand to the addition of schemas, pipelines, reports etc.
The documentation outlined here provides you with instructions for the creation, manipulation, upload and use of a package and its associated APIs. This documentation is intended to provide instructions which are agnostic of the location where a package is being consumed, thus, considerations which are specific to interactions within kdb Insights Enterprise are documented here.
At a basic level a package is a versioned, bundled, collection of files which contains: user code, a manifest file describing the package generated and an initialization script used as the entry point for loading a package. An in-depth breakdown of the supported components of a package can be found here.
There are three principal means by which you can interact with a package:
- Command Line Interface - Allows you to create packages, work with them locally and upload to Insights.
- q API - Allows you to interact with packages locally or within an Insights installation using q.
- Python API - Allows you to interact with packages locally or within an Insights installation using Python.
Each of the above links include a quickstart guide to help you to understand how packages are created and how you can use them to generate and interact with functionality intended for use with kdb Insights and kdb Insights Enterprise applications.