REST client API quickstart
Communicate with other cloud services
Our examples load the Kurl library and use async and sync requests to query public datasets.
Blank Slate
A sample application that does nothing, simply loads the REST client
Create client.q
// Enter your code here!
Run q
in the current directory and load client.q
\l client.q
Quickstart with service accounts
For running an application on a virtual machine in the cloud
Two steps to using service accounts:
- Make a service account and list operations (roles or permissions)
- Launch VM instances and assign them service accounts (IAM roles)
To run any of these examples, simply SSH into a VM (of the same vendor as the example) and follow along.
Finding public datasets in Google BigQuery using Async API
A sample application that demonstrates the power of Async API to list public datasets
Datasets are returned as alphabetically sorted ‘paged’ results, and page tokens are used to get the next pages of results.
Create listdata.q
// Find the utility_us public dataset.
// This makes several calls to get paged results of datasets,
// and stops when exact match is found
if[200 <> first resp; 'last resp];
listing:.j.k last resp;
datasets:`s#{x . `datasetReference`datasetId} each listing `datasets;
if[datasetID in datasets;
show "Found ",datasetID;
if[`nextPageToken in key listing;
show "Making subsequent listing starting with ",listing `nextPageToken;
nextQuery:publicDatasetEndpoint,"?pageToken=",listing `nextPageToken;
.kurl.async (nextQuery; `GET; ``callback!(::;.z.s[datasetID;]))
]; }
.kurl.async (publicDatasetEndpoint; `GET; ``callback!(::;findDataset[datasetID;]))
Run q
in the current directory and load listdata.q
\l listdata.q
SQL queries against Covid19 table in Google BigQuery
A sample application that uses SQL to query public Covid19 dataset hosted by Google’s BigQuery
Create covid.q
// Select the first available projectID you have for Google Cloud
resp: .kurl.sync ("";`GET;::)
if[200 <> first resp; ' last resp]
projects:.j.k[last resp] `projects
if[0 = count projects;'"You need access to at least once project"]
projectID:first projects `id
-1 "Using bigquery for project: ", projectID;
// Run an SQL query agaist a known dataset by name
// The full name of the table is bigquery-public-data.covid19_italy.national_trends
query:"SELECT tests_performed, total_confirmed_cases",
" FROM ",sql_table,
" WHERE recovered > deaths"
body:.j.j `useLegacySql`query!(0b; query)
headers:enlist["Content-Type"]!enlist "application/json"
resp:.kurl.sync (queryEndpoint; `POST;`headers`body!(headers;body))
if[200 <> first resp; 'last resp]
// Now convert the JSON into kdb+
obj:.j.k last resp
rowData:{x `v} each obj . `rows`f
typeData: obj . `schema`fields
tout:flip (`$typeData `name)! typeData[`type] {mapIn[x] @ y}' flip rowData
show 10#tout
-1 "...";
Run q
in the current directory and load covid.q
\l covid.q
Upload non-kdb+ data to Azure Storage
This example shows how to create non-Kdb+ files in object storage. Kdb+ objects should be accessed using the objstor library instead of kurl.
Create storage.q
, replacing <account>
with the lowercase name of your storage account.
Run q
in the current directory and load storage.q
\l storage.q
// Note, this particular example will not work against KX public buckets.
// Our public buckets are read only.
// For a private bucket,
// Use Storage Account with with the IAM role Storage Blob Data Owner
// See:
show "Creating a new container";
headers:enlist ["x-ms-version"]!enlist "2017-11-09";
resp:.kurl.sync ("https://<account>"; `PUT; opts);
// Now, add a text file to the bucket
if[201 <> first resp; 'last resp];
show "Uploading hello.txt";
opts[`body]:"hello world";
resp:.kurl.sync ("https://<account>"; `PUT; opts);
if[201 <> first resp; 'last resp];
Uploading large files
For larger files, an upload in one single request may not be possible.
You may upload a file in sequential blocks by using the (Put Block
and Append Block
You may also upload a file in parallel using the same Put Block
API with a BlockBlob.
azcopy for databases
Use azcopy
to upload kdb+ databases. These examples demonstrate how to upload singular files easily.
// Set fileSize and block sizes, produce ranges
fileSize:hcount filepath
blockSize:"j"$4e6 // 4Mb (Azure suppots 4Mib, 4Mb close enough)
ranges:"j"$fileSize&reverse each 1_,':[blockSize*til 1+ceiling fileSize%blockSize]
// First, create the empty blob
resp:.kurl.sync ("https://<account>";`PUT; opts);
if[201i <> first resp; 'last resp];
// Read into a file at an offset, given a length, and upload that block.
opts:`body`headers!(read1(filePath;range 0; range[1] - range 0);headers);
.kurl.sync ("https://<account>";`PUT; opts);
if[201i <> first resp;'last resp];
// Upload each block one after another
uploadBlock[filePath;] each ranges;
// Set fileSize and block sizes, produce ranges
fileSize:hcount filePath
blockSize:"j"$4e6 // 4Mb (Azure suppots 4Mib, 4Mb close enough)
ranges:"j"$fileSize&reverse each 1_,':[blockSize*til 1+ceiling fileSize%blockSize]
// Create a block blob
resp:.kurl.sync ("";`PUT; opts);
if[201i <> first resp; 'last resp];
// Generate block IDs, these need to be equal-length distinct strings
// these strings must also be valid base64 + uri encoded, but are otherwise arbitrary
blockIDs:{raze string x} each 0x0 vs/: til count ranges;
// Upload all the blocks in parallel
uploadBlock:{[filePath; range; blockID]
opts:`body`headers!(read1 (filePath;range 0; range[1] - range 0);headers);
resp:.kurl.sync ("",blockID;`PUT; opts);
if[201i <> first resp;'last resp];
.[uploadBlock[filePath;;];] peach flip (ranges;blockIDs);
// Now create the blob by putting all then block IDs together in order
blockListHead:("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";"<BlockList>")
blockListMid:" <Latest>",/:blockIDs,\:"</Latest>";
blockListTail:enlist "</BlockList>";
opts:`body`headers!("\n" sv blockListHead,blockListMid,blockListTail;headers);
resp:.kurl.sync ("";`PUT; opts);
if[201i <> first resp;'last resp];
Upload a folder to Amazon S3
This example shows how to create non-Kdb+ files in object storage. Kdb+ objects should be accessed using the objstor library instead of kurl.
Create s3folder.q
, replacing <bucket>
and <region>
with the lowercase names of your S3 bucket and AWS Region.
// Recursively list directories, returning only files
diR:{$[11h=type d:key x;raze .z.s each` sv/:x,/:d;d]};
// Stringify and drop colons
files:reverse diR `:upload;
// Synchronously upload files one after another.
// @param bucket {string} HTTPS URL for bucket, must end in trailing slash
// @param hfile {symbol} Local file path
filename:1 _ string hfile;
resp:.kurl.sync (bucket,filename; `PUT; ``file!(::;hfile));
// if not HTTP 200 OK, or 201 Created, its failed
if[not first[resp] in 200 201; 'last resp];
uploadFile each files;
Create a folder of example empty files.
mkdir -p upload/2020.01.01/
touch upload/2020.01.01/hello1.txt
touch upload/2020.01.01/hello2.txt
touch upload/2020.01.01/hello3.txt
touch upload/2020.01.01/hello3.txt
Run q
in the current directory and load s3folder.q
\l s3folder.q
Get and Put files into S3-Compatibile storage
This example shows how to create and retrieve non-Kdb+ files from object storage. Kdb+ objects should be accessed using the objstor library instead of kurl.
With s3-compatible storage set up, such as MinIO, kurl may be used to read files from storage.
:fontawesome-solid-hands-point-right: Setup for MinIO
Setting up MinIO would have you export an endpoint, similar to:
export KX_S3_ENDPOINT="
An example statement showing how one would read a CSV from a bucket hosted on s3
r: .kurl.sync (""; `GET; `service`region!("s3";"us-east-1"));
if[first resp <> 200; 'last resp];
// Print the CSV file
\c 200 200
show last r;
To upload a CSV file from in-memory variable:
// Upload in-memory text
myCSV:"\n" sv csv 0: ([] x:til 50; y: 50?`8);
r: .kurl.sync (""; `PUT; `body`service`region!(myCSV; "s3";"us-east-1"));
if[not first[resp] in 200 201; 'last resp];
To upload a CSV file from local disk:
r: .kurl.sync (""; `PUT; `file`service`region!(`:path/to/myCSV.csv; "s3";"us-east-1"));
if[not first[resp] in 200 201; 'last resp];
Create a namespace in AWS Cloud Map
Use AWS Cloud Map to create an HTTP namespace and wait for it to come online
Create service.q
// Create a new namespace, this returns an operation ID
body:.j.j enlist[`Name]!enlist "kxceNamespace"
resp:.kurl.sync (URL;`POST;`headers`body!(headers;body))
if[first resp <> 200; 'last resp]
if[200 <> first resp; ' last resp];
j:.j.k last resp;
if["SUCCESS" ~ j . `Operation`Status; show "Namespace created"; .test.done:1b]; }
show "Calling getOperation to see if namespace has been created...";
opts:`headers`body`callback!(headers;id; checkOperation);
.kurl.async (url;`POST;opts)
// The response of creating a namespace returns an input to GetOperation resp
.z.ts:{ if[.test.done; system "t 0"; :(::)]; getOperation; }
\t 500
Run q
in the current directory and load service.q
\l service.q
Interactive OAuth2 login
You can add applications as trusted clients within Google and Azure (Active Directory).
You can bundle client secrets with your application, to enable Single Sign On workflows.
The examples use an HTTP redirect URI for simplicity.
To use HTTPS, you must include TLS cerficates and ENV vars with your QPacker deployment.
You will also need to open port 1234 for incoming requests so that you can use a browser window to log in.
Google People API
Use Google’s People API to list your contact groups
These are the groups you may or may not have in
Complete list of Google’s OAuth2 scopes
Create client credentials: in the Google Cloud Console, open API & Services > Credentials and create a new OAuth client ID.
Pick the web application type and give it a Redirect URI of http://<hostname>:1234
, where hostname
is the hostname/IPV4 of your VM or local machine.
Enable the People API: under API & Services > Library browse for the Google People API and install it. Wait a few minutes before proceeding to the step.
Download the client.json
, or copy the values presented by Google and uncomment the block.
Replace <hostname>
with your machine’s or instance’s public IPv4 address or hostname.
Create oauth2.q
// Read in downloaded JSON and parse it
client:.j.k "c"$read1`:/path/to/client.json
//// Registered client application secrets
// "<Client ID>";
// "<Client Secret>";
// "";
// "";
// enlist "http://<hostname>:1234"
// );
callback:{[tenant; auth_response]
show .test.resp; }
"*"; // Google endpoint/s the login is valid for
("openid email ",uri;"offline";"consent";"http://<hostname>:1234");
Build and run, using port forward to allow login
Run q
in the current directory and load oauth2.q
\l oauth2.q
Microsoft Graph API
You can use Azure Active Directory to register a trusted application secret that you may bundle with your deployment. Trusted applications can start interactive Single Sign On (SSO) workflows on behalf of users.
This will allow you to create desktop applications, or enable developers to login from their workstations.
Azure Services compatible with Active Directory
Notice Microsoft Graph is not under the Azure umbrella above, but is still supported by Active Directory.
First, create a new Azure Active Directory and client secret.
Using the Azure Portal, go to the Azure Active Directory service. In the Manage section in Azure Active Directory find the App Registrations menu.
Create a new application and give it a Redirect URI of http://localhost:1234.
After having created a new application, you may create a Client Secret under the Certificates & Secrets menu.
Go to the API Permissions section of the App Registration, and ensure you have
permission for Microsoft Graph.
You may also need to Grant admin consent, which will add a green checkmark.
Next deploy the OAuth2 application as follows.
- Create a new directory
- Create
as below, and fill in the application information:- Replace
with the value for the new client secret you have made - Replace Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID using the values from the App Overview
- Replace
- Run
in the current directory and loadoauth2.q
:- q
- \l oauth2.q
- Open the browser as directed.
Create oauth2.q
as below, replacing
replace | with |
Secret Value value for the new client secret you made
Application (client) ID values from the App Overview
Directory (tenant) ID
hostname your machine's or instance's public IPv4 address or hostname
// Registered client application secrets
"<Application (client) ID>";
"<Secret Value>";
"<Directory (tenant) ID>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize";
"<Directory (tenant) ID>/oauth2/v2.0/token";
enlist "http://localhost:1234" )
callback:{[tenant; auth_response]
show .test.resp;
// Add here any further API calls you like! You would need Outlook enabled
// or other Microsoft Apps to do anything more interesting.
// Open web browser that you will login to, and invoke callback when done
("openid offline_access";
.kurl.oauth2.startLoginFlow[""; client; optns; callback]